- Develop a Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer (SIPOC) map of a process to capture the context and scope of the process.
- For each sub-process of the recruitment process, describe events, activities, decision points, actors, objects, and outcomes.
I have attached a document with a case study and companies background. Please only do the section which I have highlighted.Answer these above questions from Recruitment and selection. Don't need to do SIPOC and process events for other subtopics. Please message if you are confused what I meant.I have also attached the examplar of this work as well, which will help you how to format this questions. Please make sure it is in Passive voice
BSYS601 Business Process Management Business Process Improvement Project _________________________________________________________________________ Read the scenario of the recruitment process at a recruitment firm, Talent Seek. You are commissioned by Jenny Deakin, the manager of the Business Analysis & Improvement team, to conduct a comprehensive process analysis and improvement project on this process. The key tasks of you is the development of a detailed understanding of the current (as-is) process with a systematic discussion of its issues and weaknesses, a BPMN model documenting the process, and a proposal of opportunities and recommendations for process improvements. It is important to provide quantified and qualified benefits of the suggested improvement ideas. Jenny wants to implement some improvement initiatives rapidly for some quick wins - by the next 3-6 months, but she is also very interested in the longer term improvement ideas (with a horizon of 12-18 months) proposed by you. Case analysis: · Develop a Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer (SIPOC) map of a process to capture the context and scope of the process. · For each sub-process of the recruitment process, describe events, activities, decision points, actors, objects, and outcomes. Preface It is Monday morning (5th June 2018) – a beautiful sunny day in Auckland. Jenny Deakin stares at the meeting minutes from last Friday’s meeting, and sighs with anxiety. All senior staff from Talent Seek was gathered to be addressed by the CEO Joe Barns who was quite upset after the annual service review. “How come we are the last to know about some openings”, “Why is it that we take too much time to process the applications”, “No wonder the better candidates don’t wait to hear back from us!”, “I want to see different ... oh yes MUCH different results by the next review – Let’s hope we still exist by then!!!” etc. were some words that have been echoing in Jenny’s mind throughout the whole weekend. Jenny is the new Manager of the Business Analysis & Improvement team at Talent Seek, and has 6 Business Analysts (BA) working under her, all who have been at Talent Seek for years. She has been there for only 3 weeks and has felt that the other Business Analysts often show a cold shoulder to her. Jenny is passionate about processes, but has difficulty to get her Business Analysts colleagues to see the value of ‘process thinking’. After one of her debriefs last Monday, she overheard at the lunch room one BA saying to the other “What is it with Process-Jenny
?” Just half an hour from now, Jenny has a second meeting with the senior management at Talent Seek, and knows that she will be asked to initiate and manage some “serious improvement initiatives”. She will need talented process thinkers who can help her with this, and knows that her current team does not have the capabilities, skills and passion she needs for this to work. Jenny picks up the phone and rings your BPM consultancy service team to see if she can get some good ideas to support her with this endeavor. Background Talent Seek is an organization with 500 employees that offers human resource services to national and local governments in New Zealand. It has a nationwide customer and client service focus, working in partnership with its clients, to attract and retain a skilled and adaptable workforce able to deliver quality services to the people of New Zealand. Talent Seek provides operational advice, support and coordination of recruitment services. Their services include: coordinating recruitment advertising and vacancy processing, processing pre employment checks (e.g. criminal records, employment history), producing appointment letters, coordinating job evaluations, coordinating and supporting various traineeship, graduate and recruitment programs for New Zealand government. “Our clients are our primary focus – we strive for operational excellence”, is the motto CEO, Joe Barns, desires to live up to. The core service of Talent Seek is the recruitment of public service members, and such recruitment can be for a range of different types of employment; ranging from casual, permanent, contract-based, to secondment positions. In the Talent Seek service, 80% of the cases are for permanent positions, and hence the primary focus for process improvement will be around the recruitment of permanent positions. It has also been agreed that the focus will be on the main recruitment stages and thus other related tasks such as staff probation and pre employment checks will be looked into in later initiatives. Your consulting team has been asked to investigate this process, analyze the current issues and provide a set of well-argued proposals to Jenny for the short and long-term future of the process. Jenny sees that the process needs to be faster, more structured and transparent. Talent Seek should be the first place that talented candidates turn to when looking for new work in the New Zealand public sector and certainly where government agencies will come to when recruiting for new talent. In its current status, applicants are extremely unhappy with the long time taken to hear back from Talent Seek (and at times not even hearing at all) and have lodged many official complaints. The clients are also voicing that they are losing good candidates due to the inefficiencies of the process. The Process The