JOEY NICOLETTI COLLEGE WRITING ONE FORMAL WRITING ASSIGNMENT 3: ANALYZE THIS! ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION If there’s anything that we need to state about submitting our ideas for an audience’s...

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each document contains extreme details on what to write and exactly how to write it. You must read each document fully, and get every detail correct or i can lose my scholarship over this essay. Due Date: Nov, 21st, 2020, 10 am. Class name: College writing 101/cwp 101. Professor name: DR. Joseph Nicoletti, SUNY Buffalo State. Title of HW: Bare Armed Facts.

JOEY NICOLETTI COLLEGE WRITING ONE FORMAL WRITING ASSIGNMENT 3: ANALYZE THIS! ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION If there’s anything that we need to state about submitting our ideas for an audience’s consideration, it’s that there is no writing well without reading extraordinarily well, often, and eclectically. To this point, we have read not only a great deal this semester, but we have also read all different types of writing, from the speeches of Michelle Obama and Malcolm X, the fiction of Jamaica Kincaid and the essays of Anne Lamott and Alice Walker, among other authors and texts. As we have read and discussed these authors’ respective texts, we have also discovered and discussed the ways they employ rhetoric to reach their audiences, in order to establish strong audience-author connections, and make their works at their most cogent and resonant, which is the primary objective of all that we do in class and how we do so. For your third formal writing assignment, you will revisit an writing task from your first formal writing assignment: you will write a rhetorical analysis: an RA of any of our assigned readings we have had this semester: your choice. As was the case with the RA you wrote for your letter of complaint, your RA of one of our writing piece will also discuss the way rhetoric is used in one of our author’s texts. The difference is you will analyze how they do so, using evidence from your chosen text to substantiate all claims that you make. You will do so using APA format, which we will go over in our next class session. As has been the case with our previous formal writing assignments, this one will build on the analytical and argumentative skills you are developing while discussing the readings. Your skills in identifying rhetorical approaches and appeals will have made you vigilant, curios, and ruminative critical readers. You have learned not just to read to comprehend as a believer, but also to question as a doubter, to analyze, and to apply the ideas in the readings, both in the context of school and your own lives. Use those same critical thinking skills to analyze your own experiences through your writing. As with all successful audience-oriented writing, your assignment must have an argument that you want to prove with credibility, conviction, and cogency. ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS · Assignment length: 750-1,000 words, excluding citations, headings and titles. · Be sure to include a title—something other than “Formal Assignment 3” “Assignment 3,” or “Analyze This.” The title must be appropriate and insightful for the words that follow it. · Have multiple paragraphs, including an introduction and a conclusion. · Be sure to use APA format only for this assignment. · Be sure to include a References page. · Use 10-12 sized point, no higher or lower. · Double-space your work. · Assignment due date: Saturday, November 21st, 2020, at 11:59 pm. · This assignment will be submitted via Blackboard. · Attach a copy of at least one peer evaluation rubric to the end of your essay: they must be combined in one file. · When you submit the assignment, title the file using this formula: Your last name_ The essay’s title. Example: Nicoletti_I’m Still Blue · Save and submit your assignment in .doc or .docx file format in the dropbox titled, Formal Assignment 3: Analyze This Dropbox, which is located in the Content section of our class Blackboard site. · You will receive additional comments from me and complete a final revised version of this assignment for your portfolio due on during our CEP session. PEER WORKSHOP PROCEEDURE As was the case for your second formal writing assignment, you will decide who you will work with for this assignment. Instead of having a critique session during class time, you will find someone to work with outside of our Monday class sessions. You can work with anyone you want, as long as: 1. He or she is enrolled in our section of CWP 101. 2. You fill out an evaluation rubric for every person who fills out one for you. 3. You need at least one evaluation rubric filled out by someone in our section of CWP 101. 4. In case you’re not sure where to begin finding a critique partner, use the Email tab on our class Blackboard site. To help you get started in the peer review process and to be sure you have everything you need for this assignment, I have included a copy of the evaluation rubric in this document, which begins on the next page. As always, please don’t hesitate to HMU if you have any questions concerns, or issues, as I would be delighted to help you in any possible way that I can. Until such time, I look forward to reading your work. Have good thinking, researching and writing: go get this. Onward! EVALUATION RUBRIC FOR FORMAL WRITING ASSIGNMENT 3  AUTHOR’S NAME: EVALUATOR’S NAME: Requirement Exceeds Meets Needs work File is uploaded in .doc or .docx format File is named correctly: Last name_Formal Assignment 3 Draft RA has an insightful and appropriate title (Should refer to the main idea) RA is compiled of 750-1000 words of text. A strong introduction sets up the RA, introducing the topic, author’s argument and his/her/their approach to the task The RA’s thesis statement is clear and precise Discussion of how rhetorical appeals are approached in the RA (NO DEFINITIONS of rhetorical terms) Discussion of logos in the letter with examples from the text (not general concepts) Discussion of ethos in the letter with specific examples from the text Discussion of pathos with the emotions being evoked and how they are effective with specific examples from the text The RA incorporates appropriate textual evidence The RA’s conclusion paragraph does the following: · restates project’s thesis statement or argument. · summarizes the main points of the letter. · explains what this project is significant, why it is unique (and you believe it) · leaves the reader with an interesting impression Highlight or bold any bullet that is missing or needs work. RA utilizes a strong structure, which · uses multiple paragraphs · is organized, purposeful · each paragraph has a topic sentence that is clear, precise, and introduces the main idea to be discussed · has only one idea discussed per paragraph · has clear transition statements between paragraphs Every outside source utilized in the RA is attributed and APA citation style is consistent and precise. The heading is References (centered on page, no bold or italics) RA has no grammatical or mechanical errors that prevent reader from understanding the ideas Joey Nicoletti College Writing 1 How to Use APA: A Review of the Basics Since we didn’t get to discuss how to use APA format as much as I planned for our last live class session, here’s a basic guide for how to proceed. Coupled with the “An (Ex)citing Study Guide” I put in the Content section of our class Blackboard site, referencing this sheet will help you utilize APA citing style. I have arranged this information in sections: let’s give them a look. A. The Title Page. This is the first element of the assignment your audience sees, so having it set up as it needs to be is the first step in establishing yourself as a credible writer. When an academic audience sees that you know how to address them, they see that you know what you’re doing, which is an essential step towards cogency. Here’s what you need to know and do to get your essay off to a strong start: First, it’s important to note that the way you submit an APA essay/paper for a high school, university, or college class is slightly—but importantly different from the way you would do so in a professional academic setting, such as a conference. We’re focusing on doing so for a university or college setting, since that’s where we are at. Here’s the information you need for the title page: A. Include the title of the paper/essay. B. Include the author's name. C. Include the institutional affiliation (I.E., the name of our school) D. Include course number and name. E. Include the instructor name (I.E., my name, Professor Joey Nicoletti) F. Include the assignment due date. This is how you arrange it: A. Start with your paper's/essay's title. Use upper and lowercase letter (as opposed to all caps, for instance), and center it in the upper half of the page. B. Put the title in bold type. Be sure that title is precise, and is bereft of abbreviations or any other superfluous words. C. The title must not exceed two lines. D. All text on the title page must be double-spaced. E. Then list your/the author's name beneath the title, including your first name, middle initial, and last name. Don't use any abbreviations or titles. F. After your name, list the institutional affiliation: SUNY Buffalo State G. Then list your instructor's/my name. H. Then list the date of submission. That’s it. Boom! B. In-Text Citations Perhaps above all else, the main thing to bear in mind about APA format is that it’s all to do with having updated information. This is why it’s the go-to citing style for fields of study such as business and, as you might have inferred by the name of this particular citing style, psychology, among others. With this in mind, here’s how you make in-text citations in an APA-style formatted essay: A. Always include the author’s last name and the date of publication in in parentheses. EX= (Gump, 2020) B. If you are citing a page from a text or article, be sure that it follows the date of publication in the parentheses. If you’re quoting from one page, list the letter p before the page number. If you’re using multiple pages, list the letters pp, then the page number. In either case, put this information after the year of publication, as in the following examples: (Gump, 2020, p. 200) (Gump, 2020, pp. 200-202) C. Another feature that distinguishes APA format’s way of making in-text citations lies in the way a writer introduces it. One way of doing so without being redundant is to use signal phrases. Here are some examples of effective signal phrases: In the words of Gump (2020) “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get” (Gump, 2020, p.
Answered Same DayNov 19, 2021


