Answer To: ITECH1400 – Foundations of Programming – SEM3/18 School of Science, Engineering and Information...
Ximi answered on Feb 05 2021
import unittest
from moneymanager import MoneyManager
class TestMoneyManager(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create a test BankAccount object
self.user = MoneyManager()
# Provide it with some initial balance values
self.user.balance = 1000.0
def test_legal_deposit_works(self):
# Your code here to test that depsositing money using the account's
# 'deposit_funds' function adds the amount to the balance.
def test_illegal_deposit_raises_exception(self):
# Your code here to test that depositing an illegal value (like 'bananas'
# or such - something which is NOT a float) results in an exception being
# raised.
def test_legal_entry(self):
# Your code here to test that adding a new entry with a a legal amount subtracts the
# funds from the balance.
def test_illegal_entry_amount(self):
# Your code here to test that withdrawing an illegal amount (like 'bananas'
# or such - something which is NOT a float) raises a suitable exception.
def test_illegal_entry_type(self):
# Your code here to test that adding an illegal entry type (like 'bananas'
# or such - something which is NOT a float) raises a suitable exception.
def test_insufficient_funds_entry(self):
# Your code here to test that you can only spend funds which are available.
# For example, if you have a balance of 500.00 dollars then that is the maximum
# that can be spent. If you tried to spend 600.00 then a suitable exception
# should be raised and the withdrawal should NOT be applied to the user balance
# or the user's transaction list.
# Run the unit tests in the above test case
class MoneyManager():
def __init__(self, username, password, balance, transaction_list):
'''Constructor to set username to '', pin_number to an empty string,
balance to 0.0, and transaction_list to an empty list.'''
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.balance = balance
self.transaction_list = transaction_list
def add_entry(self, entry_type, amount):
'''Function to add and entry an amount to the tool. Raises an
exception if it receives a value for amount that cannot be cast to float. Raises an exception
if the entry_type is not valid - i.e. not food, rent, bills, entertainment or other'''
entries = ["food", "rent", "bills", "entertainment", "other"]
if entry_type.lower() not in entries:
raise ValueError("Cannot have this entry.")
if float(self.balance)-float(amount) < 0:
raise ValueError("Amount exceeds your balance")
self.transaction_list.append((entry_type, amount))
def deposit_funds(self, amount):
'''Function to deposit an amount to the user balance. Raises an
exception if it receives a value that cannot be cast to float. '''
self.transaction_list.append(("Deposit", amount))
self.balance = str(float(self.balance)+float(amount))
def get_transaction_string(self):
'''Function to create and return a string of the transaction list. Each transaction
consists of two lines - either the word "Deposit" or the entry type - food etc - on
the first line, and then the amount deposited or entry amount on the next line.'''
string = ["\n{}\n{}".format(e, a) for e,a in self.transaction_list]
return string
def save_to_file(self):
'''Function to overwrite the user text file with the current user
details. user number, pin number, and balance (in that
precise order) are the first four lines - there are then two lines
per transaction as outlined in the above 'get_transaction_string'
string = self.get_transaction_string()
with open(self.username+".txt", "w") as f:
for s in string:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
#from pylab import plot, show, xlabel, ylabel
#from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
#from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from moneymanager import MoneyManager
win = tk.Tk()
#Set window size here to '540 x 640'
#Set the window title to 'FedUni Money Manager'
win.title("FedUni Money Manager")
#The user number and associated variable
user_number_var = tk.StringVar()
#This is set as a default for ease of testing
user_number_entry = tk.Entry(win, textvariable=user_number_var)
#The pin number entry and associated variables
pin_number_var = tk.StringVar()
#This is set as a default for ease of testing
#Modify the following to display a series of * rather than the pin ie **** not 1234
user_pin_entry = tk.Entry(win, text='PIN Number', textvariable=pin_number_var, show="*")
#set the user file by default to an empty string
user_file = ''
# The balance label and associated variable
balance_var = tk.StringVar()
balance_var.set('Balance: $0.00')
balance_label = tk.Label(win, textvariable=balance_var)
# The Entry widget to accept a numerical value to deposit or withdraw
amount_var = tk.StringVar()
amount_entry = tk.Entry(win)
# The transaction text widget holds text of the transactions
transaction_text_widget = tk.Text(win, height=10, width=48)
# The money manager object we will work with
#user = MoneyManager()
# ---------- Button Handlers for Login Screen ----------
def clear_pin_entry():
'''Function to clear the PIN number entry when the Clear / Cancel button is clicked.'''
# Clear the pin number entry here
user_number_entry.delete(first=0, last=END)
user_pin_entry.delete(first=0, last=END)
def handle_pin_button(event):
'''Function to add the number of the button clicked to the PIN number entry.'''
