Each student is required to attend an event associated with a class concept. This is anopportunity to gain a new perspective on everyday events related to the material discussed inthe reading and in class discussion. Please read these instructions carefully.For this assignment you will be required to attend or participate in an experiential event withinthe community (on campus and/or broader). The event should focus on one of the conceptsthat we will explore in the course (neuropsychology, consciousness, memory, sensation,perception, cultural diversity [social/economic class, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, sexualorientation, and/or nationality], learning, cognition, motivation, human development,psychological disorders, personality or therapy). The options of identifying an event related tothe course materials are endless. Your task is to identify an experience and explain how theevent is related to course content. If you decide to attend a related to cultural diversity, then itis required that you attend event of a culture that is different from your own identity.Your involvement in this event must span at least 1 hour or more. I encourage you to takenotes on your experience and be able to identify specific course concepts associated with theevent. Also, if appropriate, take time to interview other participants, volunteers, or organizersof the event to incorporate in your writing their perspective along with yours.You must apply course concepts with your experience. Is there anything that we have learnedthis semester that was reflected in your event experience? Discuss any relevant theories orconcepts. Additionally, you may use the following questions to guide your reflection. View thequestions as a starting point, but do not simply answer them in list format. Your grade will benegatively affected if you only answer the questions in this list format.**I recommend that you not wait until the last minute to attend an event as it may be
difficult to find events at the end of the semester. **Content: Provide the following information/ Answer the following questions:1. What event did you attend? (Day and time of event, location (address))2. Why did you choose this event?3. What assumptions/expectations did you have going into the event?4. How accurate were those assumptions?5. What course concepts are associated with this event? (Be sure to cite the book if youuse any information from it in your project)6. What did you like about the event? What did you dislike?7. What were the most meaningful moments for you of the event?8. How did you witness the impact/influences of psychology and related course content?9. What new knowledge (personal or factual) have you gained as a result of this event?
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PSYC-1101Project FormatReflection Paper OR PowerPoint Presentation (CHOOSE ONE)A reflection paper or a PowerPoint presentation is required for this assignment. It should be 3-5 pages in length, not including a work cited page/slide and an optional cover page/slide. Thepurpose is to integrate your understanding of the course material, and to reflect on what youlearned from the experiential event. Projects must adhere to guidelines below and must besubmitted on D2L under the Assignments tab.Reflection Paper Format1. Identification (At the top of Paper)a. Student’s nameb. Date of submissionc. Course numberd. Identification of assignment2. Typed-Paragraph form (again do not just list the questions and answer them.)3. 1-inch margins on all sides4. 12-point font size (Times New Roman or Calibri fonts)5. Double-spaced lines6. Page number (upper right corner)7. 3-5 pages in length (Must be at least 3 full pages, you can go over 5 pages ifnecessary)8. Include bibliography of cited work (should NOT count as one of the required pages)9. APA citation format – see below for more information10. Submit your paper to D2L under the “Assignments” tab.
PowerPoint Presentation Format1. Identificationa. Student’s nameb. Date of submissionc. Course numberd. Identification of assignment2. Well-developed presentation with pictures, optional video, etc. (again do not just listthe questions and answer them on slides.)3. Appropriate size font (should be comparable in size to the font of my class PowerPointlecture slides)4. 10 -15 slides in length (Must be at least 10 full slides, you can go over 15 slides ifnecessary)5. Include bibliography of cited work (should NOT count as one of the 10-15 slides)6. APA citation format – see below for more information7. Submit your presentation to D2L under the “Assignments” tab.
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PSYC-1101APA Formatting(BOTH the paper and the PowerPoint presentations must include APA format) You are requiredto cite any information that you use to define and explain the topic including the textbook.Examples of using APA format:In the paper/ presentation:In his book, Smith (2006) states that “cats and dogs are really cool” (p. 304). Additionally, Ryan& Johnson (2003) claim that indeed, both pets are fun to play with.Other researchers disagree and often argue that pets such as birds and lizards are easier totake of (Howard, 2004).
