Each reply to a question must contain at
least 250 words total
Corporate (or Organizational)
Culture: What is it? How would you describe corporate
culture? Is it a positive or negative
force for the firm/organization, owners/funders, employees, suppliers, and
other stakeholders? How can corporate
culture affect productivity? What is its
source of generation? Does it just
emerge, or is it cultivated? How can
corporate culture affect the productivity of the organization? Share your thoughts and examples.
Teams equal Productivity?
Prominent business
professors, management consultants, motivational speakers, and firms have
lauded the productivity of teams, compared with the results of decision making
by individuals. They suggest most firms
and organizations have failed to properly use teams. How does this observation strike you? Does it describe your experiences with team
versus individual tasking and performance?
How many times have you
been on either side, as a team member or an individual? What were your experiences with team versus
individual tasking and performance?
C. Assignment of Decision Making
Decision management,
decision control, and specific knowledge/information are important items for
consideration in the process of assigning decision rights. Under what circumstances, if any, would you
find it optimal to assign the management and control of decisions to a single
individual? Are there any upsides or
downsides with the assignment of decision rights which would cause you to
prefer either an individual or a team assignment? How could the assignment of power to an
individual or a team ameliorate the downside of tasking the decision making to
that party? What qualifications (or
criteria) would you expect a person to satisfy before you assign decision
rights to that person?