Answer To: Early Childhood behavior Management “Functional Behavioral Assessment Short Paper,” in which you...
Soumi answered on Aug 16 2020
“Functional Behavioral Assessment Short Paper”
Student’s name: _______________________
Course name and number: _______________________
Instructor’s name: _______________________
Date submitted: _______________________
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Purpose and Significance of Proactive Behavior Management 3
Strategies to be used by Teachers for determining Functions of Challenging Behavior 5
Individual Support Plan for 5
Probable Functions of Behavior 6
Specific Supports for Positive Behavior 6
Replacement Behaviors 7
Teacher’s Role in terms of Designing and Implementing Behavior Plan in Classroom 7
Conclusion 8
References 9
Early childhood is one of the most significant stages of man’s life. It is during this phase of life when an individual is most receptive towards learning and developing. Hence, it is of prime importance that the individual receives proper guidance in terms of education, behavior development, maintenance of good health, understanding differences between the good and the bad that would help them grow up to be good human beings. Hence, proper guidelines for the early childhood behavior management is an absolute necessity.
Purpose and Significance of Proactive Behavior Management
During their early childhood, children generally fail to distinguish right from wrong and may appear to be very troublesome. The children might also exhibit anomalous behavioral traits and abnormalities in their conduct. As viewed by Patterson, DeBaryshe and Ramsey (2017), educators are faced with unexpected, newer challenges coming from different children and may never be fully prepared to tackle with the children. However, as mentors to young children, the teachers need to be spontaneous and efficient in handling the children. Hence, it is important for them to be able to put up with children posing them with behavioral challenges and develop ways to deal with difficult children.
Children form the base for the growth of any nation and for them to grow up to be responsible citizens, proper behavior management is prime. As indicated by Daley et al. (2014), challenging behavior may adversely impact the health of the children as well as people surrounding them. For instance, lack of feeding could cause deficiency diseases and consequent illness in children. Again, certain children demonstrating aggressive, behavior might end up harming themselves and others. If the children are not looked after and trained properly, they might grow up to be suicidal in nature.
To be able to thrive in the society and be accepted by it, need for appropriate behavior is paramount. Ill-behaved individuals might get shunned by the society and subject to social isolation as well as peer rejection. As suggested by Kinniburgh, Blaustein, Spinazzola and Van der Kolk (2017), this, in turn, might lead to concomitant depression, loneliness and anxiety in them. Moreover, the presence of ill-behaved children might have a negative influence on the other children present in the same set-up. During the early childhood years, children tend to pick up habits, both the proper and improper ones very quickly. In order to prevent children with improper behavior from setting a wrong example to others, the proper management of their behavior is indispensable.
Young children are susceptible to behavioral disorders such as the Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Besides, as mentioned by Kales, Gitlin and Lyketsos (2015), certain genetically-determined, mental development diseases such as Autism and Dyslexia impact children’s behavior as well as conduct. Children with ODD are generally temperamental and impulsive. They annoy others and themselves tend to get angry easily. These children have a negative outlook and refuse to cooperate with others, even in activities focused at their betterment.
Children having CD may appear to be aggressive, bullying and of cruel nature. They may also be destructive, involving themselves in vandalism, deceitful by lying repeatedly and participating in thefts (Bearss et al., 2015). Besides, the children also come across as rebels, deliberately opposing as well as going against rules and regulations. Children suffering from ADHD are more likely to be inattentive, impulsive and extremely restless.