energy efficiency has more to offer in terms of sustainability than renewable energy

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energy efficiency has more to offer in terms of sustainability than renewable energy
Answered Same DayOct 14, 2021

Answer To: energy efficiency has more to offer in terms of sustainability than renewable energy

Amar answered on Nov 23 2021
132 Votes
Running Header: Energy Efficiency Has More to Offer in terms of Sustainability Than Renewable Energy
Energy Efficiency Has More to Offer in terms of Sustainability Than Renewable Energy
Energy Efficiency Has More to Offer in terms of Sustainability Than Renewable Energy
Table of Contents
Research Background    3
Problem Statement, Aims, and Objectives    4
Literature Review    5
Findings and Analysis    10
Conclusion    15
References    18
Research Background
Energy sustainability in the recent times has become global level necessity on account of the pervasive usage concerning the energy resources at a global level, overall impacts over environment concerning energy processes as well as their implications beyond the local towards regional as well as global scenario, and also an increasing trend in globalization with respect to global economy. Energy can be stated to be directly interrelated with broader notions concerning sustainability as well as has impacts overall civili
zation. The same is specifically evident as energy resources essentially drive significant if not all of the economic activity at a global level, across all of the economic domains like for example, transportation, industry, commercial, residential, etc. In addition, energy resources, irrespective of being carbon dependent or else renewable, can be noted to be obtained by way of environment, as well as wastes by way of energy processes in terms of production, storage, transport, and utilization, shall be released typically to the relevant environment. Lastly, the overall services enabled by energy paves way for better standards of living, as well as usually aid in social stability and also social / cultural development. On account of intimate form of ties amongst energy as well as key set of components concerning sustainable development, overall attainment pertaining to energy sustainability has been recognized increasingly to be critical element in attaining sustainable development [1] [2].
Energy sustainability can be taken herein as not just being concerned related to the sources of sustainable energy, but instead in being significantly comprehensive. The same shall mean that energy sustainability shall be taken in involving sustainable usage concerning energy within broader schemes of energy systems. The said system encompasses processes as well as technologies to undertake harvesting pertaining to energy sources, the affiliated conversion towards useful forms of energy, energy transportation, storage, as well as overall utilization concerning energy for the purposes of providing energy services like that of operating the communications systems, providing light to buildings, warming people during winters, etc. Hence, energy sustainability can go beyond searching for the sustainable form of energy sources, as well as essentially implies sustainable form of energy systems, that is, systems which shall utilize sustainable form of energy resources, as well as undertake processing, storage, transportation as well as the utilization concerning the said resources in a sustainable manner [3] [4].
Sustainable development at an increasing level is transforming as the goal towards which all of the nations aspire. Overall, sustainability can be defined over many different ways, as well as shall be usually considered in having three different and distinct set of components, that is, social, economic, and environmental. The said three factors while considered in a separate manner usually pull the society across varied directions like for example, economic sustainability could be attained in expense of the social and environmental sustainability. Overall form of sustainable development broadly needs simultaneous form of achievement concerning the social, economic, and environmental sustainability. The attainment of this balance shall be challenging, as well as there is a need to consider myriad energy factors with each of the component [3] [4].
Problem Statement, Aims, and Objectives
In the context of the research background provided, the overall significance and criticality for sustainability is very evident. In this context, some key domains by which the overall industry is pursuing the sustainability attainment by way of varied ways. Broadly, the two key ways include the measures of energy efficiency using the existing energy systems that are based on fossil fuels, and to pursue completely renewable energy sources-based systems. In this context, the comparative assessment between the relative effectiveness of energy efficiency using the existing energy systems that are based on fossil fuels, and to pursue completely renewable energy sources-based systems are pursued in the existing literature. To address this knowledge gap, the aim of the study is to identify if the energy efficiency has more to offer in terms of sustainability as compared to renewable energy.
The specific objectives of this study on the basis of the knowledge gap and aims identified include the following –
· identifying the overall effectiveness of energy efficiency using the existing energy systems that are based on fossil fuels
· identifying the overall effectiveness of energy efficiency using the renewable energy sources-based systems
· identifying if the energy efficiency has more to offer in terms of sustainability as compared to renewable energy
Literature Review
In essence, sustainable development could be stated to be the maintaining of overall amounts in terms of sources that are utilized at a societal level for the present day needs in the levels which shall not lead to the deprivation of future generations with respect to their respective needs. Within the context of the definition, the sustainable form of development have three different dimensions that shall be at the environmental, social, and economic level. For the stated reasons, the same could be essential for covering the energy that is ever-increasing form of need for the purposes of achieving the sustainable development [5] [6]. In different terms, for improving the overall living standards concerning the individuals, for purposes of realizing the production that is essential for the society, as well as in minimizing the overall pollution concerning the resources that are used within the stated processes. In the present times, almost all of the nations essential cover the overall energy needs by way of fossil fuels like that of natural gas, coal, etc. as well as energy consumption across the countries increase, carbon emissions shall also increase. While fossil fuels get utilized, they shall leave specific levels of amount in residue in forms of the solid substances as well as gases. The said residue that shall get caused on account of fossil fuels, the same could not be re-employed in different manner as well as in consequence, the same shall lead to environmental pollution. Within the said context, satisfying increasing levels of energy need by way of renewable resources like that of solar, geothermal, bio-mass, wind, as well as biofuels that shall aid in keeping pollution pertaining to the sources over lowest of levels concerning the sustainable development. In different terms, essentially sustainable development needs longer term potential actions, as well as renewable energy form of sources appear in being one amongst the highly common as well as effective form of solutions over the said direction [7] [8]. In a fortunate manner, technological developments shall mean in that the demand as well as interest with respect to the sources of renewable energy have increased on account of the reasons like that of the increases concerning environmental level pollution as well as faster consumption of fast fossil fuel. Domains like that of energy security, energy, global warming, etc. continue to be discussed across most of the countries as well as regulations that get made within the stated context. The highly critical form of pioneering study within this domain was undertaken by United Nations and by listing Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) that total to seventeen, and United Nations have emphasized overall actions countries will be required to be undertaken within 2030 with respect to sustainable development. One of the goal in this context concerns accessibility towards reliable, affordable, modern as well as sustainable energy from everyone. In the said context, the overall significance concerning renewable energy with respect to sustainable development have been highlighted [9]. However in contrast to relationship in-between renewable energy as well as carbon emissions, there appears in being gap within literature in terms of effects concerning sustainable development. The study undertaken by United Nations can be noted in being pioneering within this regard, as whilst GDP gets used in being indicator for sustainable development across varied studies within the field, in the manner mentioned, the study uses adjusted form of net savings and also carbon emissions. In the said context, the study by United Nations aims in analysing the effects concerning renewable energy over sustainable form of development across developed as well as developing nations [10]. As per the estimation results, essentially renewable energy has an impact over sustainable development within both the developed as well as developing nations over a positive manner. In addition, impacts from renewable energy over sustainable development shall be more than that of impacts concerning non-renewable energy. In different terms, as usage of the renewable energy from countries increase, overall possibility to reach the targets by 2030 as has been defined by United Nations shall increase in addition. Hence, the study by United Nations reveals overall significance of the renewable energy usage concerning developed as well...

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