DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab A. Lab BSBA BIS245A-6 B. Lab 6 of 7: Creating Reports C. Lab Overview—Scenario/Summary CO(s): 7. Given a database...

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Directions are in the file. This requires Microsoft Access.

DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab A. Lab BSBA BIS245A-6 B. Lab 6 of 7: Creating Reports C. Lab Overview—Scenario/Summary CO(s): 7. Given a database application with a completed relational schema, populated tables, and business reporting requirements, create the necessary reports and make a business decision. Scenario: The purpose of this lab is to create Access reports. After a report is created, the student will sort the fields in different ways. Also, the student can also delete fields in layout view and modify the appearance of the report by applying themes. In addition to the report generated by Access, the lab also uses report design to allow users to design their own reports. Upon completing this lab, you should be able to • create a report and apply a theme for professional appearance of the report; and • use report design to generate your own report. D. Deliverables: Upload the modified Lab6_Start.accdb file that you saved as YourName_Lab6.accdb to the Week 6 Lab Assignment. Section Deliverable Points Part A Step 1: Create a Simple Report—Lab6_Report1 Part A Step 2: Create a report using Report Design—Lab6_Report2 Part A Step 3: Creating Multitable Reports—Lab6_Report3 Part A Step 4: Adding a Subreport—Lab6_Report4 Part A Step 5: Create Mailing Labels—Lab6_Report5 Part B Step 1: Create a Report—Lab6_Report6 Part B Step 2: Create a Multitable Report—Lab6_Report7 E. Lab Steps: Preparation: 1. Download the Access starter file from the Week 6 Lab page and save the file to your local drive. You will want to download it using Chrome, as it does not open correctly using Edge or Explorer. 2. Using Citrix for MS Visio and/or MS Access a. If you are using the Citrix remote lab, follow the login instructions located in the Lab area in Introduction and Resources. b. You will have to upload the “Lab6_Start.accdb” file to your Citrix folder. Follow the instructions located on the Lab area in Introduction and Resources. 3. Start MS Access: a. If you are using Citrix, click on Microsoft Office Applications folder. b. If you are using Visio on a local computer, select Microsoft Office from your Program Menu. Lab: Part A: Creating Reports—Step by Step Step 1: Create a Simple Report The basic steps for creating a simple report in MS Access are as follows. - Select the table for the report in the navigation pane. - Click the create tab. - Click the report button in the reports group. a. Select the customers table. You will see the table highlighted in the left pane. b. Click the create tab to create a new object. c. Click report from the reports group to create a new report. d. After clicking the report button and selecting the customers table, a new report is created that includes all the fields in the customer table. The report will open in the Layout view. Right-click any of the fields to view a shortcut menu. e. Using the shortcut menu, you can sort the data in the report by descending or ascending sequence. You can also use this shortcut menu to delete unwanted fields. Notice that the shortcut menu items are determined by the item you have selected when you right-click the mouse. Yours may not look exactly like the example shown. f. Click themes to display different types of formats. Choose any format to see the report format change. Select the one you like best before saving your report. g. Click save to save the report as Lab6_Report1, then close the report. Step 2: Create a Report Using Report Design a. Click the create tab to create a new object. b. Click report design from the reports group to create a new report. c. After clicking report design, a new report will be shown. Using the add existing fields tool, add the fields needed to generate a customer phone number list. (Customer ID, Company Name, Contact Name, Contact Title, Phone) Right click on each field, from the layout menu choose tabular format. Alternate method is to depress the shift key while selecting all fields. Then select the tabular option from the arrange tools. d. After the fields are located on the report, select the design tab and use the view pull-down to select the report view to see the report. e. After viewing the report, return to the design view to make adjustments to field sizes, and so forth so that the report is readable. f. Click view again, and select layout view to go back to layout view. Click themes to pick up a pre-existing format. g. View your report by using the view pull-down to select print preview. If the report is not readable, continue to modify the layout until you have a report that works. Save the report as Lab6_Report2. Step 3: Creating Multitable Reports In this section, you will create a report that involves multiple tables. In this case, you want a list of orders processed by each employee. a. Select the employees table