?Encourages cooperation rather than competition ?Aids learning by clearly defining learning expectations ?Assists teachers to become better educators by encouraging them to define in writing their...

?Encourages cooperation rather than competition ?Aids learning by clearly defining learning expectations ?Assists teachers to become better educators by encouraging them to define in writing their expectations and standards for performance.

Slide 1 25-Dec-20 1 Chapter sEVEN assessment methods PREPARE AND USE KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENTS 25-Dec-20 2 Objectives At the end of these session students will be able to : Select methods for assessing students’ knowledge Prepare knowledge assessments Develop questions for objective written examinations Administer and score knowledge assessments Use assessment results to improve performance 25-Dec-20 3 Brainstorming What do we mean by knowledge assessment? How do we assess knowledge? What is purpose of assessing knowledge? 4 25-Dec-20 INTRODUCTION Teachers must be careful to assess students’ knowledge in * a valid, * reliable, and * feasible way Clear learning objectives are critical for the valid assessment of knowledge. 25-Dec-20 5 Introduction…. Terminologies Validity Reliability Feasibility Objectivity Criterion-referenced Formative assessment Summative assessment 25-Dec-20 6 Terminologies….. Validity—Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure? Validity is concerned with getting test results that are appropriate, meaningful, and useful. An assessment is valid if it adequately measures whether the knowledge, skill, and attitude objectives of the course have been met. 25-Dec-20 7 Reliability An assessment is reliable when it consistently measures what it is designed to measure. A reliable assessment should obtain similar results if the same students take the exam more than once. 25-Dec-20 8 Feasibility Is the test practical in terms of the time and resources needed? Assessments should be relatively easy to administer 25-Dec-20 9 Objectivity An assessment method is considered objective if the teacher’s judgment or personal opinion cannot affect the score It is one that is free of teacher bias. Objective tests are preferred and improve the reliability of assessments 25-Dec-20 10 Criterion-referenced assessment Scored based on clear criteria The student is being tested against predefined performance criteria and not against other students 25-Dec-20 11 Benefits of a criterion-referenced assessment: Encourages cooperation rather than competition Aids learning by clearly defining learning expectations Assists teachers to become better educators by encouraging them to define in writing their expectations and standards for performance. 25-Dec-20 12 Formative knowledge assessments Help guide students toward meeting the learning objectives Measures students’ progress throughout the course Its purpose is to help students improve their performance 25-Dec-20 13 Summative knowledge assessments Ensure that students finish the course with the required knowledge Formal assessment of a student’s achievement at scheduled points during the course Typically, the results of summative assessments are used to decide whether a student can complete a course, move on to another course in the academic program, or graduate. 25-Dec-20 14 What is the difference between formative and summative assessment? In a formative assessment, the results are used to; Give feedback to students, Help them improve their performance, and help them prepare for later assessments. 25-Dec-20 15 Cont… In a summative assessment, The results are recorded and Used to determine if the student should pass the course. 25-Dec-20 16 METHODS FOR ASSESSING STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE 25-Dec-20 17 What methods can be used for the formative and summative assessment of students’ knowledge Drills, quizzes, and practice tests Written exercises Case studies, clinical scenarios, and patient management problems Project reports Essay examinations Objective written examinations (e.g., true-false, multiple-choice, matching and short-answer questions) Structured practical examinations Oral examinations 25-Dec-20 18 Drills, Quizzes, and Practice Tests Drills, quizzes, and practice tests are typically used for formative assessment. Drills are verbal question-and-answer periods during a classroom or practical session. Quizzes and practice tests help prepare students for a summative assessment. 25-Dec-20 19 Written Exercises Written exercises involve asking students to read a case study, or view a video, slides, or photographs and then answer questions to check their understanding of the reading. 25-Dec-20 20 Typically begin with a variable amount of information followed by a series of questions to which the student should respond They simulate problem solving or clinical decision-making. 25-Dec-20 21 Case Studies, Clinical Scenarios, and Patient Management Problems Example: A woman comes to the health center and tells you that she feels tired all the time. You find out that she is 30 years old and about 5 months pregnant. 1. List three things that you think might cause the tiredness. 2. Write down two other questions that you would like to ask the woman. 25-Dec-20 22 Essay Examinations An essay examination is a common type of written examination in which students are asked to write down what they know about a subject or question. 