Choose a religionto investigate
other than Chirstian or Catholic,
one that isnot similar to it.
Use the questions below to guide your investigation, and include all the required information in whichever format you choose.
Be sure toincorporate, defineanddemonstrate understanding or geographic terminology and concepts.
Required length for WI format:500 word minimum,or as long as necessary to cover all questions thoroughly.
Required contents: All items listed are required.You must follow this order and include the numbered items as section headings. This will help ensure a complete submission.
Name or names(formal, official and any common names) of the religion
Origins: Location and time the religion originated or first developed.
Map(s) and images, accompanied byyournarrative description, illustrating:
a. the location of origin
b. spatial patterns, locations where the religion has diffused or dispersed over time (What factors have driven itsdiffusion?)
c. current locations where the religion is practiced
4.Description of the religion, including:
a.names of the religion and its followers, major texts or scriptures time and place of origin, description of the founders, major figures(deities, prophets, or leaders).
b. One or more quotes from a
primary source,(Links to an external site.)such as the main text or words of the founder or leader of the religion, or the text associated with the religion.
c.symbols or imagesthat represent the religion (images and descriptions of what they represent)
d.major beliefsthat characterize the religion
e.organizational structure(What is the hierarchy or leadership structure; what are the roles for leaders and followers?)
f.gender or age-related roles- Are there differentiated or designated roles for men, women, children, adults, elders?
g. anyspecific or unique characteristics or points of historical significance. (e.g. Is it localized, are there groups or sects? Is it associated with a particular region, ethnic group, nationality, language, or other cultural attributes or periods in history? Are gender roles distinct? Has it changed significantly over time or as practiced in different places?)
h.geographic diffusion of the religionfrom its point(s) of origin. (How has it spread? Is it concentrated in particular parts of the world or among certain groups?)
i.approximately how many followersof the religion have there the past, and currently? Are the numbers of followers growing, shrinking, or staying steady?
5.Description of any conflicts, splits or controversieswithin the religion or between followers of that religion and others. Specify the relevant time period(s) and locations and any efforts toward reconciliation. (What are the sources of conflict? Are they based on beliefs, interpretations, history, economics, ethnic differences? )
6.Works cited/list of references.