Dissertation on The impact of education on health and well being among communities in Malawi between young men and women aged 15-30 years Wanted to focus more on the social cultural factors promoting...

Dissertation on The impact of education on health and well being among communities in Malawi between young men and women aged 15-30 years Wanted to focus more on the social cultural factors promoting HIV in Malawi CAN YOU DO LITERATURE REVIEW FOR ME FIRST 1. Lack of education - how it affects girls and link to HIV  (2000 words) probably due to the following factors: 2. Inequalities between boys and girls in education (2500 words) 3. Cultural beliefs (2500 words) 4 Poverty and link it with political economic factors such as how a country's economy can shape HIV reduction programmes. (2500 words)  OBJECTIVES 1: Critically analyse education policies in Malawi in relation to socio-cultural influences. i.e the right to education  2. Whether poverty influence education attainment in girls than boys. 3 Whether culture influence determine education attainment between boys and girls 4. Relationship between poverty and education attainment ( Political economic factor) Wanted to use a conceptual frame work where culture, poverty are independent variables - education- HIV prevalence as a dependant variable segregated by gender. Wanted to in cooperate or change slightly my original proposal however to focus on hiv as a dependant variable

Oct 07, 2019

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