EABEwd SPTDSZkBXROtdoHt_a519xcQ/förmResponse * ?What will be the output of the following C++ code Please select the best answer tinclude using namespace std; class sample private: int var; public:...

Good morning, can you solve the question Computer programming course within 10 minutes Thank you very muchEABEwd SPTDSZkBXROtdoHt_a519xcQ/förmResponse<br>* ?What will be the output of the following C++ code<br>Please select the best answer<br>tinclude <iostream><br>using namespace std;<br>class sample<br>private:<br>int var;<br>public:<br>void input(O<br>cout << var;<br>void output ()<br>cout <<

Extracted text: EABEwd SPTDSZkBXROtdoHt_a519xcQ/förmResponse * ?What will be the output of the following C++ code Please select the best answer tinclude using namespace std; class sample private: int var; public: void input(O cout < var;="" void="" output="" ()="" cout="">< "variable="" entered="" is="" ";="" cout="">< var="">< "\n";="" int="" main="" ()="" sample="" object;="" object.input="" ()="" ;="" object.output="" ();="" object.var="" )="" ;="" return="" error="" runtime="" error="" enter="" an="" integer="" 5="" variable="" entered="" is="" 5="" enter="" an="" integer="" 7="" variable="" entered="" is="">

Jun 09, 2022

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