Azra S answered on Nov 21 2021
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Manipulation through money and power
We have come a long way since the past in establishing ourselves into civilized sensible societies. We live in elegant houses, walk broad roads a
nd talk to each other in respectable tones. Our lives seem to be much better than it was for our ancestors, but how far have we actually come in implementing the moral ideals of humanity like equality, justice and freedom, it is hard to determine. The prime reason for this is the fact that nothing we have today is free from manipulation, whether its news, data or evaluation. All the information we receive is subject to censorship and manipulation, the extent of which we will probably never know as those with money and power can change things as they please. This is what Malcolm X highlighted in convincing ways in his speech “Message to the Grassroots”
Malcolm X speech was tailored to the ear of negroes of his day and issues relevant to them at that time. However, much of it stands true even today. He highlights the serious problem that America has with the coloured individuals and that is the fact that America doesn’t want them. “And every time you look at yourself, be you black, brown, red, or yellow — a so called Negro — you represent a person who poses such a serious problem for America because you’re not wanted.” While this issue might really seem old, the current struggles of the Blacks bring Malcolm’s claims to context. It raises important questions like has the claims of equality in America really been only superficial?
Over so many decades, we really thought there is equality. However, there is open disparity even today between the outcomes of the coloured and the white in America whether its in life outcomes, health outcomes, crime outcomes or judicial outcomes. As a solution to this problem, Malcom suggest the...

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