and then click create tab and select report wizard. b. Make sure that table: employees is selected in the table/queries selection window. c. Select EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Photo, and ReportsTo from the employees table. d. Click on the down arrow key and then select table: orders. Select OrderID, OrderDate, ShippedDate, and ShipVia from that table, then click next. e. In the next screen, you have the option of viewing data by employees or by orders; select by employees, then click next f. In this step, you can select to group your report by any field that you have selected. g. In this step, you can add sort order to your report. Select OrderDate, then click next h. In the next screen, you can select a layout for your report. Select stepped layout and then make sure that landscape orientation is used. Click next. i. Enter Lab6_Report3 as the title of the report, and then click finish. j. You should be able to see the report for all nine employees and the orders that they worked on. k. You can modify and format your report by going to layout view. l. Save the changes to the report. Step 4: Adding a Subreport To add a subreport to a report, you use the subform/subreport tools on the design tab. In this case, you will create a suppliers report with a products subreport that allows generation of a printed list of suppliers with products each supplies. First, let’s create a new report. a. Click create, then select report wizard. b. Select the suppliers table from tables/queries. c. Select CompanyName, ContactName, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, and Phone from the suppliers table and click next. d. Select grouping by CompanyName, click the > button to move the grouping criteria to the right hand pane, then click next. e. In the next screen, select sort by ContactName, then click next. f. Select stepped layout in the next screen, make sure that landscape orientation is selected, then click next. g. Enter a report title of Lab6_Report4 and then click finish. h. You should be able to see the list of the suppliers, sorted in ascending order by CompanyName. Now, you will add a subreport to your report, showing the products that each supplier provides, and information about the pricing of the products. i. If you are still in print preview, close print preview and then, while the supplier report is open, click on the view button and select design view. j. Place your cursor on the bar separating detail and page footer sections, hold the mouse button down, and expand the detail section. k. From the design tab, click the drop down arrow to show all controls. Make sure that the use control wizards button is highlighted in the controls subgroup menu, then click on the subform/subreport button. l. Move your cursor to the desired position and click the mouse button. m. Select use existing tables and queries, then click next. n. Select the products table in the tables/queries box. Select ProductName, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit, and UnitPrice, and move them to selected fields, then click next. o. In the next screen, make sure that choose from a list radio button is selected, then click finish. p. Your screen should look similar to the following. q. Switch to report view; you will be able to see suppliers by the products subreport. r. Save the changes to the report. Step 5: Create Mailing Labels In this section, you will use the customers table to create labels for mailing materials to your customers. a. Make sure the customers table is selected. b. Click on create tab in the report group and then click the labels button. c. Select C2160 as product number, 1 1/2" x 2 1/2” as dimensions, and three as number across. Make sure that English is selected as the unit of measure, and that Avery is selected as the filter by manufacturer box and then click next. d. In the next screen, you can select font type, size, and color. Make your selection, and click next. e. In the next screen, select CompanyName, then click > to move it to the prototype label, and then press the enter key. f. Select ContactName, and move it to the prototype label, then press the enter key. g. Move the address, then press enter. h. Move city then type comma (,) and press spacebar, move region, press spacebar, then move PostalCode and press the enter key. i. Move country. Your screen should look like the following. j. Click next. Select country as the sorting field, and then click next. k. Enter a report title of Lab6_Report5, and then click the finish button. l. The results should look like the following. m. Save the changes to the report. Step 6: Finished with Part A You are now finished with the step-by-step portion of the lab. Save your database as YourName_Lab6.accdb. Go on to Part B. End of Part A Part B: On Your Own Step 1: Create a Simple Report a. Using your experience from Part A, create a product price list to be used by all employees. Your report should show products listed by
Answered Same DayOct 09, 2021

Answer To: DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab A. Lab BSBA...

