Answer To: Each student will write a 15 page (not including title, abstract, and reference pages) Action...
Abhishek answered on Oct 30 2021
Employee motivation is one the major and significant factor in the organizational performance. Employees are seen in the modern time as the most important stakeholder in the company. Thus, to make their morale high and increase their job performance, the need for motivational strategies is important. In this research work, the motivational strategies and its impact on the workforce of Walmart will be analyzed. The various factors and concept of motivation, its impact will be broadly discussed using various literature evidence. The work will also conduct a survey to gather information and analyze the real impact of motivational strategies on the employees
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Introduction to the Topic 5
Background of the Research 5
Research Rationale 5
Research Aim 6
Research Objectives 6
Research Questions 6
Significance of the Research 7
Literature Review 7
Concept of Employee Motivation 7
Concept of Organizational Performance 8
External Factors 9
Internal Factors 9
Motivational Theories 10
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 10
McClelland’s Theory of Needs 12
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y 12
Factors Affecting Organizational Performances 14
Significance of Motivations in Organizational Performance 15
Methodology and Materials for the Proposed Research 17
Research Proposition 17
Research Philosophy 17
Research Approach 18
Research Design 18
Sampling Method and Sample Size 19
Research Strategy 19
Data Collection and Data Analysis Plan 19
Ethical Considerations 20
Anticipated Findings 20
Potential Conclusion 21
References 22
Introduction to the Topic
For the success of any organization, the role of the employees of the organization is very important. The fact it is not possible only for the cash capital available for the organization to meet the success factors. Hence, for the success of the organization the work force, which is the human capital of any organization, is very important. In this research proposal reflects the role and the significance of the employee motivation on the organizational performance of any organization with special reference to Walmart Inc. will be discussed in detail.
Background of the Research
The organizational success of any organization is largely dependent on the role that is played by the motivational sessions of the leaders of the organization. There have been reported allegations that in Walmart, one of the leading American retail organizations, despite the enormous size of the organization, the employees are not properly motivated.
Now, unless the employees of any organization get proper motivation the sincere as well as dedicated work performance cannot be expected from the employees (Porter et al., 2016). In the research, the main reasons behind the lack of motivation of the employees and its subsequent negative impact on the organizational growth are to be researched in detail.
Research Rationale
The rationale of the research lies in the fact that though all the organizations are quite acquainted with the role of motivation for organizational performance development, but since some years, there have been many allegations that the employees of large-scale industries are less motivated and cared as compared to the SMCs (Hitka et al., 2018). Hence, this research is quite rationalistic to ascertain the issues behind less motivation among the employees of organizations such as Walmart (Kreye, 2016).
Research Aim
The aim of the research will be to highlight the importance of employee’s motivation for the success of organizational behavior and financial standards. Further, the research also aims to find the negative results if employees of any organization are not motivated and its impacts on the organizational performance of any organization.
Research Objectives
The objectives of the research as follows:
· To identify the advantageous factors of employee motivation on the enhancement of the organizational behavior
· To analyze the negative impacts of lack of employee motivation on the degraded organizational performance of any organization and gradual downfall of the organization
· To identify the reasons behind lack of employee in the large scaled companies as compared to the small scaled companies
· To recommend strategies of best employee motivation as controlled financial expenses
Research Questions
· What are the advantageous factors of employee motivation on the enhancement of the organizational performance?
· What are the negative impacts of lack of employee motivation on the degraded organizational performance of any organization?
· What are the main reasons behind lack of employees in the large scaled companies as compared to the small-scaled companies?
· What recommendations may be made for the effecting best employee motivation strategies are low expenses?
Significance of the Research
There have been enormous researches on the role of employee motivation for the betterment of the employee performance as well as its negative impacts if not emulated. However, this research is completely different from those other researches as in this research; a case study has been taken of Walmart that is a renowned organization. Hence, this present research is aimed at discovering the reasons for lack of employee motivation in the renowned large-scale companies as compared to many startups and small organizations with fewer resources (Kuranchie-Mensah & Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016).
Literature Review
Concept of Employee Motivation
Employee Motivation is very important for any organization because it brings creativity, energy and commitment in the job. The role of the management is to keep employees motivated because they understand the importance of motivation can directly lay impact on the performance of the organization (Jyoti & Rani, 2017). There are different types of methods used by the management of the company to keep their employees motivated. Some of the methods are:
The creativity and ideas can only be nurtured by giving employees freehand in their work. Giving them responsibility and decision-making power in their task will increase the efficiency. The employees are more focused on the task to get it successfully accomplished.
Learning is a very important feature of an employee. Management focuses on continuous skill enhancement programs for the employees. The skills acquired by the employees help them to complete any specific task in efficiency (Kamble et al., 2020). It not only motivates the employees to perform their task but also boosts their self-confidence.
Monetary Incentive
Employees, who performed best in their work, were given some monetary incentive to keep them motivated. Employees work hard and keep themselves motivated for monetary incentives.
Quality of Life
The company keeps the time management for the employee flexible so that it can keep them motivated in the company. Flexible workplace helps the employees to manage both their personal and professional life. The productivity of the company increases, as employees are motivated to perform their task. Employees generally do not leave the organization with flexible management.
Concept of Organizational Performance
Organizational performance is a way to measure the organization’s performance against its objectives. That means the actual output of the company against its intended output. The organizational performance analysis depends on three main outcomes (Beneke et al., 2016). These three outcomes are:
Financial Performance
Financial performance is an internal measure, which shows how well the organization can utilize their assets to generate revenues. Financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements and income cash flows of the company measure the financial performance. Every single financial statement is taken into account to measure the financial performance. Single financial statement is not used to measure financial performance.
Market Performance
Market performance is used to measure how well the product of the company is performing in the market. Some of the key elements in market performance are measured such as Product efficiency, Distributive efficiency, Fair price, Product performance and technological progressiveness.
Shareholder Performance
Shareholder performance is considered as the ultimate organizational performance measure as it involves how a company improves relationships with the shareholders (Khalique et al., 2018). Shareholders give values to all the stockholders of the company to sustain and gain profits for the company. Shareholders performance values are calculated by measuring Total Shareholder Return (TSR).
The number of objectives influences the number of factors for an organization. The number of factors that directly influences the performance of the organization are -
External Factors
These factors are not controlled by the organization. The environment is not under the control of the company but affects the development of the performance of the organization.
Some of the factors are -
· Economic factors
· Socio-economic factors
· Poli-administrative factors
Internal Factors
These factors are directly under the control of...