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Due date: Wednesday 20 May 2020 (Week 8) Word limit: 1500 words (excluding references) Assignment Requirements: · Submission: Students must submit the group assignment online by 11:59 pm. Late penalty will be at 10% per day. · Structure: Use essay structure which contains introduction, body, conclusion and reference list. · Formatting and referencing: The assignment must be word-processed, 1.5 line spacing, and the word size should be 12 with ‘Times new roman’ font type. Harvard style reference preferred. Question: IASB has issued International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that are being adopted by nations all over the world. Please read the IASB chairman’s speech at an event hosted by the Accounting Standards Board of Japan about adoption of IFRS Standards around the world on 29 August 2018 in Tokyo. You can access the full speech by using the following link: Critically discuss any issues raised in relation to IFRS adoption around the world. The objective of the assignment is to develop your critical thinking, technical research and written communication skills. You need to investigate and analyse accounting literature and recent developments on IFRS adoption. You are required to use extensive references to support your discussion. Please refer to the marking rubric for marking criteria. Assignment Marking Rubric (20 marks) Topic relevance /5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Not attempted Topic totally irrelevant and inappropriate Topic lacks clear relevance, could be more direct and to the point Topic relevance appropriate but sometimes strays from the major theme Topic appropriate and relevant Topic appropriate and relevant with particularly relevant insights Depth of Research /5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Not attempted No evident research into the topic Some research evident but few citations Research is evident but limited. Citations appropriate to context Research is evident and goes beyond expectation with citations appropriate to context Research is extensive with particularly insightful citations Critical thinking, analysis & synthesis /5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Not attempted Very little or no evidence of understanding of the topic Some understanding of the topic evident but with little evidence of critical thinking and analysis Understanding of the topic evident – some critical thinking, analysis and synthesis of available literature Good understanding of the topic with evidence of critical thinking with deep analysis and synthesis of information Very high understanding of the topic with insightful evaluative comments and conclusions Writing skills (including structure, grammar, spelling, referencing style, etc.) /5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Not attempted Very poor structure, No clear introduction and conclusion provided, Very poor grammatical expression and spelling errors, None or few references and citations Poor structure, Brief introduction and conclusion provided but not particularly clear, Low levels of writing ability evident, simple expression with many spelling and grammatical errors, Some references but lacking in proper use of a referencing style Clear structure, Introduction and conclusion provided but could be more concise and clear, Average levels of writing ability with some spelling and grammatical errors, Appropriate references with some inaccuracies in the use of a referencing style Good structure, Clear introduction and conclusion provided, High level of writing ability – clear concise expression with few grammatical or spelling inaccuracies, Appropriate references with few inaccuracies in the use of a referencing style Excellent structure, Clear, concise and well expressed introduction and conclusion provided, Very high level of writing ability with no grammatical or spelling errors, References accurate without any inaccuracies