Ritu answered on Oct 11 2021
149 Votes
    CategoryID    CategoryName    Description    Picture
    1    Beverages    Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales    
    2    Condiments    Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings    
    3    Confections    Desserts, candies, and sweet breads    
    4    Dairy Products    Cheeses    
    5    Grains/Cereals    Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal    
    6    Meat/Poultry    Prepared meats    
    7    Produce    Dried fruit and bean curd    
    8    Seafood    Seaweed and fish    
    CustomerID    CompanyName    ContactName    ContactTitle    Address    City    Region    PostalCode    Country    Phone    Fax
    ALFKI    Alfreds Futterkiste    Maria Anders    Sales Representative    Obere Str. 57    Berlin        12209    Germany    030-0074321    030-0076545
    ANATR    Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados    Ana Trujillo    Owner    Avda. de la Constitución 2222    México D.F.        05021    Mexico    (5) 555-4729    (5) 555-3745
    ANTON    Antonio Moreno Taquería    Antonio Moreno    Owner    Mataderos 2312    México D.F.        05023    Mexico    (5) 555-3932    
    AROUT    Around the Horn    Thomas Hardy    Sales Representative    120 Hanover Sq.    London        WA1 1DP    UK    (171) 555-7788    (171) 555-6750
    BERGS    Berglunds snabbköp    Christina Berglund    Order Administrator    Berguvsvägen 8    Luleå        S-958 22    Sweden    0921-12 34 65    0921-12 34 67
    BLAUS    Blauer See Delikatessen    Hanna Moos    Sales Representative    Forsterstr. 57    Mannheim        68306    Germany    0621-08460    0621-08924
    BLONP    Blondel père et fils    Frédérique Citeaux    Marketing Manager    24, place Kléber    Strasbourg        67000    France
    BOLID    Bólido Comidas preparadas    Martín Sommer    Owner    C/ Araquil, 67    Madrid        28023    Spain    (91) 555 22 82    (91) 555 91 99
    BONAP    Bon app'    Laurenc
e Lebihan    Owner    12, rue des Bouchers    Marseille        13008    France
    BOTTM    Bottom-Dollar Markets    Elizabeth Lincoln    Accounting Manager    23 Tsawassen Blvd.    Tsawassen    BC    T2F 8M4    Canada    (604) 555-4729    (604) 555-3745
    BSBEV    B's Beverages    Victoria Ashworth    Sales Representative    Fauntleroy Circus    London        EC2 5NT    UK    (171) 555-1212    
    CACTU    Cactus Comidas para llevar    Patricio Simpson    Sales Agent    Cerrito 333    Buenos Aires        1010    Argentina    (1) 135-5555    (1) 135-4892
    CENTC    Centro comercial Moctezuma    Francisco Chang    Marketing Manager    Sierras de Granada 9993    México D.F.        05022    Mexico    (5) 555-3392    (5) 555-7293
    CHOPS    Chop-suey Chinese    Yang Wang    Owner    Hauptstr. 29    Bern        3012    Switzerland    0452-076545    
    COMMI    Comércio Mineiro    Pedro Afonso    Sales Associate    Av. dos Lusíadas, 23    São Paulo    SP    05432-043    Brazil    (11) 555-7647    
    CONSH    Consolidated Holdings    Elizabeth Brown    Sales Representative    Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery     London        WX1 6LT    UK    (171) 555-2282    (171) 555-9199
    DRACD    Drachenblut Delikatessen    Sven Ottlieb    Order Administrator    Walserweg 21    Aachen        52066    Germany    0241-039123    0241-059428
    DUMON    Du monde entier    Janine Labrune    Owner    67, rue des Cinquante Otages    Nantes        44000    France
    EASTC    Eastern Connection    Ann Devon    Sales Agent    35 King George    London        WX3 6FW    UK    (171) 555-0297    (171) 555-3373
    ERNSH    Ernst Handel    Roland Mendel    Sales Manager    Kirchgasse 6    Graz        8010    Austria    7675-3425    7675-3426
    FAMIA    Familia Arquibaldo    Aria Cruz    Marketing Assistant    Rua Orós, 92    São Paulo    SP    05442-030    Brazil    (11) 555-9857    
