Discuss the validity and effect of each of the following situations:
a. A, B, and C, manufacturers of radios, orally agree that due
to the disastrous cutthroat competition in the market, they
will establish a reasonable price to charge their purchasers.
b. A, B, C, and D, newspaper publishers, agree not to charge
their customers more than $0.30 per newspaper.
c. A, a distiller of liquor, and B, A’s retail distributor, agree
that B should charge a price of $5.00 per bottle.
2. Discuss the validity of the following:
a. A territorial allocation agreement between two manufacturers of the same type of products, whereby neither will
sell its products in the area allocated to the other.
b. An agreement between manufacturer and distributor not
to sell a dealer a particular product or parts necessary for
the product’s repair