25-Dec-20 23 Essay Examinations… Advantage Easy to develop test Can test students’ ability to organize and express their ideas Disadvantage The scoring of essay questions is subjective and Very time consuming 25-Dec-20 24 One of the best ways to increase objectivity is to develop an answer key for each question. The answer key is a listing of all the points, ideas, or statements that will be counted as correct answers when the test is scored. Modified essay questions are more reliable and feasible. 25-Dec-20 25 Essay Examinations… Objective Written Examinations Is one in which equally competent scorers will obtain the same scores, Subjective assessment is one in which the scores are influenced by the opinion or judgment of the person doing the scoring. 25-Dec-20 26 Objective Written Examinations… The objective written examination includes multiple-choice, matching, true-false, and short answer questions It is very structured and each question requires a short, restricted answer or the selection of the correct response 25-Dec-20 27 Structured Practical Examinations Assess knowledge, skills, and attitudes. It is not really an assessment method but rather an administrative structure in which a variety of assessment methods can be incorporated. The “objective structured clinical examination” (OSCE) is one of the most well-known forms of structured practical examinations 25-Dec-20 28 Oral Examinations Are a traditional part of healthcare providers’ education Oral examinations should be used only to test competencies that cannot be tested by other methods of assessment. These competencies include alertness, ability to express oneself, confidence, decisiveness, and ability to discuss logically. 25-Dec-20 29 PREPARE KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENTS Assessments The general guidelines to use when developing knowledge assessments: Identify the learning objectives or outcomes to be assessed. Use simple and clear language in all questions. Include at least one item per objective. Use correct grammar in both the question and the possible answers 25-Dec-20 30 PREPARE KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENTS … Ensure that questions reflect conditions stated in the objective. Are the distractors (incorrect answers) in multiple-choice questions? Is the question in any way controversial? If it is, the question should be discarded. What is the difficulty of the questions? Questions of moderate difficulty are best. Make each test item separate from every other item. 25-Dec-20 31 PREPARE KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENTS … Ask the same or similar questions to all students. Divide long or complicated examinations into several parts. Provide clear directions for each type of item (e.g., true-false, multiple-choice). Decide on the model answers to questions. Use answer keys or checklists for scoring. 25-Dec-20 32 Assemble Knowledge Assessments When arranging test items, you can organize them on the basis of one or more of three characteristics: 1. The subject matter -means that the test items are grouped according to a set of subject matter topics 2. Type of item-all similar test items are placed together, including true-false, multiple-choice, and matching items. 3. Level of difficulty-from easiest to most difficult. 25-Dec-20 33 Review the Assembled Assessment It is a good policy to review each part critically. Check the grammar and Ask yourself the following questions: Are there question items for all of the objectives covered by this test? Does the number of test items adequately reflect the amount of time spent on each objective? 25-Dec-20 34 Review the Assembled Assessment… Does each item really measure the students’ attainment of the objective? If not, how could it be revised to do so? Is each set of directions clear? Do the directions apply to every item in the group, or do some items require specific directions? Is there ample space to write the response? 25-Dec-20 35 Review the Assembled Assessment… Are irrelevant questions avoided? Is each item separate and independent from the rest of the items? Are similar items grouped together? 25-Dec-20 36 DEVELOP QUESTIONS FOR OBJECTIVE WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS Objective written examinations can cover a large number of learning objectives in one examination. The main advantages are:- - Easy to score - High reliability 25-Dec-20 37 The most commonly used question formats for objective written examinations are: * true-false * multiple-choice * matching, and * short answer. 25-Dec-20 38 discuss on the advantage and disadvantage of owe 25-Dec-20 39 True-False Questions A true-false question asks the student to respond with either “true,” meaning the statement is true, or “false,” meaning the statement is false. These questions assess knowledge and can test understanding. 25-Dec-20 40 True-False Questions ADVANTAGES Cover a large amount of information Easy to answer (three to five per minute) Easy to score DISADVANTAGES 50 percent chance of guessing the correct answer Difficult to construct items that are absolutely true or false 25-Dec-20 41 Tips for writing good true-false questions The language of true-false test items should be clear, concise and understandable. Use short statements that contain only one idea. Avoid words or expressions that frequently identify a statement as true or false. Use statements that are either completely true or completely false. Make the true statements equivalent in length and number to the false statements. 25-Dec-20 42 Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) Are the most widely used type of objective test item. It is difficult to write clear multiple-choice questions, but
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