    FISSA    FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A.    Diego Roel    Accounting Manager    C/ Moralzarzal, 86    Madrid        28034    Spain    (91) 555 94 44    (91) 555 55 93
    FOLIG    Folies gourmandes    Martine Rancé    Assistant Sales Agent    184, chaussée de Tournai    Lille        59000    France
    FOLKO    Folk och fä HB    Maria Larsson    Owner    Åkergatan 24    Bräcke        S-844 67    Sweden    0695-34 67 21    
    FRANK    Frankenversand    Peter Franken    Marketing Manager    Berliner Platz 43    München        80805    Germany    089-0877310    089-0877451
    FRANR    France restauration    Carine Schmitt    Marketing Manager    54, rue Royale    Nantes        44000    France
    FRANS    Franchi S.p.A.    Paolo Accorti    Sales Representative    Via Monte Bianco 34    Torino        10100    Italy    011-4988260    011-4988261
    FURIB    Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar    Lino Rodriguez     Sales Manager    Jardim das rosas n. 32    Lisboa        1675    Portugal    (1) 354-2534    (1) 354-2535
    GALED    Galería del gastrónomo    Eduardo Saavedra    Marketing Manager    Rambla de Cataluña, 23    Barcelona        08022    Spain    (93) 203 4560    (93) 203 4561
    GODOS    Godos Cocina Típica    José Pedro Freyre    Sales Manager    C/ Romero, 33    Sevilla        41101    Spain    (95) 555 82 82    
    GOURL    Gourmet Lanchonetes    André Fonseca    Sales Associate    Av. Brasil, 442    Campinas    SP    04876-786    Brazil    (11) 555-9482    
    GREAL    Great Lakes Food Market    Howard Snyder    Marketing Manager    2732 Baker Blvd.    Eugene    OR    97403    USA    (503) 555-7555    
    GROSR    GROSELLA-Restaurante    Manuel Pereira    Owner    5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes    Caracas    DF    1081    Venezuela    (2) 283-2951    (2) 283-3397
    HANAR    Hanari Carnes    Mario Pontes    Accounting Manager    Rua do Paço, 67    Rio de Janeiro    RJ    05454-876    Brazil    (21) 555-0091    (21) 555-8765
    HILAA    HILARIÓN-Abastos    Carlos Hernández    Sales Representative    Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35    San Cristóbal    Táchira    5022    Venezuela    (5) 555-1340    (5) 555-1948
    HUNGC    Hungry Coyote Import Store    Yoshi Latimer    Sales Representative    City Center Plaza
516 Main St.    Elgin    OR    97827    USA    (503) 555-6874    (503) 555-2376
    HUNGO    Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers    Patricia McKenna    Sales Associate    8 Johnstown Road    Cork    Co. Cork        Ireland    2967 542    2967 3333
    ISLAT    Island Trading    Helen Bennett    Marketing Manager    Garden House
Crowther Way    Cowes    Isle of Wight    PO31 7PJ    UK    (198) 555-8888    
    KOENE    Königlich Essen    Philip Cramer    Sales Associate    Maubelstr. 90    Brandenburg        14776    Germany    0555-09876    
    LACOR    La corne d'abondance    Daniel Tonini    Sales Representative    67, avenue de l'Europe    Versailles        78000    France
    LAMAI    La maison d'Asie    Annette Roulet    Sales Manager    1 rue Alsace-Lorraine    Toulouse        31000    France
    LAUGB    Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars    Yoshi Tannamuri    Marketing Assistant    1900 Oak St.    Vancouver    BC    V3F 2K1    Canada    (604) 555-3392    (604) 555-7293
    LAZYK    Lazy K Kountry Store    John Steel    Marketing Manager    12 Orchestra Terrace    Walla Walla    WA    99362    USA    (509) 555-7969    (509) 555-6221
    LEHMS    Lehmanns Marktstand    Renate Messner    Sales Representative    Magazinweg 7    Frankfurt a.M.         60528    Germany    069-0245984    069-0245874
    LETSS    Let's Stop N Shop    Jaime Yorres    Owner    87 Polk St.
