" Do not use any imports, any dictionaries, or dictionary methods. Do not use try-except statements" Only solve the question one import csv from typing import TextIO 1. def...

" Do not use any imports, any dictionaries, or dictionary methods. Do not use try-except statements" Only solve the question one

import csv

from typing import TextIO

1. def write_elevation_maps(maps_file: TextIO, maps_list: list[list[list[int]]]
) -> None:
Given an open csv file and a list of maps , write
the maps back into the csv file according to the format specified in
. That is, if the same file was then read from again
by the function, it should return a list identical
to .

IMPORTANT: is an already open file, you can begin writing to it
immediately. Furthermore, DO NOT close the file
after you are finished writing the data in.

is mentioned in the following task, it does this:

def get_elevation_maps(maps_file: TextIO) -> list[list[list[int]]]:
Given an open csv file , read the file according to the
specification and return all the elevation maps stored within the file.

IMPORTANT: the given argument to the function is an OPEN file ,
you will not need to open it again, and can begin performing standard file
operations on it.

The file will be structured as follows:
- The first line will contain one number, which will denote the number
of elevation maps stored within this file.
- The next n lines will contain two numbers each, "r" and "c", which
are the number of rows and columns of each elevation map.
- The rest of the data will then be comprised of the elevation map
data, which will follow one another in sequence, with no spaces in

For an example, see "sample_data.csv".

Jun 10, 2022

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