Due 17 March 2017 Students are expected to demonstrate a degree of initiative in researching their chosen assignment topic International treaties in the health field: Australia’s participation...

Due 17 March 2017 Students are expected to demonstrate a degree of initiative in researching their chosen assignment topic International treaties in the health field: Australia’s participation “Australia’s involvement in health-related treaties is more about diplomacy than the health of Australians” Discuss critically Australia’s foreign aid: the health dimension “Australian government development assistance in health should be altruistic but is primarily motivated by national self-interest” Discuss critically Climate change and international relations “Australia has failed to play an adequate role in the international response to climate change” Discuss critically. Trans-Tasman health relations “Australia and New Zealand have created an ideal model for bi-lateral cooperation in the health field” Discuss critically. Individual topics Those wishing to work on their own particular topics are welcome to do so, subject to approval. The proposed topic must demonstrably relate to international health relations. International students are welcome to suggest topics relevant to the international health relations of their own countries.

Oct 07, 2019

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