Suite 5    San Francisco    CA    94117    USA    (415) 555-5938    
    LILAS    LILA-Supermercado    Carlos González    Accounting Manager    Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo    Barquisimeto    Lara    3508    Venezuela    (9) 331-6954    (9) 331-7256
    LINOD    LINO-Delicateses    Felipe Izquierdo    Owner    Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar    I. de Margarita    Nueva Esparta    4980    Venezuela    (8) 34-56-12    (8) 34-93-93
    LONEP    Lonesome Pine Restaurant    Fran Wilson    Sales Manager    89 Chiaroscuro Rd.    Portland    OR    97219    USA    (503) 555-9573    (503) 555-9646
    MAGAA    Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti    Giovanni Rovelli    Marketing Manager    Via Ludovico il Moro 22    Bergamo        24100    Italy    035-640230    035-640231
    MAISD    Maison Dewey    Catherine Dewey    Sales Agent    Rue Joseph-Bens 532    Bruxelles        B-1180    Belgium    (02) 201 24 67    (02) 201 24 68
    MEREP    Mère Paillarde    Jean Fresnière    Marketing Assistant    43 rue St. Laurent    Montréal    Québec    H1J 1C3    Canada    (514) 555-8054    (514) 555-8055
    MORGK    Morgenstern Gesundkost    Alexander Feuer    Marketing Assistant    Heerstr. 22    Leipzig        04179    Germany    0342-023176    
    NORTS    North/South    Simon Crowther    Sales Associate    South House
300 Queensbridge    London        SW7 1RZ    UK    (171) 555-7733    (171) 555-2530
    OCEAN    Océano Atlántico Ltda.    Yvonne Moncada    Sales Agent    Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A    Buenos Aires        1010    Argentina    (1) 135-5333    (1) 135-5535
    OLDWO    Old World Delicatessen    Rene Phillips    Sales Representative    2743 Bering St.    Anchorage    AK    99508    USA    (907) 555-7584    (907) 555-2880
    OTTIK    Ottilies Käseladen    Henriette Pfalzheim    Owner    Mehrheimerstr. 369    Köln        50739    Germany    0221-0644327    0221-0765721
    PARIS    Paris spécialités    Marie Bertrand    Owner    265, boulevard Charonne    Paris        75012    France    (1)    (1)
    PERIC    Pericles Comidas clásicas    Guillermo Fernández    Sales Representative    Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321    México D.F.        05033    Mexico    (5) 552-3745    (5) 545-3745
    PICCO    Piccolo und mehr    Georg Pipps    Sales Manager    Geislweg 14    Salzburg        5020    Austria    6562-9722    6562-9723
    PRINI    Princesa Isabel Vinhos    Isabel de Castro    Sales Representative    Estrada da saúde n. 58    Lisboa        1756    Portugal    (1) 356-5634    
    QUEDE    Que Delícia    Bernardo Batista    Accounting Manager    Rua da Panificadora, 12    Rio de Janeiro    RJ    02389-673    Brazil    (21) 555-4252    (21) 555-4545
    QUEEN    Queen Cozinha    Lúcia Carvalho    Marketing Assistant    Alameda dos Canàrios, 891    São Paulo    SP    05487-020    Brazil    (11) 555-1189    
    QUICK    QUICK-Stop    Horst Kloss    Accounting Manager    Taucherstraße 10    Cunewalde        01307    Germany    0372-035188    
    RANCH    Rancho grande    Sergio Gutiérrez    Sales Representative    Av. del Libertador 900    Buenos Aires        1010    Argentina    (1) 123-5555    (1) 123-5556
    RATTC    Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery    Paula Wilson    Assistant Sales Representative    2817 Milton Dr.    Albuquerque    NM    87110    USA    (505) 555-5939    (505) 555-3620
