e exact wildcard used. le two common wildcard characters that Excel recognizes are an asterisk * and a question mark (?). ilde (-) forces Excel to treat theses as reqular characters, not wildcards....

e exact wildcard used.<br>le two common wildcard characters that Excel recognizes are an asterisk * and a question mark (?).<br>ilde (-) forces Excel to treat theses as reqular characters, not wildcards. Wildcards come handy in<br>ty situation when you need a partial match.<br>3. Craig is a writer who has compiled a spreadsheet full of quotations from various scholars and<br>celebrities that he's compiled for his book. Craig uses double-spaces for all his quotations3;<br>however, the publisher has just informed him that they require all quotations to be single-<br>spaced. Since he cuts and pastes them from the spreadsheet and can't be bothered to fix it<br>himself, what can Craig do to quickly and easily fix the workbook to meet his publisher's<br>demands?<br>4 Provide hwo examples of a situation or task in which a business would want a<br>

Extracted text: e exact wildcard used. le two common wildcard characters that Excel recognizes are an asterisk * and a question mark (?). ilde (-) forces Excel to treat theses as reqular characters, not wildcards. Wildcards come handy in ty situation when you need a partial match. 3. Craig is a writer who has compiled a spreadsheet full of quotations from various scholars and celebrities that he's compiled for his book. Craig uses double-spaces for all his quotations3; however, the publisher has just informed him that they require all quotations to be single- spaced. Since he cuts and pastes them from the spreadsheet and can't be bothered to fix it himself, what can Craig do to quickly and easily fix the workbook to meet his publisher's demands? 4 Provide hwo examples of a situation or task in which a business would want a

Jun 09, 2022

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