Developing countries in various regions still experience high levels of poverty, poor health, lack of water and sanitation, and low levels of educational attainment. Many of these nations’ trade...

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Developing countries in various regions still experience high levels of poverty, poor health, lack of water and sanitation, and low levels of educational attainment. Many of these nations’ trade levels have declined after the post-2008 global financial crisis which may adversely impact on the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Human capital (education and health, international trade and foreign capital flows (i.e. external finance such as foreign aid, foreign direct investment) have been regarded as a vital resource in supplementing domestic resources to enhance economic and social development.
· Examine how poverty, poor human capital and low levels of trade will impact on sustainable development goals and targets – see SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 17 – to improve growth and wellbeing.
· Discuss the importance of foreign aid and aid for trade for economic development and social development to improve developing countries global trade (see SDGs 8 and 17). Provide specific country examples to support your answer.
Suggested Readings: Todaro and Smith (2015) Chapter 1 (pp. 24-57) and SDGs (Lecture 1A notes); Chapter 5 (pp.240-62); Chapter 8 (pp. 382-90; 396-402; 406-25); Chapter 12 (pp. 603- 610; 659-62); and Chapter 14 (747- 57; 757-71). See Set Readings from Section C.1 and B1, United Nations websites for SDGs and journal articles in these topics. You must also use other relevant sources during your research.

Developing countries in various regions still experience high levels of poverty, poor health, lack of water and sanitation, and low levels of educational attainment. Many of these nations’ trade levels have declined after the post-2008 global financial crisis which may adversely impact on the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Human capital (education and health, international trade and foreign capital flows (i.e. external finance such as foreign aid, foreign direct investment) have been regarded as a vital resource in supplementing domestic resources to enhance economic and social development. Examine how poverty, poor human capital and low levels of trade will impact on sustainable development goals and targets – see SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 17 – to improve growth and wellbeing. Discuss the importance of foreign aid and aid for trade for economic development and social development to improve developing countries global trade (see SDGs 8 and 17). Provide specific country examples to support your answer. Suggested Readings: Todaro and Smith (2015) Chapter 1 (pp. 24-57) and SDGs (Lecture 1A notes); Chapter 5 (pp.240-62); Chapter 8 (pp. 382-90; 396-402; 406-25); Chapter 12 (pp. 603- 610; 659-62); and Chapter 14 (747- 57; 757-71). See Set Readings from Section C.1 and B1, United Nations websites for SDGs and journal articles in these topics. You must also use other relevant sources during your research. 2000 WORDS
Answered Same DayDec 27, 2021

Answer To: Developing countries in various regions still experience high levels of poverty, poor health, lack...

Robert answered on Dec 27 2021
125 Votes
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted in September 25, 2015 by 193
Member States of United Nations. The concept of sustainable development is based on
economic growth and development that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable
for the best interest of human beings in the earth and also their wellbeing. It is an upgraded
version of development process that suggests the developmental paths that is never ended and
s with stability. Total 17 developmental goals with 169 targets were officially
approved by UN that must be achieved by the year 2030. (Ali, May 2016)
Sustainable Developmental goals have a vast implication in today’s globalized world. SDGs
promote long term approach to address the major global challenges that are not experienced
by some countries but by all and joint actions are needed to combat such challenge. It is
imperative to strengthen the collaboration and partnership among the stakeholders, countries
and regions. Each and every country, even the poorest should be committed and put their
tireless efforts towards achieving the objectives as mentioned in Sustainable Developmental
Goals #1 and #2 End of poverty and hunger
Despite recent impressive progress, poverty is still prevalent among billions of people across
the world. Sub Saharan Africa largely accounts for the major share of world’s extreme poor.
We have made remarkable progress in this aspect but according to the data released by World
Bank, there are many regions specially in Caribbean , Latin America and Sub Saharan Africa
where the poor live and poverty is found to be deepest. Thus, as a New sustainable
developmental goal, international community should take the fight against extreme poverty to
a new level. According to Kaushik Basu, World Bank Senior Vice President and Chief
Economist, eradicating poverty sincerely needs the investments directing towards the poor ,
the coordinated efforts by the banks and the country partners and more importantly the
cooperation from those who are fortunate enough to be better off. (TheWorldBank, 2013)
Poverty eradication: A case for Ethiopia:
Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa but still struggling with high poverty
rates , hunger and low education level. On a positive note, Ethiopia has already started to
work on the SDGs set to be achieved by the year 2030. The government is working to
mobilize the domestic resources in order to have a sustainable economic growth. Ethiopia is
looking forward to find out the ways to integrate the SDGs with national developmental goals
ensuring a coordination across the sectors. All the strategies and policies are directed towards
eradicating the poverty and hunger at all levels ‘leaving no one behind’. Ethiopia is pro-
actively engage in developing sound policy framework at the local national and international
level to accelerate the investments towards poverty eradication endeavours. The poverty
eradication and zero hunger goal as mentioned in SDGs can only be achieved within a
framework of revitalized global partnership for sustainable development supported by
national policies and strategies. (Girma, 2016)
Ethiopia has made remarkable achievement is many of the millennium development goals.
The country has been making significant progress in implementing the SDGs ever since it
came into effect. Ethiopia’s performance is pretty good especially in first three goals : ending
poverty and hunger at all levels, ensure food security and develop sustainable agriculture and
promote healthy living and well -being for all. Despite the progress, implementation of the
SDGs remain a huge challenge for Ethiopia because of poor infrastructure and lack of
funding. Expansion of foreign direct investment and the coordination of private and public
policies are the top priorities at this point of time. (EmbassyofEthiopia, 2017)
Achieving SDG#4: Quality Education - A Case for India:
India has a near- universal enrolment program for primary and secondary education but the
learning levels remain low. India has an Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)
program, but lot of works need to be done to improve the effectiveness of the program
particularly with respect to expand the nutritional access for the children. India has already
set an ambitious target for increasing the gross enrolment ratio and skill development for their
entire work force by the next decade. Several schemes like mid -day meal, National Rural
Health Mission have been launched in India for early childhood care and development.
Special focus is given to eliminate the gender disparities and ensure the equal access to
education for all disabled and indigenous people so that...

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