Dont post from internet will downvote if existing solution (a) A processor with a clock cycle time of 0.5 nanoseconds has a CPI of 4 for a particular program. What is the MIPS rating for this program?...

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(a) A processor with a clock cycle time of 0.5 nanoseconds has a CPI of 4 for a particular program. What is the MIPS rating for this program?

(b) A program is run on a system with two types of machine language instructions: type A instructions each require 3 clock cycles, while type B instructions each require 1 clock cycle. If 100 million type A instructions and 400 million type B instructions are executed, what is the CPI for this program?

(c) For a particular program as run on a particular system, the CPU execution time is 1 second, the CPI is 4, and 750 million instructions were executed. What is the clock rate as measured in GHz?

Jun 10, 2022

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