Each question must have at least 500 words. Your submitted work must focus on African Americans up to 1877. Any answers not related to the subject won't be counted towards your grade. Please have at...

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Each question must have at least 500 words. Your submitted work must focus on African Americans up to 1877. Any answers not related to the subject won't be counted towards your grade. Please have at least twoprimary sources for each question while using academic writing. Also, you can only use a source once for the entire paper. This will require that the paper will have at least six primary sources.I will be using SafeAssign originality report to make sure you don’t plagiarize your work.

  1. Explain the entire process on how an African was captured until their arrival to a slave plantation outside of Charleston, SC. Please include how the slave arrived to the coast of Africa, where and how they were kept while waiting for the slaver, and the trip to the American colony. Once in America, please explain seasoning and ways the slave was purchased by a slave owner to be used on a plantation.

  2. President Lincoln argued that he will not allow the South to disunion during his oath of office. Furthermore, he stated that he had no intent of stopping slavery where it is already legal. However, the South viewed the actions of the North a threat to their way of life. What actions and events leading up to the Civil War believed the South’s only option was leaving the Union because the threat of losing their “property”?

  3. African Americans Republicans held office at every level of government in the South during Reconstruction. How was this possible where a decade prior almost all were enslaved? How were African Americans lose their ability to vote allowing Southern white Democrats to take back control of the South and muting all African American voices?

Answered Same DayApr 19, 2021

Answer To: Each question must have at least 500 words. Your submitted work must focus on African Americans up...

Akansha answered on Apr 21 2021
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1. A majority of the ways in which the slaves had been captured was using the Africans tribal systems. The tribal leaders were given guns in exchange for slaves. Thus, ma
ny of the tribes took the slaves that they captured after victory in a war to the ships. They would be forced to walk, thousands of miles to the nearest coast, while being shackled. Then they would be led onto ships that passed through various first-world countries. The trip would be harrowing, since there were many slaves jammed into the ships as possible (Thomas). Most of the female slaves would be raped or beaten, and many of the slaves would have not been given proper food or water. Many of them would be taken into the slave quarters to be used as servants, with the promise of a new world, with more money and status.
The ships took off from various ports, and they would often disembark at ports such as the Charleston. The way that they were treated on the ships was considered to be abominable. They were to be treated as cargo, and any slave that rebelled would be punished. In order to strip of their identity, many of the crew forced the slaves to exercise regularly, which would include humiliation and punishment in the form of dances. If there was a lack of food or water, the slaves would be drowned or let off the ship. Most of the slaves were malnourished, and any woman who gave birth while on the ship would risk having her child killed, since children were considered to be a nuisance. When they were brought to Charleston, they were kept in structures called the Pest Houses, or lazaretto, which is a structure that is 16 feet by 30 feet, and is kept off the coast of Charleston called Sullivan’s Island (Eltis, and Engerman). After being quarantined for 10 days, the slaves would be lined up to be sold to the highest bidder. This was done after they had been branded, in order to ensure that they would not run away. There is an Old Slave Mart in Charleston, where the slave trade was booming, and slaves were sold off in thousands. According to reports, 40% of the slaves that were brought to the United States of America had been brought through the port of Charleston, and around 80% of African-Americans can trace their history to the city.
When being brought to the city, the slaves were segregated based on the area and tribe from which they came from. After the branding and the quarantine, many South Carolina’s slave buyers would line up and inspect the cargo. Many of the slave owners preferred slaves from Ghana, since they felt that they would last longer in the rice fields. The slaves were brought for 100 to 200 sterling, and the demand for the salves was extremely high due to the chances of...

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