Direction: Subtract the following binary numbers using 1's complement. 1. Given the two binary numbers X = 10011 and Y 10010, perform the subtraction X- Y. 2. Given the two binary numbers X= 100010...

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Direction: Subtract the following binary numbers using 1's complement.<br>1. Given the two binary numbers X = 10011 and Y 10010, perform the subtraction<br>X- Y.<br>2. Given the two binary numbers X= 100010 and Y= 100110, perform the<br>subtraction X-Y.<br>

Extracted text: Direction: Subtract the following binary numbers using 1's complement. 1. Given the two binary numbers X = 10011 and Y 10010, perform the subtraction X- Y. 2. Given the two binary numbers X= 100010 and Y= 100110, perform the subtraction X-Y.

Jun 11, 2022

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