Developing/Proposing strategies for local and international firms. 4.1 Give a hypothetical example of forward integration, backward integration, and horizontal integration for Volkswagen. 4.2 Give a...

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Developing/Proposing strategies for local and international


4.1 Give a hypothetical example of forward integration,

backward integration, and horizontal integration for


4.2 Give a hypothetical example of market penetration, market

development, and product development for INDEVCO Group.

4.3 Give a hypothetical example of related diversification and an

example of unrelated diversification for Google.

4.4 Give a hypothetical example of retrenchment and divestiture

for Carrefour.

4.5 Select a local company of your choice then explain/discuss

in detail how it applied one or more of the studied strategies.

Provide recommendations about new strategic directions that the

company may follow to improve its market position.

4.6 Explain in which way nonprofit and public organizations

differ from private firms in their strategic management


Answered 2 days AfterOct 02, 2022

Answer To: Developing/Proposing strategies for local and international firms. 4.1 Give a hypothetical example...

Sarabjeet answered on Oct 05 2022
59 Votes
Solution    1
References    5
1. Using Volkswagen as an example, provide a hypothetical scenario demonstrating forward integration, backward integration, and horizo
ntal integration. Forward integration refers to the process of purchasing or building a distributor for a product; for example, Volkswagen establishing its own dealers in order to sell automobiles directly to customers is an example of forward integration. Backward integration is the process of owning a supply source for production. An example of this would be Volkswagen purchasing its suppliers and incorporating them into the corporation. The term "horizontal integration" refers to the process of acquiring businesses that perform similar functions; for example, Volkswagen has either acquired its rivals or merged with them (Diestre & Santalo, 2013).
2. Using Toyota Motors as an example, provide a hypothetical scenario demonstrating market penetration, market development, and product development.
Penetration of a New Market Toyota's primary strategy for quick expansion is to strengthen its position in current markets. This comprehensive strategy contributes to the company's growth by gaining new clients in its existing areas. Toyota ensures that it has products for all market categories in order to meet its ambitious expansion goals. For instance, the corporation offers a vast array of automobiles, including luxury cars, work trucks, SUVs, sedans, and compact cars (sedans). The cost leadership component of Toyota's generic strategy is strengthened by this aggressive growth approach. It strengthens the generic strategy's cost leadership by assisting the company in maximising sales volume, which ensures profits despite relatively low selling prices.
Product Improvement Product development is Toyota's core strategy for sustained growth. This audacious effort is aimed to attract new...

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