Each student will write a XXXXXXXXXXpage) paper discussing aspects of corporate culture which support, or fail to support cyber security. The paper will use at least two references/sources. TOPIC: How...

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Each student will write a (4 - 10 page) paper discussing aspects of corporate culture which support, or fail to support cyber security. The paper will use at least two references/sources.

TOPIC: How to build a healthy and effective security culture and how it impacts employees.

Papers must be completed using the format described in the linked ACM Submission Template:


Use single column format. References must be in
ACM Reference Format. For questions about the ACM publication requirements see:

Grading will be based on content, as well as, grammar, style, and format. Some technical writing requirements to keep in mind:

  • Citations in body of writing to give credit to where information is from/was learned

  • Do not use pronouns (you, I, they, he, she....)

  • Do not use descriptive adjectives (great, nice)

  • Ensure ACM format is followed

  • Use a technical writing tone (more formal than informal)

Submission Template for ACM Papers* Insert Your Subtitle Here First A. Author† First Department Name, First Institution/University Name, City, State, Country, [email protected] Second B. Author Second Department Name, Second Institution/University Name, City, State, Country, [email protected] * Place the footnote text for the title (if applicable) here. † Place the footnote text for the author (if applicable) here. ABSTRACT This submission template allows authors to submit their papers for review to an ACM Conference or Journal without any output design specifications incorporated at this point in the process. The ACM “Submission Template” is a single column MS-Word document that allows authors to type their content into the pre-existing set of paragraph formatting styles applied to the sample placeholder text here, or copy-and-paste their text and then apply the respective paragraph styles (Windows: you can open the Styles task pane from the Home tab [it can also be opened with the keyboard shortcut Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S]; MAC16: you can access the Styles pane at the right of the Home toolbar.) Highlight a section that you want to designate with a certain style, and then select the appropriate style from the list. To view which style is being used in any part of this document, place your cursor on your text and look at the “Current style” field in the Styles pane. It is beneficial to create your document in draft mode with the style panel open in the left-side panel. (Draft mode is not required, but we recommend using it. Please note that images in the document cannot be viewed in Draft mode.) If the panel is not immediately visible when the Submission Template is opened, you will need to open the panel manually—for Windows: click on the following from the main ribbon above: File > Options > Advanced > Display > Style area pane width in Draft and Outline views. Set the style area width (1–1.5" is a good starting value.); for MAC: go to the “View” menu and select “Draft”; then go to the “Word” menu and select “Preferences” and then “View,” under the “Window” section insert “1.5” inches under the style area width. For your reference, the list of paragraph styles to be applied to the respective elements in your text: If a paper is accepted for publication, authors will be instructed on the next steps: to submit a revised document file after applying ACM’s “Enhanced Template” to their paper. Building on the work authors have already completed using this “Submission Template,” the “Enhanced Template” will contain macros, functionalities, and validations that need to be applied before a paper can be submitted for publication. Authors must then follow the submission instructions found on their respective publication’s web page. Once your submission is received, your paper will be processed to produce the formatted Word, PDF, and HTML5 output formats, which will be provided to you for review, revision/resubmission (if applicable), and approval. CCS CONCEPT insertion: The new template enables you to import required indexing concepts for your article from the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) using an indexing support tool found in the ACM Digital Library (DL). The tool generates formatted text after you have selected your terms. To insert your CCS terms into your document, copy and paste the formatted text from the CCS tool using the “https://dl.acm.org/ccs/ccs.cfm” link into the “CCS CONCEPTS” section. An additional step is necessary to ensure that the proper CCS terms are added to the Digital Library citation page: from the “view CCS TeX Code” listing, click on “Show the XML Only.” Highlight and copy the XML code from the window. You must insert the XML code into your Word document’s properties: from your Word document, click on “File”, then click on the “Info” tab on the left-hand side panel, then click “Properties” and select “Show All Properties.” Click within the “Comments” metadata field and paste the XML data. Please note that CCS terms are required for papers that are greater than 2 pages in length. CCS CONCEPTS • Insert your first CCS term here • Insert your second CCS term here • Insert your third CCS term here KEYWORDS Insert comma delimited author-supplied keyword list, Keyword number 2, Keyword number 3, Keyword number 4 Introduction: About this Template All style elements are specified in this template to facilitate the production of your paper and to have the styles consistent throughout. The paragraph styles are built-in and examples of the styles are provided throughout this document. Save as you go and backup your work regularly! More about the submission template This submission version of your paper should not have headers or footers, Baldassare (2000). It should remain in a one-column format—please do not alter any of the styles or margins.