Details of task: Keep a record of your reading and engagement with the key readings for each week/topic. Each entry should contain a brief outline or dot point summary of the main points of the reading, your assessment of its usefulness for your work (Project Planning and Project Management), and should include any criticisms you have and any questions or issues that it raises in your mind. Please be brief and concise. Suggested length: approximately 200 - 300 words per reference. Our aim here is to read, understand and interpret the Key Readings, but also to critically engage with them. Avoid simply saying that you agree or disagree with the reading. Developing a critical perspective could involve: Comparing or contrasting the reading with other authoritative books or articles you have read on the same topic; Comparing or contrasting the reading with your personal experience of development as a professional, a volunteer, or a student; Looking for evidence to support or criticise arguments in the reading from actual case studies or examples of development in practice (ie from some further research); Being creative – can you imagine and outline alternative ways of thinking and doing things? How could you justify those? --------------------------------- - PLEASE FOLLOW THE FORMAT OF THE DOCUMENTS UPLOADED. Summary of the readings with bullet points, and then the reflection, and following that the references. - Please write TWO different reading diaries in two separate documents. One will be from Week 5-8, the other from Week 9-12. The reflection/reading diary will be around a 200-300 word per reflection per week. this makes a total of roughly 1000 word for each document (4 week reflection). Make sure to reference the information on document please. - Also please follow the rubric attached. READINGS: Week 5: Scoones 2009 “Livelihood perspectives on rural development”, JPS. DFID (2002) Sustainable Livelihoods Guidance Sheets Section 2 Framework. Week 6: Chambers, Robert 1997 Whose reality counts? Harlow: Longman, Chapters 6 and 7. Week 7: DFID (2003) Tools for Development, Section 3: Problem and Situation Analysis. UNDP (2009) Handbook On Planning, Monitoring And Evaluating For Development Results, pp.19-48. Week 8 Norad 1999 The Logical Framework Approach Handbook for objectives-oriented planning. [Whole handbook] DFID (2003) Tools for Development, Section 5 Logical Frameworks. Week 9: Extract from Slocum, Rachel et al 1995 Power, Process and Participation, pp.172-180. Extract from Selener, David et al 1999 PRA and Planning Workbook, Quito: Equador: IIRR. Week 10: Eade, Deborah & Williams, Suzanne. (1995), Gender in Oxfam handbook of development and relief: volume 1, Oxfam, p. 169-224. Week 11: Irene Guijt, Mae Arevalo and Kiko Saladores 1998 “Tracking change together”, PLA Notes (1998), Issue 31, pp.28–36. Mikkelsen, Britha (2005) Methods for Development Work and Research, 2nd ed., SAGE, Chapter 7 Monitoring and Evaluation, pp. 263-324. Week 12: Ben Ramalingam 2013 Aid on the edge of chaos : rethinking international cooperation in a complex world, OUP. Chapter 3: "Strategic mismanagement", pp. 42-73. Available as an ebook in our library.