Emphasizing Important Information in a Technical Description Prompt
English 235
Due: 11:59 pm August 2, 2020 in Canvas
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze and revise a technical description document after you have completed some research into the topic area. Your analysis and revision should address issues of titles/headings, information flow (topics) and size (paragraphs vs chunks), transitions, and fine details. While you should analyze the document before researching and revising, you must also write a short reflective response about the process of analysis, research, and revision.
By completing this assignment, the problem you are trying to solve is how best to revise the document so that it appropriately deals with the issues at hand (the problems raised inDocument B.2
Actions), incorporates new research, and best communicates the information it contains.
This assignment will reinforce the following skills that are necessary in professional and technical communication:
- Analysis of information
- Focus on important issues
- Constructing clear and concise prose
- Revision of pre-existing work product
- Conducting outside research to integrate into a document
- Balance of detailed and general knowledge for a broad audience
Understanding audience needs and expectations is one of the most foundational components of professional and technical writing. Therefore, successful completion of this assignment requires that you consider your audience,both instructors/students in a college engineering program and prospective students for that program, and frame your analysis and document revision to be most successful for that audience.
Completion of this assignment should generally follow the proceeding steps:
Establish a calendar with deadlines for each of the major steps of the writing process that follow.
Review the source material (Document B.1
Actions, Draft of the Description of 3D Printing;Document B.2
Actions, Dr. Juneja’s E-mail; the case background outlined below) multiple times to build expertise.
Spend time analyzing each of the major components of the document.
Schedule different analysis sessions for each of the different sections.
Focus on identifying strengths and weaknesses of each section:
Document B.2
Actionsto focus your analysis on the 5 specific revision points identified in the document.
Conduct research on 3D printers/printing that connects to the five revision areas identified inDocument B.2
Draft an outline of the revised document that incorporates pertinent information from your research.
Work on revising each section in turn based on the data you gathered during your analysis, your research material, and revision outline.
Schedule a short usability test (i.e., peer review) to receive feedback on your revisions.
Implement any additional changes identified during usability test.
Complete Reflective Response Prompt (see below).
Submit final revision of document and Reflective Response Prompt by due date.
To give yourself the best chance of producing a successful document revisionyou will want to avoid making the following decisions. In other words,don’t do these things:
Wait until the day before the assignment is due to start.
Don’t conduct any research.
Don’t test the document.
E., don’t go to the writing center, have peers read revised document, etc.
Do no specific analysis of the document prior to revising.