EDPY 577 Assignment 1 Directions: For the first three problems, use the dataset, Assignment_1_Data.sav, found on CANVAS for Assignment 1. In this assignment, you are to describe the data (as...

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solve these three questions

EDPY 577 Assignment 1 Directions: For the first three problems, use the dataset, Assignment_1_Data.sav, found on CANVAS for Assignment 1. In this assignment, you are to describe the data (as appropriate) in terms of: (1) Shape: Describe the distribution in terms of skewness, kurtosis, and modality (unimodal, bimodal, multimodal). Print and interpret a graph of the distribution. (2) Central Tendency: Indicate which measure (mean, median, or mode) is the best measure of central tendency. Justify your answer. (3) Variation: Indicate the best measure of the spread of scores is: range, variance, standard deviation, or IQR. Justify your answer. (4) Answer the specific question asked in each problem. For the first four problems, please upload the following to Canvas: (1) your written/typed description/response to each of the three above questions (2) SPSS output (be sure to include the appropriate graph) 1. Principal Patty wants to install a new vending machine in her building. In order to best serve the students (and make the most money from drink sales), the principal decides to survey the students and ask which of the following their favorite beverage is: (1) coffee, (2) tea, (3) soft drinks, (4) juice, or (5) water. In the dataset, Assignment_1_Data.sav, use the variable “drink” for this scenario. Based on your findings, what drink would you recommend be sold in the new machine? Explain why. Statistics drink N Valid 77 Missing 0 Mode 3 Range 4 Minimum 1 Maximum 5 drink Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid coffee 14 18.2 18.2 18.2 tea 11 14.3 14.3 32.5 soft drink 30 39.0 39.0 71.4 juice 15 19.5 19.5 90.9 water 7 9.1 9.1 100.0 Total 77 100.0 100.0 Statistics algebra N Valid 77 Missing 0 Mean 53.21 Median 53.00 Std. Deviation 7.468 Range 33 Minimum 38 Maximum 71 2. Dr. Deviation is teaching three sections of Business Calculus this semester. In order to determine how much algebra her students already know and to better plan her course, she gave a pretest over the course material to all her students. In the dataset, Assignment_1_Data.sav, use the variable “algebra” for this scenario (where a higher score equals more algebraic knowledge and possible scores range from 0 to 100). Based on your analysis, how would you describe her students’ current knowledge of algebra? 3. Carl Computation is the manager of a software development firm. He is concerned that many of his valuable employees are “striking it rich” in the private sector and are retiring early from the firm. He contacts the personnel department and requests the age at which recent retirees have retired. Use the variable “age” for this scenario. Based on the data, are Carl Computation’s concerns of early retirement justified? Briefly explain. 4. Enter the following GPA data in SPSS. Compute the mean, median, and mode. What is the preferred measure of central tendency? Why? Produce a graph that displays the preferred measure of central tendency for the data. 3.9 4.0 3.8 2.0 3.7 3.5 1.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 2.5 2.6 3.6 3.4 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.2 3.5 3.6 3.7 4.0 5. Why are there multiple measures of central tendency and variability? In other words, why isn’t one measure of central tendency or variability sufficient? Discuss.
Answered Same DaySep 02, 2021

Answer To: EDPY 577 Assignment 1 Directions: For the first three problems, use the dataset,...

Pooja answered on Sep 03 2021
149 Votes
EDPY 577 Assignment 1
Directions: For the first three problems, use the dataset, Assignment_1_Data.sav, found on CANVAS for Assignment 1. In this assignment, you are to describe the dat
a (as appropriate) in terms of:
(1) Shape: Describe the distribution in terms of skewness, kurtosis, and modality (unimodal, bimodal, multimodal). Print and interpret a graph of the distribution.
(2) Central Tendency: Indicate which measure (mean, median, or mode) is the best measure of central tendency. Justify your answer.
(3) Variation: Indicate the best measure of the spread of scores is: range, variance, standard deviation, or IQR. Justify your answer.
(4) Answer the specific question asked in each problem.
For the first four problems, please upload the following to Canvas:
(1) your written/typed description/response to each of the three above questions
(2) SPSS output (be sure to include the appropriate graph)
1. Principal Patty wants to install a new vending machine in her building. In order to best serve the students (and make the most money from drink sales), the principal decides to survey the students and ask which of the following their favorite beverage is: (1) coffee, (2) tea, (3) soft drinks, (4) juice, or (5) water. In the dataset, Assignment_1_Data.sav, use the variable “drink” for this scenario. Based on your findings, what drink would you recommend be sold in the new machine? Explain why.
Drink is measured by the nominal scale of measurement. Drink has 5 categories namely (1) coffee, (2) tea, (3) soft drinks, (4) juice, or (5) water. Hence is the best measure of central tendency is mode for drink.
    Valid Percent
    Cumulative Percent

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