Draft a ten-page (double-spaced) paper (200 earned points),using your own words, about one (1) WMD incident that occurred anywhere in the world. Half of the paper is on the incident itself, and half of the paper is your assessment, supported by citations, of the incident response. What went well and what went poorly that saved lives or cost lives? Also, discuss lessons learned for future incidents.
Students will complete the following assignment activities.When completing your written assignmentsin either Microsoft Word or rich text format (using Times New Roman size 12 font ONLY) – not Word Perfect, use APA CITED concepts from your sources to analyze the WMD issues. If you just complete the assignments in broad termswithoutsupporting concepts from your sources, using APA citations, your grade will be significantly lower. Ten (10) APA citations are required. Headers to section up your discussion into topic areas are also required.
I strongly recommend students review a grammar/writing guide prior to submitting assignments. My goal is assignments will be reviewed and grades posted within 48 hours of their submission. Assignments submitted late will have a 10 % penalty assessed for each week late. Cover, reference, appendix, images, charts, bulleted items, and table pages DO NOT count towards the page length requirements. There is NO extra credit or makeup assignments offered in the course, so every assignment contributes to students' final course grades. Assignments MUST be posted to the Canvas site and do NOT get emailed to me
Note: The paper must be written, using your own words, supported by your citations, More than 90 percent of the words, sentences, paragraphs, and pages must be written - using your own words.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) sources are prohibited:My policy is that any work written, developed, created, or inspired by artificial intelligence (AI) is considered plagiarism and will result in significant academic penalties. Please note that written papers are automatically screened and evaluated for AI and plagiarism.
I require that your papers be – your papers. Please do your own work in the course and you will achieve long-term academic and career success! I have a strong preference to NOT assign students a lower grade for violating this policy, so please do not compel me to do so – thanks!