drone technology &navigation complete project starting to present new innovations
Shashi Kumar Lakkampally Student ID: L30063801 Email: shashikumarlakkamp@lewisu.edu Drone Intelligence Description: In this project, we are going to have a clear details and technology related to Drone Intelligence. A drone is quite famous now a days, it is a flying robot that can be remotely controlling and fly up to a certain range. In this project we are going to learn more about how it works, what is a Drone Navigator using SLAM, and what is Autonomous Navigation, it’s limitations and what are the other things that we could implement more about the drone navigation using Artificial Intelligence. CPSC-57200 Artificial Intelligence Lewis University Course Project Description 1. INTRODUCTION As part of this course, you will work on a term long project. The goal of this project is to survey the state-of-the-art in a selected area of Artificial Intelligence and present this survey to the class. This project will be done in assigned groups. I will be choosing your groups and you will be able to see them using BlackBoard’s Project Groups link. This facility will provide you with collaboration tools you can use for your project. To get started, you will need to first pick a topic. In week 3, you will submit your project title and a short description of the specific topic you plan to survey. This is not graded, but I will provide feedback and either approve the topic or let you know to pick another. Then you will continue research on your project and submit a rough draft of the literature survey in week 6. This draft will be scored, but not counted toward the final grade. You should use the draft score and any provided feedback to improve your paper and then submit a final version in week 7. You will then present your survey in week 8. You will need to submit your presentation slides in week 8 as well. 2. REQUIREMENTS The goal of a survey is to summarize latest research work on the given topic, group the approaches used by different researchers, outline the main themes of the current research and identify open problems. It should also describe the applicability of the current research to real- world problems. The project will involve the following steps: Step 1: Pick a topic (see section 3 for ideas). Submit the project title and a short description to BlackBoard as a PDF document. Step 2: Do research – this means look for scholarly papers and find out what has already been done and what has not been done for this topic (be sure to cite these in your presentation and list the references on the final slide). Group the different works into categories and analyze, compare, and contrast them. Step 3: Submit a rough draft. Step 4: Continue improving the paper based on feedback. Step 5: Submit the final version of the literature survey Step 6: Produce a presentation (e.g. PPT slides) and submit the slides. Step 7: Present your work in class (the exact date and time limit will be given later). 3. PROJECTS Here is a list of topics you should consider: 1. Dynamic scheduling under constraints. 2. Smart route finding algorithms. 3. Study latest game playing approaches in various games (e.g. for Texas Hold'em Poker). 4. Rule-based expert systems. 5. Deep reinforcement learning applications. 6. Bayesian network applications. 7. Logic-based approaches. 8. Vacuum robot navigation approaches. 9. How autonomous vehicle systems handle uncertain situations. 10. Drone navigation. 11. Planning in cooperative multi-agent environments. 12. Transfer learning Note that you may choose other topics, but in either case, I will have to approve it. Email me if you're not sure a project is acceptable. 4. GRADING Literature Review Rubric Category Unsatisfactory (0-1 points) Satisfactory (2-3 point) Distinguished (4-5 points) Formatting Report does not adhere to most IEEE guidelines Contains mostly incorrect fonts, spacing, margins, or headings Doesn't use figure, table, an equations when needed Report adheres to most IEEE formatting guidelines Contains some text formatting issues Inadequate use of figures or tables Contains some figures, tables, or equations that are not properly numbered and labeled Report adheres to all rules of IEEE formatting guidelines Correct font, spacing, margins, and text styles Proper use of figures that are numbered, include labels, and are referenced and explained in the text Proper use of tables that are numbered, include headings, are easy to read, and are referenced and explained in the text Correctly formatted equations, which are numbered if appropriate Writing Explanations of sources is missing or lacks detail Sources are not organized or grouped in any way Own work is not related to the sources Some explanations are confusing or unclear Sources are not properly organized and ideas are not grouped Source ideas are not described in sufficient detail to understand main ideas and results Work in sources is not adequately related to own work Clear and thorough explanations Sentences follow a logical flow and entail accurate statements Source ideas are described in sufficient detail to understand the main ideas and results Sources are grouped by ideas Work in sources is related to proposed project: describes similarities and differences from your ideas and how your ideas are better or worse Research Depth and Breadth Very few sources used Sources and/or their explanations lack depth Breadth of research is limited May have many sources, but of limited number within a particular area Sufficiently large number of sources to represent the current state of the work on the topic Great depth of research on the topic that is explained in the paper Quality of Sources Most sources do not come from high-quality journals or conference proceedings related to the chosen topic Only few sources come from high- quality journals or conference proceedings related to the chosen topic Most sources come from high-quality journals or conference proceedings related to the chosen topic Presentation Rubric Category Unsatisfactory (0-1 points) Satisfactory (2-3 point) Distinguished (4-5 points) Preparation of Materials Slides contain a lot of text in paragraph form Almost no figures, tables, or animations Fonts and color choices make slides unreadable (e.g. small blue text on a black background) Slides contain a lot of text Limited use of figures, tables, or animations Text font is too small for easy reading Colors have insufficient contrast and are pleasant to the eye Not too much text Extensive use of figures, tables, or animations Text is sufficiently big to read from afar Colors have sufficient contrast and are pleasant to the eye Clarity Slides do not follow a logical order Terms are not defined Explanations lack details Some slides are not arranged in logical order Some terms are not properly defined Explanations do not provide enough detail to understand the main ideas and results Slides are arranged in logical order Terms are properly defined Explanations provide enough detail to understand the main ideas and results Timeliness Presentation is either very short or goes significantly past the time limit Answers to questions are either very lengthy or extremely short Presentation is somewhat short or goes past the time limit Answers to questions are too lengthy or lack sufficient explanation Presentation makes full use of allotted time, but does not go over limit Answers to questions are brief, but provide a sufficient explanation Correctness and Ability to Answer Questions Presented ideas and answers to questions are completely inaccurate Most questions are unanswered Presented ideas and answers to questions have some inaccuracies Some questions are not answered Presented ideas and answers to questions are completely accurate All questions are answered