· Develop, code and test a Spring Boot app for given requirements.· Implement RESTful web services in Spring Boot AppStudents are asked to develop a simple spring boot app to handle partial “Blood...

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· Develop, code and test a Spring Boot app for given requirements. · Implement RESTful web services in Spring Boot App Students are asked to develop a simple spring boot app to handle partial “Blood Bank Information System” with seeker, blood bank and blood stock information. You should have a spring boot application file named “SpringBootYourNameAssign3Appplication”, which starts the Tomcat Apache server on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080) (You may assign different port number to the server). You should follow the below given instructions while you are working on this exercise: All new entities should have an Id with type of integer or long and all other properties are defined based on given table information in the next page. The architecture of the web service is built with the following components: · Controllers: Implements the processing logic of the web service, parsing of parameters and validation of in- and outputs. · Services: Implements the business logic and handles the access to the resources. · HTML files with thymeleaf templates – may implement this in the same or different project. · POM.xml configuration. · You are free to add any other files or configuration needed Your app should support the REST web services of partial “Blood Bank Information System” details as shown in the below given table. (You should use a Map or List as a memory storage, but don’t need to create a table and no JPA implementation required) You should define entities, services and controllers for each and every information: Example for Seeker information: · Seeker – Entity name · SeekerService - service name · SeekerController – REST controller name Your REST service should perform the following requests for all three entities (Seeker, BloodBank, and BloodStock). · GET · POST · PUT · DELETE You should use POSTMAN google chrome browser app to analyze and test your REST services mapping. (Refer recipe _3_2 and SpringBootRestEmployee examples) Design UI pages using HTML files and use thymeleaf template instead of JSP files to implement web interface only for seeker information. To implement this task you use the same project or different project. (Refer recipe _3_3 and SpringBootThymeEmployee examples) To fulfill an innovation requirements, students may identify a missing feature or functionality and can implement with this app or adding a new feature based on new dependency to this app (jar file for APIs) or new design template like thymeleaf etc.
Mar 30, 2023

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