Discuss the Generalized Model for program planning in respect to each of its five components. Why is this model used to teach the basic principles of program planning and evaluation? Have you ever...

Discuss the Generalized Model for program planning in respect to each of its five components. Why is this model used to teach the basic principles of program planning and evaluation? Have you ever been involved in general planning activities? (The answer here is yes - Everyone has been involved in planning something.) Please describe your activities and how these activities could fit in the Generalized Model for program planning and how you used each phase of the model. 2. The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a time-tested model with proven usefulness in a wide variety of settings. PRECEDE is the planning portion of the model. It is followed by PROCEED with addresses the intervention and evaluation of the program. There are four stages in PRECEDE followed by four stages of PROCEED for an eight-stage model. Write out what PRECEDE stands for and give a short description of this part of the model in your own words. Do the same for PROCEED. Now visit the Healthy People 2030 website (link provided). Browse objectives by topic. Select a topic by health condition, health behavior, population, or setting. Choose something that holds interest or application to your future career plans. Now assume you have been appointed to the Workgroup that is tasked with achieving that objective. Using PRECEDE-PROCEED, address all eight stages of the model. I have included a couple of links in your reading that will provide some ideas and guidelines for you in this task. Include 2-3 sentences for each of the following stages of the model: (I realize that you are likely not (yet) experts in these areas, so it may be challenging for you to determine some of the information like social problems, health determinants, predisposing factors, and others. However, by reading the information in Health People 2030 and using the Evidence Based Resource links you should be able to propose something for each of the stages. I am not expecting expert work here, but I do expect to be able to tell that you conducted some research and put quality effort into addressing each stage. You are free to use other resources to investigate this information.) Following this guidance with my notes in red) from the Rural Health Information Hub (2011) may help: Social assessment: Determine the social problems and needs of a given population and identify desired results. (HP 2030 will identify the problems of specific populations for you - state the problem including some data and support it at least one additional professional resource. What results to you think are important for this target population?) • Epidemiological assessment: Identify the health determinants of the identified problems and set priorities and goals. (What would you think are the major factors that contribute to this health problem? You may use HP 2030 to set your goals for 0 them. What behaviors do you think would need to be prioritized in order to reach the goals?) • Ecological assessment: Analyze behavioral and environmental determinants that predispose, reinforce, and enable the desired behaviors and lifestyles. (Create a short list of what you think could be common predisposing factors, reinforcing factors, and enabling factors as they relate to the problem for this population.) . Interventions: Identify administrative and policy factors that influence implementation and match appropriate interventions that encourage desired and expected changes. Offer two policies or environmental changes that you believe would need to be implemented (or changed) that would encourage the target population to make the necessary behavior changes.) • Implementation: Design intervention, assess availability of resources, and implement program. (Оffer at least three interventions that you feel would make strides toward addressing the problem and reaching the goal. Present two resources that would have to be made available to the population in order for them to make the necessary behavior changes.) Process Evaluation: Determine if the program is reaching the targeted population and achieving desired goals. (In 1-2 sentences, how would you evaluate the process of your program - ig- how do you know that are receiving the program properly and effectively?) Impact Evaluation: Evaluate the change in behavior. (What behaviors will you need to measure and monitor to know if there is positive progress taking place? How would you measure these behaviors?) Outcome Evaluation: Identify if there is a decrease in the incidence or prevalence of the identified negative behavior or an increase in identified positive behavior. (Lastly, what ultimate outcomes do you need to know in order to judge the ultimate success of your program? Hint: Return to HP 2030 and look at the original goal for the behavior for this population.)

May 19, 2022

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