Develop Python Code for the following scenarios: Given a list L having N numbers and Q set of integers represented byL and R. For each set you have to print the number of map (i, j, k) such that lsl

Develop Python Code for the following scenarios:<br>Given a list L having N numbers and Q set of integers represented byL and R. For each set you have to print<br>the number of map (i, j, k) such that lsl<j<ksRand Qi + Qj + Qk is an even number.<br>Test Case<br>Output<br>1<br>3<br>51<br>23751<br>14<br>

Extracted text: Develop Python Code for the following scenarios: Given a list L having N numbers and Q set of integers represented byL and R. For each set you have to print the number of map (i, j, k) such that lsl<>

Jun 10, 2022

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