recruitment process revolves around: preparation, actual recruitment and selection, and appointment. It is mostly driven by the Recruitment Managers at Talent Seek. Even though there are comprehensive process instructions in place at Talent Seek – which are derived by the Senior Recruitment Manager (appointed at Level 8 and paid NZ$110,000.00 per annum) responsible and accountable for the recruitment process, these are often not up-to-date, nor consistently followed by the Recruitment Managers. There are 6 different Recruitment Managers (all appointed at Level 6 and paid NZ$89,000.00 per annum), each looking after different areas (such as Health, IT, Admin, Management, Policy and Law). They each have a team of Talent Seek Recruitment Coordinators (appointed at Level 5 and paid NZ$62,000 per annum) who provide management support to the Recruitment Management role. Fast processing time (time to fill) and high client satisfaction are the primary goals set for this process (although this may change for different stakeholders’ interests). The union/s in particular has/have a vested interest on the recruitment process, and has/have a range of policies and procedures sent to Talent Seek to review and consider. There are key performance indicators (KPIs) in place, which are not measured until the position has been filled. That means that there is no real time performance measuring in place, the process is only evaluated according to the KPIs when the position has been filled. Thus it results in such issues that if there is a delay in processing, it will be too late to remedy it. Large private companies are often quick to attract the best candidates. The approach taken by Talent Seek is to conduct a thorough pre-screening of the candidates through well-defined selection criteria. Candidates applying for a job via Talent Seek have to put in a lot of effort and time during the application stage, as they are required to meet the extensive selection criteria using a paper form asking for written details for each criterion. As a result, it is only natural that customers expect quick feedback. However, giving feedback to the candidate (and any other liaising recruitment agency) is not a priority for Talent Seek. Usually, the market quickly screens candidates for a first interview, followed by two or three further interviews. This delay in communication can cause frustration for the candidates and result in the loss of good candidates to the market. Sometimes certain positions are advertised when the client-end manager already has an employee or contractor in mind. This has negative implications as Talent Seek (or its subcontracted/partner agencies) proceeds with the advertising (and may not be paid for this), and good external candidates spend considerable time filling out selection criteria – where sometimes, the process ends with no feedback (other than a rejection letter), which can potentially generate frustration and put off good candidates from re-applying for future opportunities. In addition, there are also internal costs to conduct the process which could be avoided. Sometimes there is also a conflict of interest – for example when priorities are given to existing employees within government agencies, yet the process takes place for policy and procedure compliance. Recruitment Preparation Talent Seek processes on average 18,000-26,000 applications (for an average of 300 positions) per month. The process starts with recruitment preparation – triggered when the Talent Seek Recruitment Managers identify a position. This can happen either by the client-end manager(s) informing the Talent Seek Recruitment Managers of a potential position, the Recruitment Manager actively seeking out for potential vacancies (which is currently done in a very ad-hoc manner), or at times by word-of-mouth. How often the different identifications occur is unknown to Jenny. If an existing position is vacant (or known to becoming vacant) the Talent Seek Recruitment Managers confirm with client side management that it is vacant (or known to becoming vacant) – sometimes via email and sometimes via telephone correspondence, whatever seems handy at the time, and move on to updating the position profile. Talent Seek Recruitment Managers review the existing position profile (in conjunction with an HR representative and client-end next level management), to confirm validity of the position profile prior to commencing any recruitment. In instances where there are inconsistencies between the profile and actual role (which is an observed scenario for 60% of the vacant positions), the Talent Seek Recruitment Managers pass the position profile to the client-end manager to take action and address this. Some managers will have their next level managers review the profile as well. Talent Seek does not provide any facilitation for this, and on average it takes 5-10 working days before the position description is finalized and re-sent (via email) to Talent Seek. Sometimes the Talent Seek Recruitment Manager needs to follow-up with the client-end management for the revised position profile. If a demand for a role exists, but no current position exists, then the Recruitment Managers consult with the next level manager or client HR representative/managers to determine whether a new position should be created and if a business case should be developed. The amount of new position openings varies based on contextual factors such as restructures and mergers – which can reach a peak after elections and with major government initiatives that take place from time to time. On average, this is 10-15% of the positions handled by Talent Seek per year. If a new position profile is required (or significant changes are needed to an existing profile), then the manager will be required to complete and create or change the position form and go through proper approval. Talent Seek Recruitment Managers facilitate this together with the support of the client’s HR representative. The Terms and Conditions are reviewed and determined for all positions by the Recruitment Managers. This has to