# Limit to 4 chars in length
# Set the new pin number on the pin_number_var
text = event.widget["text"]
if text in list(map(str, range(10))):
user_pin_entry.insert(END, text)
win.bind("", handle_pin_button)
def log_in():
'''Function to log in to the banking system using a known user number and PIN.'''
global user
global pin_number_var
global user_file
global user_number_entry
with open(user_number_entry.get()+".txt", "r") as f:
data ='\n')
user = data[0]
password_ = data[1]
assert user_pin_entry.get() == password_, "Invalid password"
balance = data[2]
transaction_list = [(data[idx], data[idx+1]) for idx in range(3, len(data)-1, 2)]
user = MoneyManager(user_number_entry.get(), password_, balance, transaction_list)
# ---------- Button Handlers for User Screen ----------
def save_and_log_out():
'''Function to overwrite the user file with the current state of
the user object (i.e. including any new transactions), remove
all widgets and display the login screen.'''
global user
def perform_deposit():
'''Function to add a deposit for the amount in the amount entry to the
user's transaction list.'''
global user
global amount_entry
global balance_label
global balance_var
# Try to increase the account balance and append the deposit to the account file
# Get the cash amount to deposit. Note: We check legality inside account's deposit method
# Deposit funds
# Update the transaction widget with the new transaction by calling account.get_transaction_string()
# Note: Configure the text widget to be state='normal' first, then delete contents, then instert new
# contents, and finally configure back to state='disabled' so it cannot be user edited.
# Change the balance label to reflect the new balance
# Clear the amount entry
# Update the interest graph with our new balance
# Catch and display exception as a 'showerror' messagebox with a title of 'Transaction Error' and the text of the exception
def perform_transaction():
'''Function to add the entry the amount in the amount entry from the user balance and add an entry to the transaction list.'''
global user
global amount_entry
global balance_label
global balance_var
global entry_type
# Try to decrease the account balance and append the deposit to the account file
# Get the cash amount to use. Note: We check legality inside account's withdraw_funds method
# Get the type of entry that will be added ie rent etc
# Withdraw funds from the balance
# Update the transaction widget with the new transaction by calling user.get_transaction_string()
# Note: Configure the text widget to be state='normal' first, then delete contents, then instert new
# contents, and finally configure back to state='disabled' so it cannot be user edited.
# Change the balance label to reflect the new balance
# Clear the amount entry
# Update the graph
# Catch and display any returned exception as a messagebox 'showerror'
def remove_all_widgets():
'''Function to remove all the widgets from the window.'''
global win
for widget in win.winfo_children():
def read_line_from_user_file():
'''Function to read a line from the users file but not the last newline character.
Note: The user_file must be open to read from for this function to succeed.'''
global user_file
return user_file.readline()[0:-1]
def plot_spending_graph():
'''Function to plot the user spending here.'''
# YOUR CODE to generate the x and y lists here which will be plotted
#Your code to display the graph on the screen here - do this last
# ---------- UI Drawing Functions ----------
def create_login_screen():
'''Function to create the login screen.'''
Label(win, text='FedUni Money Manager',font=("Helvetica", 22)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)
Label(win, text='Username/ PIN').grid(row=1, column=0)
user_number_entry.grid(row=1, column=1)
user_pin_entry.grid(row=1, column=2)
Button(text='1', width=10).grid(row=2,column=0)
Button(text='2', width=10).grid(row=2,column=1)
Button(text='3', width=10).grid(row=2,column=2)
Button(text='4', width=10).grid(row=3,column=0)
Button(text='5', width=10).grid(row=3,column=1)
Button(text='6', width=10).grid(row=3,column=2)
Button(text='7', width=10).grid(row=4,column=0)
Button(text='8', width=10).grid(row=4,column=1)
Button(text='9', width=10).grid(row=4,column=2)
Button(text='Cancel/Clear', width=10, command=clear_pin_entry, bg="red").grid(row=5,column=0)
Button(text='0', width=10).grid(row=5,column=1)
Button(text='Login', width=10,bg="green",command=log_in).grid(row=5,column=2)
def create_user_screen():
'''Function to create the user screen.'''
global amount_text
global amount_label
global transaction_text_widget
global balance_var
global win
win = tk.Tk()
Label(win, text='FedUni Money Manager',font=("Helvetica", 22)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)
Label(win, text="User Number: {}".format(user_number_entry)).grid(row=1, column=0)
Label(win, text="Balance: {}".format(user.balance)).grid(row=1, column=1)
Label(win, text="Amount ($)").grid(row=2, column=0)
amount_label = Entry(win, width=10,)
amount_label.grid(row=2, column=1)
Button(win, text='Log Out', width=10, command=save_and_log_out).grid(row=1,column=2)
Button(win,text='Deposit', width=10, \
command=lambda: user.deposit_funds(amount_label.get()))\
lb = Listbox(win, height=5, selectmode=SINGLE)
entries = ["food", "rent", "bills", "entertainment", "other"]
for i in range(len(entries)):
lb.insert(i+1, entries[i])
lb.grid(row=3, column=1)
def get_items_list():
items = list(map(int, lb.curselection()))
item = lb.get(items[0])
return item
Button(win, text='Add Entry', width=10,\
command=lambda: user.add_entry(get_items_list(), amount_label.get()))\
Label(win, text="Entry Type").grid(row=3, column=0)
textBox = Text(win, height=10, width=48,)
scrollb = Scrollbar(command=textBox.yview)
textBox['yscrollcommand'] = scrollb.set
textBox.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=3)
for idx in range(len(user.transaction_list)):
for e in user.transaction_list[idx]:
textBox.insert(INSERT, e+"\n")
#textBox.insert(INSERT, )
# ---------- Display Login Screen & Start Main loop ----------