Discuss 3 changes during pregnancy and fetal development that intrigues you the most and why?Reference APA style

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Discuss 3 changes during pregnancy and fetal development that intrigues you the most and why?

Reference APA style
Answered 1 days AfterOct 20, 2022

Answer To: Discuss 3 changes during pregnancy and fetal development that intrigues you the most and...

Dr. Saloni answered on Oct 22 2022
60 Votes
Pregnancy Changes
During the pregnancy period, significant changes happen in the pregnant mother
. The proportion of body growth in the newly formed conceptus is significant, particularly during the fourth and third months, as well as weight gain is remarkable during the final months. Most of the excess weight is attributable to the baby's growth, but the mother's body may also be depositing fat in preparation for producing breast milk following the birth of the baby. Putting on excessive or inadequate weight can cause health issues for a woman and her unborn child (Vargas-Terrones et al., 2019).
It's common to become exhausted, or even fatigued, during pregnancy, particularly during the initial 12 weeks. Hormonal fluctuations during this...

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