    REGGC    Reggiani Caseifici    Maurizio Moroni    Sales Associate    Strada Provinciale 124    Reggio Emilia        42100    Italy    0522-556721    0522-556722
    RICAR    Ricardo Adocicados    Janete Limeira    Assistant Sales Agent    Av. Copacabana, 267    Rio de Janeiro    RJ    02389-890    Brazil    (21) 555-3412    
    RICSU    Richter Supermarkt    Michael Holz    Sales Manager    Grenzacherweg 237    Genève        1203    Switzerland    0897-034214    
    ROMEY    Romero y tomillo    Alejandra Camino    Accounting Manager    Gran Vía, 1    Madrid        28001    Spain    (91) 745 6200    (91) 745 6210
    SANTG    Santé Gourmet    Jonas Bergulfsen    Owner    Erling Skakkes gate 78    Stavern        4110    Norway    07-98 92 35    07-98 92 47
    SAVEA    Save-a-lot Markets    Jose Pavarotti    Sales Representative    187 Suffolk Ln.    Boise    ID    83720    USA    (208) 555-8097    
    SEVES    Seven Seas Imports    Hari Kumar    Sales Manager    90 Wadhurst Rd.    London        OX15 4NB    UK    (171) 555-1717    (171) 555-5646
    SIMOB    Simons bistro    Jytte Petersen    Owner    Vinbæltet 34    København        1734    Denmark    31 12 34 56    31 13 35 57
    SPECD    Spécialités du monde    Dominique Perrier    Marketing Manager    25, rue Lauriston    Paris        75016    France    (1)    (1)
    SPLIR    Split Rail Beer & Ale    Art Braunschweiger    Sales Manager    P.O. Box 555    Lander    WY    82520    USA    (307) 555-4680    (307) 555-6525
    SUPRD    Suprêmes délices    Pascale Cartrain    Accounting Manager    Boulevard Tirou, 255    Charleroi        B-6000    Belgium    (071) 23 67 22 20    (071) 23 67 22 21
    THEBI    The Big Cheese    Liz Nixon    Marketing Manager    89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2    Portland    OR    97201    USA    (503) 555-3612    
    THECR    The Cracker Box    Liu Wong    Marketing Assistant    55 Grizzly Peak Rd.    Butte    MT    59801    USA    (406) 555-5834    (406) 555-8083
    TOMSP    Toms Spezialitäten    Karin Josephs    Marketing Manager    Luisenstr. 48    Münster        44087    Germany    0251-031259    0251-035695
    TORTU    Tortuga Restaurante    Miguel Angel Paolino    Owner    Avda. Azteca 123    México D.F.        05033    Mexico    (5) 555-2933    
    TRADH    Tradição Hipermercados    Anabela Domingues    Sales Representative    Av. Inês de Castro, 414    São Paulo    SP    05634-030    Brazil    (11) 555-2167    (11) 555-2168
    TRAIH    Trail's Head Gourmet Provisioners    Helvetius Nagy    Sales Associate    722 DaVinci Blvd.    Kirkland    WA    98034    USA    (206) 555-8257    (206) 555-2174
    VAFFE    Vaffeljernet    Palle Ibsen    Sales Manager    Smagsløget 45    Århus        8200    Denmark    86 21 32 43    86 22 33 44
    VICTE    Victuailles en stock    Mary Saveley    Sales Agent    2, rue du Commerce    Lyon        69004    France
    VINET    Vins et alcools Chevalier    Paul Henriot    Accounting Manager    59 rue de l'Abbaye    Reims        51100    France
    WANDK    Die Wandernde Kuh    Rita Müller    Sales Representative    Adenauerallee 900    Stuttgart        70563    Germany    0711-020361    0711-035428
    WARTH    Wartian Herkku    Pirkko Koskitalo    Accounting Manager    Torikatu 38    Oulu        90110    Finland    981-443655    981-443655
    WELLI    Wellington Importadora    Paula Parente    Sales Manager    Rua do Mercado, 12    Resende    SP    08737-363    Brazil    (14) 555-8122    
    WHITC    White Clover Markets    Karl Jablonski    Owner    305 - 14th Ave. S.