[footnoteRef:1] [1: Instructions for inserting the footnotes in Windows and Mac16 platform: Place the cursor in text where the footnote mark should be located, go to “References” tab, select “Insert Footnote” and enter the footnote text. Return to your place in the document by double-clicking on the footnote marker at the beginning of the note.] How to apply Display Math. There are two types of math equations: the numbered display math equation and the un-numbered display math equation. Below are examples of both.[footnoteRef:2] [2: Instructions for inserting the footnotes in Mac11 platform: Click at the end of the word where you want to insert the footnote. Click on the Insert menu. Now click on Footnotes. Microsoft Word shifts the document to the footnote area. Insert the footnote text in the provided pane.] (1) The DisplayFormula style (above) is applied in the numbered math equation. A numbered display equation always has an equation number (label) on the right. The DisplayFormulaUnnum style (above) is applied only in unnumbered equations. An unnumbered display equation never contains an equation number Bertot and Grimes (2012) on the right—this element distinguishes it from the numbered equation. Please note: the subsequent text after the DisplayFormula (numbered equation) or DisplayFormulaUnnum (unnumbered equation) must have the paragraph style ParaContinue applied. Figures and Tables. Figure(s) and table(s) are “float elements” which should be inserted after their first text reference, and have specific styles for identification. Insert a figure and apply the “Image” paragraph style to it. For the figure caption, apply the style “FigureCaption.” Below is an example of a figure and caption with the styles applied. Figure 1: Figure caption and image above the caption [in draft mode the image will not appear on the screen.] Authors can also insert a (Abdelghaffar, Kamel, and Duquenoy 2010) multi-part figure above a single caption. Every inserted figure must have the “Image” style applied. Below are instructions regarding how to insert a multi-part figure in your paper. 1. If the author wants to insert two multi-part images, they must draw a one row and one column table and insert the images one-by-one in the cells. 1. If the author wants to insert three multi-part images, they must draw a one-row and three-column table and insert the images one by one in all three cells. 1. If the author wants to insert four multi-part images, they must draw a two-row and two-column table and insert the images one-by-one in all four cells. (see the following example): Figure 2: The layout of multipart images should be as per the above example within the table. All images must have the “Image” style applied. The instruction list below describes the required steps authors need to follow in order to insert descriptive text for figures (alt-txt value) in MS Word 2013 and 2016: 1. Insert a picture in the document. 1. Right click on the inserted picture and select the Format Picture option. 1. In the settings at the right side of the window, click on the “Layout & Properties” icon (3rd option). 1. Expand Alt Txt option. 1. In the “Title” and “Description” text boxes, type the text you want to represent the picture, and then click “Close.” NOTE: This is not mandatory until your paper has been accepted for publication and the “Enhanced” version of your document is submitted. Below are steps to insert the alt-txt value in MS Word 2010/2011*: 1. Insert a picture in the document. 1. Right click on the inserted picture and select the Format Picture option. 1. Select the Alt Txt option from the left-side panel options. 1. In the “Title” and “Description” text boxes, type the text you want to represent the picture, and then click “Close.” NOTE: This is not mandatory until your paper has been accepted for publication and the “Enhanced” version of your paper is submitted. *INFORMATION: Mac 2011 version “14.0.0” above supports the “alt-text” option in Mac word 2011. It means if version of MS word is higher than “14.0.0”, Mac provides option to insert alt-text. Authors can also insert (please see Table 1) tables by using the MS Word option (INSERT ->Table) as Abdelsalam, Reddick, Gamal, and Al-shaar (2013) per the required row and column size. Every table must have a caption (title) and it must have the “TableCaption” style applied. Please note that tables should not be supplied as image files, but if they are images they must have the “Image” style applied. (For the “table head,” the user can select the respective row and apply the “TableHead” style option under “Body Elements” once the Enhanced Template is attached after acceptance notification.) Table 1: This is an example of the table caption. Table Head Table Head Table Head Row 1 Column 1 Row 1 Column 2 Row 1 Column 3 Row 1 Column 1 Row 2 Column 2 Row 2 Column 3a a This is example of table footnote. How to Set a Figure (Image, Table, etc.) to Span Two Columns If your paper has been accepted for publication and there is a need for a figure to span both columns in the PDF/print output, please follow the steps below in your document (after attaching the Enhanced template) to apply the “Large Float” style to the figure which is listed under “Body Elements” menu: 1. Apply both the “Image” and “FigureCaption” styles to the respective figure. 1. After applying both styles, select both elements and apply the “Large Float” option found under Body Elements -> Large Float as shown in the below screenshot: Figure 3: Example of "Large Float" feature. After completing these steps, the final layout generated by the production system’s conversion process will be rendered in the PDF/print output version as seen in the screenshot below. ACM recommends that you review the PDF proof of your text to ensure that your figure is properly formatted. Figure 4: Large figure spanning in both the columns in final version. Formatting math statements and extracts. Theorem/Proof/Lemma. Math statements should have the “Statement” style applied. This paragraph is an example of the “Statement” style. “A clip, snippet, passage or extract from a larger work such as a news article
Answered 2 days AfterApr 20, 2022

