eed in C++ without using Do loop! Play the rock paper scissors game. Two players enter either rock, paper, or scissors and the winner is determined as follows: paper covers rock rock breaks scissors...

eed in C++ without using Do loop!

Play the rock paper scissors game. Two players enter either rock, paper, or scissors and the winner is determined as follows:

paper covers rock

rock breaks scissors

scissors cut paper.

Ask the user if s/he wants to play again. BE SURE to include a function called play as shown in the template.

Sample run:

Play rock, paper, scissors

Player 1: rock

Player 2: paper

Player 2 wins -- Paper covers rock

Do you want to continue? (yes or no): yes

Player 1: scissors

Player 2: rock

Player 2 wins -- Rock breaks scissors

Do you want to continue? (yes or no): no

You must include a function called play which plays the game and returns

Define stubs for the functions called by the below main(). Each stub should print "FIXME: Finish FunctionName()" followed by a newline, and should return -1. Example output:

FIXME: Finish GetUserNum()

FIXME: Finish GetUserNum()

FIXME: Finish ComputeAvg()

Avg: -1


using namespace std;


int main() {

int userNum1 = 0;

int userNum2 = 0;

int avgResult = 0;

userNum1 = GetUserNum();

userNum2 = GetUserNum();

avgResult = ComputeAvg(userNum1, userNum2);


return 0;


Ask the user for a number between 3 and 100 (inclusive). USING LOOPS, figure out what is the largest power of 2 that is less than or equal to the number entered. For example, if the user entered 6, answer would be 4. If the user entered 100, the answer would be 64. You must do this within a function called powerOfTwo. For example:

Please enter a number from 3 to 100: 100

The answer is 64



using namespace std;

/* Type your code here. */

int main()


int num;

cout cin >> num;

cout if ((num 100))

cout else {

int answer = powerOfTwo(num);

cout }


Ask the user for a number between 2 and 1000. Using a loop, calculate the
integer square root
by calculating the square of every number from 1 until the square of the number is more than the number entered. The previous number is the integer square root. You must write a function called intSqrRoot which calculates the answer and
it to main. See the template given. Sample run:

Please enter a number between 2 and 1000: 16


The integer square root of 16 is 4.

The numbers in the square brackets are intermediate values.


using namespace std;

/* Type your code here. */

int main()


int num;

cout cin >> num;

cout if ((num 1000))

cout else {

int answer;

answer = intSqrRoot(num);

cout cout cout cout cout cout }


Get answer

May 18, 2022

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