Do groups enhance or impair performance? Introduction: Does the thought of a “group project” send shivers down your spine? If so, you aren’t alone. Many students prefer working alone to working in a...

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Do groups enhance or impair performance?


Does the thought of a “group project” send shivers down your spine? If so, you aren’t alone. Many students prefer working alone to working in a group. But before you dismiss the benefits of working together, let’s explore what the research says about whether groups enhance, or impair, performance.

This assignment fulfills/Supports:

  • Module Outcome:

  • Course Outcome:

  • General Education Competencies:

The Assignment:

For this Assignment, complete the following steps:

Step 1:

  1. Using the FTCC Library (either in-person or online), explore scholarly research on the following concepts: link to the library

    1. The social facilitation effect

    2. Social loafing

    3. Deindividuation

    4. Group polarization

    5. Groupthink

Step 2:

In a paper, thoroughly discuss the following:

  1. Based on your research,choose at least two of the concepts listed aboveand discuss how they could IMPAIR performance on a grouptask(identify a grouptask/activity and apply your discussion to that task). Here's an example:Social loafing is a common occurrancein academic group work. When students are assigned a group project, there may be one or more social loafers in the group who do not complete their "fair share" of the work. This happens because people who are part of a group feel slightly less responsible for the outcome and therefore don't work as hard as they would if they were completing a project alone. When this happens, other group members pick up the slack left by the social loafers. Ultimately, this can impair group performance because...(explain how social loafing impairs group performance using the information from your research and your textbook).Remember- group work doesn't always occur in an academic setting. We work together in groups at our jobs, in our homes, and in social settings.

  2. Next, discuss at least two ways that working in a group can ENHANCE performance on the same task you identified above.

  3. Your answer must be based on information from the scholarly sources you found through the FTCC Library and your textbook. However, you may add anecdotal information from your own life to justify your position.

Citing Sources:
You must use APA style to reference your source(s) at the end of your submission. For this assignment, you must include reference information for your textbook and any articles or publications you use. Information on how to format reference information (including a reference generator) in APA style can be found on the Purdue Online Writing Lab website at in a new window).

Acceptable Length:Minimum of 1 typed page. Needs to be in an essay format!

Formatting Requirements:

  • Use 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font

  • Use double line spacing in the document

  • 1-inch margins all around

Answered Same DayApr 16, 2021

Answer To: Do groups enhance or impair performance? Introduction: Does the thought of a “group project” send...

Rupsha answered on Apr 20 2021
144 Votes
Running Head: Paper Writing                                1
Paper Writing                                        5
Paper Writing
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Factors Impairin
g the Performance on Group Work    3
Social Loafing    3
Deindividuation    3
Impacts of Group Work in Enhancing Performances of an Individual    4
Conclusion    5
References    6
Group work is widely practiced and is the key to success in today's professional world. It is performed across the globe everywhere irrespective of schools, colleges, work places and many more. However, there are many factors, which can abate the performance of group work. In this assignment, we will study about the factors that can impair the performance of group work and we will study how the performance of group work can be enhanced.
Factors Impairing the Performance on Group Work
Social Loafing
It is the top rated negative effect of a group work, in which some of the group members give relatively less effort to achieve the goal when they are working in a group. It is quite common in a group work and can be found in many situations. The primary reason for this is that often some individuals feel like their contributions do not matter in the group work and thereby decrease their contributions and efforts. Social loafing greatly harms the group work and the individuals...

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