Answer To: Each student will write a XXXXXXXXXXpage) paper discussing aspects of corporate culture which...

Ayan answered on Apr 20 2022
110 Votes
Security culture, it is the most pivotal part of an organization's security plan. Hence, an association's security culture is basic to its ability to get data, information, and representative and client protection. A few organizations are beginning to see the light. They are c
reating some distance from strategic, rambling ways to deal with security and understanding that effective enterprise-wide security requires a key, long haul technique that focuses on communication and culture above IT mandates and an endless stream of new arrangement demands. We have covered the factors of company culture that promote, or do not support, cyber security in this article. The research focuses mostly on how to create a healthy and successful security culture, as well as how it affects personnel.
Table of contents
Abstract    2
Introduction    4
Discussion    4
Conclusion    11
References    12
As companies try to forestall an expansion in attacks that exploit human attributes, the issue of security culture has been progressively unmistakable practically speaking and concentrate over the course of the past 10 years. Security culture, data security culture, and, all the more as of late, cyber security culture have all been utilized in this specific situation. Despite the fact that cyber security and data security are regularly utilized conversely, the two ideas have unmistakable implications. Cyber security might be characterized as the objective of safeguarding an additional an arrangement of resources, outstandingly human and organizational resources, that can be viewed as broader. Accordingly, it very well may be viewed as considering normal qualities, convictions, and expected activities with regards to the conservation of this different gathering of elements.
The greatest assault vector being utilized in the rising number of companies all around the world being gone after by crooks in the cyber domain is social engineering, where human instinct is manhandled (Nasir, Arshah, Hamid & Fahmy, 2019). Associations are losing money, notoriety, and information because of these assaults, which are rapidly turning into the new ordinary in a worldwide game without any limits. To plan more grounded assurance measures for the business, it is important to grasp the major human instinct, both as people and when people take an interest in gatherings. The ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest libraries were totally utilized in the pursuit. The ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and Web of Science information bases cover the most thorough corpus of computer science and, specifically, cyber security research. Scopus and ProQuest were amazing data sets for get-together non-computer region research distributions. These additional libraries helped with guaranteeing that all significant articles were assessed; for instance, organizational culture incorporates a more extensive scope of disciplines like brain research and business the executives.
These and other instances highlight the necessity of directly participating employees to develop a strong security culture by making security interesting, delivering interactive and engaging security awareness program, and continuously teaching employees about security in quick, regular, and targeted methods. The exact procedures that must be followed to create a strong security culture are as follows:
· Guarantee executive importance and assistance: Irrespective of sector, employees will typically do what their managers do rather than what they advise others to do. Certainly, regulations and protocols are vital, but administration must set a better example, and employees are watching. This implies that managers should undergo awareness training, adhere to quality standards for data protection, and actively encourage everyone to do the same.
· To evaluate the culture of security, perform a credible risk analysis: We can not enhance anything if we cannot measure it. The renowned Peter Drucker statements may be applied to security culture: in order to enhance security culture, we must first understand its existing status. One hurdle is determining which elements to assess and which are simply symptoms of larger issues.
· Make a Cyber Strategy for Where We Want to Be: Understanding where we are is crucial, but so is knowing where we want...

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