In the Works Cited/Bibliography page/slide:Journal:Smith, R. (2006). Qualitative analysis of the similarities and differences of cats and dogs. Journalof Pet Animals, 18(3), 304-306.Edited book:Ryan, J. & Johnson, A. (2003). The psychology of pets. In R.M. Milardo (Ed.), Understanding thelife of pets and humans (pp. 317-340). Minneapolis: Thomson Wadsworth.Submission Instructions: Read this carefully and plan ahead!When submitting your experiential project, you must submit the assignment on D2L byMonday, April 29, 2019 no later than 11:59 pm. No late exceptions!Please be sure to review CSU’s plagiarism policy http://adminservices.clayton.edu/judicial/. Ifyou are unsure what constitutes plagiarism and how much you can actually quote/how you canquote, please email me for any clarification. Please note that final work that is submitted willbe reviewed for these criteria, and students can potentially receive 0 points for plagiarized workand be referred to the Student Conduct Office.If you have submitted your work under Assignments and need to resubmit and are unable to doso, please email me so that I can clear your submission, so you can submit again.I do not accept late assignments! The only exclusions to this rule are documented cases ofpersonal or family emergency. I expect students to notify me about their circumstances priorto the due date of the assignment. I will treat each case individually and reserve the right notto accept a late assignment.
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PSYC-1101Be sure to follow all the requirements listed above and use it as your rubric to ensure you havemet all criteria.
Grading Criteria: (READ CAREFULLY)Grading will be based on the following broad criteria:(1) Accuracy of information and adequate application of course content, includingconsistency of course content throughout the project: Provide relevant,telling, quality details. Give the reader important information that goesbeyond the obvious or predictable. Provide four or more course conceptsaccurately and fully applied to the activity and/or experience. Clearconnections made between your experience and course content. (40%)(2) Demonstrate critical thinking Simply regurgitating information/listing answersto the questions related to the event commonly available on the web isinsufficient. I want to see evidence of your ability to synthesize and integratethe course information you learned and express the impact your experiencehas had on your knowledge of the subject matter and your career. (20%)(3) Use of acceptable references. I am expecting students to look up informationfrom reliable and peer-reviewed journals/articles/books/encyclopedias anduse references. Use the library website ( http://www.clayton.edu/library ) tosearch electronic journals, e-books, and more. You can also use yourtextbook as a reference. Do not hesitate to ask your instructor, or a librarianwhat constitutes a peer-reviewed article. I will not accept Wikipedia as areliable nor peer-reviewed resource; neither will I accept websites that are.com. (So, you must use websites that end in either .gov, .edu, .org or .net.)Document the use of your references. I am expecting a minimum 3-5references (published within the last six years) associated with the event youattended. You are always welcome to use additional citations. This is thesingle most frequent area that is missed by students. If in doubt about whatconstitutes an approved article, please contact either me for guidance. (20%)(4) Grammar/Technical merit components. References must be listed in APA styleas shown above. Project must be 3-5 pages or 10-15 slides pages using thecorrect font. Be sure to spell check, and grammar check. Do not usecolloquial language. Remember, this is a college level project which requiresyou to present information in a professional manner. I will also be looking foradherence to the grading criteria elements listed above. (20%).
The maximum number of points possible for this assignment is 100 points.
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PSYC-1101Course Related Events Suggestions(Be sure to confirm that the event you are attending is open to the public.) A list of potentialevent ideas is below, and I also recommend searching for events online. These suggestionsbelow are not intended to limit your options. Your options are endless. I would be happy totalk with you more about other options you wish to explore based on the course concepts youchoose. If your event is not a type of event on this list, please confirm with me beforeattending the event.Events ideas/suggestions:• Scientific conference, presentation, program• Guided Tour• Movie/Documentary discussion panel (Do not just watch a movie or documentary, thereshould be an educational component associated with it. Here is an example:https://atlantaplanit.wabe.org/events/friends-congo/)• Musical event• Theater, play• Attend a lecture/panel discussion• Volunteer activity (confirm with me the event first)