Suite 3B    Seattle    WA    98128    USA    (206) 555-4112    (206) 555-4115
    WILMK    Wilman Kala    Matti Karttunen    Owner/Marketing Assistant    Keskuskatu 45    Helsinki        21240    Finland    90-224 8858    90-224 8858
    WOLZA    Wolski Zajazd    Zbyszek Piestrzeniewicz    Owner    ul. Filtrowa 68    Warszawa        01-012    Poland    (26) 642-7012    (26) 642-7012
    EmployeeID    LastName    FirstName    Title    TitleOfCourtesy    BirthDate    HireDate    Address    City    Region    PostalCode    Country    HomePhone    Extension    Photo    Notes    ReportsTo
    1    Davolio    Nancy    Sales Representative    Ms.    12/8/48    5/1/92    507 - 20th Ave. E.
Apt. 2A    Seattle    WA    98122    USA    (206) 555-9857    5467        Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970. She also completed "The Art of the Cold Call." Nancy is a member of Toastmasters International.    2
    2    Fuller    Andrew    Vice President, Sales    Dr.    2/19/52    8/14/92    908 W. Capital Way    Tacoma    WA    98401    USA    (206) 555-9482    3457        Andrew received his BTS commercial in 1974 and a Ph.D. in international marketing from the University of Dallas in 1981. He is fluent in French and Italian and reads German. He joined the company as a sales representative, was promoted to sales manager in January 1992 and to vice president of sales in March 1993. Andrew is a member of the Sales Management Roundtable, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and the Pacific Rim Importers Association.    
    3    Leverling    Janet    Sales Representative    Ms.    8/30/63    4/1/92    722 Moss Bay Blvd.    Kirkland    WA    98033    USA    (206) 555-3412    3355        Janet has a BS degree in chemistry from Boston College (1984). She has also completed a certificate program in food retailing management. Janet was hired as a sales associate in 1991 and promoted to sales representative in February 1992.    2
    4    Peacock    Margaret    Sales Representative    Mrs.    9/19/37    5/3/93    4110 Old Redmond Rd.    Redmond    WA    98052    USA    (206) 555-8122    5176        Margaret holds a BA in English literature from Concordia College (1958) and an MA from the American Institute of Culinary Arts (1966). She was assigned to the London office temporarily from July through November 1992.    2
    5    Buchanan    Steven    Sales Manager    Mr.    3/4/55    10/17/93    14 Garrett Hill    London        SW1 8JR    UK    (71) 555-4848    3453        Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976. Upon joining the company as a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent post in London. He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993. Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses "Successful Telemarketing" and "International Sales Management." He is fluent in French.    2
    6    Suyama    Michael    Sales Representative    Mr.    7/2/63    10/17/93    Coventry House
Miner Rd.    London        EC2 7JR    UK    (71) 555-7773    428        Michael is a graduate of Sussex University (MA, economics, 1983) and the University of California at Los Angeles (MBA, marketing, 1986). He has also taken the courses "Multi-Cultural Selling" and "Time Management for the Sales Professional." He is fluent in Japanese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.    5
    7    King    Robert    Sales Representative    Mr.    5/29/60    1/2/94    Edgeham Hollow
Winchester Way    London        RG1 9SP    UK    (71) 555-5598    465        Robert King served in the Peace Corps and traveled extensively before completing his degree in English at the University of Michigan in 1992, the year he joined the company. After completing a course entitled "Selling in Europe," he was transferred to the London office in March 1993.    5
    8    Callahan    Laura    Inside Sales Coordinator    Ms.    1/9/58    3/5/94    4726 - 11th Ave. N.E.    Seattle    WA    98105    USA    (206) 555-1189    2344        Laura received a BA in psychology from the University of Washington. She has also completed a course in business French. She reads and writes French.    2
    9    Dodsworth    Anne    Sales Representative    Ms.    1/27/66    11/15/94    7 Houndstooth Rd.    London        WG2 7LT    UK    (71) 555-4444    452        Anne has a BA degree in English from St. Lawrence College. She is fluent in French and...

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