: Design rationale
Assignment 2—Design report 50%
Design one assessment activity for a cohort of learners in a particular ESL/EFL/EALD setting, focusing especially on the specification and justification of its underlying rationale in relation to the assessment issues addressed in Module 2. (2250 words)
The assessment is to assess at least two of the four language skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing) of ESL/EFL/EALD. The assignment should include:
1. an Introduction of the chosen TESOL context, including the type of educational institution, the intended cohort of learners, the designated curriculum, and the language teaching approach(es) adopted in the setting; (150 words)
2. the Purpose(s) of the assessment, identifying the TWO language skills to be assessed, specifying in detail the features of the two target language skills the assessment intends to measure, making a clear reference to the intended cohort of learners in the justification of the purpose(s); (200 words)
3. a brief description of the Assessment Activity including the procedures of assessment in dot points (200 words)
4. the Rationale for the assessment, using the following three questions, (a) – (c), as the headings of the three sub-sections of the rationale
• a) How has the design of the assessment activity been based on an understanding of what it means to know and learn a language, i.e. with a focus on language as a system and/or language in use? (Considering the range of factors that shape students’ development in the target language skills especially those identified in (2), showing why the assessment activity has to be designed as such to serve its purpose(s), and supporting your answer with references to the related content/syllabus of the ESL/EFL/EALD course/program and the teaching approach adopted for the course/program and related course readings and literature.) (300 words)
• b) How has the design addressed the concern that language performance in assessment is shaped by the assessment task and its context?(Considering the characteristics of the assessment activity in relation to issues about (b1) formative/summative assessment, (b2) subjective/objective assessment, (b3) direct/indirect assessment, (b4) performance-referenced/system-referenced assessment, (b5) discrete-point/integrated assessment, (b6) scorer reliability and (b7) construct validity of the assessment) (900 words)
• c) How has the design taken into account the potential consequences of the assessment activity? (Considering issues of impact, i.e. potential benefits and problematic effects, including the potential effects on instruction and learning) (300 words)
5. the advice on reporting the results of assessment, specifying what information the report is to include and in what form, and also justifying the underpinning reason(s) for your design of the report. (200 words)
Note: 1) Make references in the essay to the course readings and, if need be, to the related literature as well to support your decisions, arguments and views.
2) If the assignment needs to include the details of the assessment activity, they should be placed in the appendix. If it is a test, the details should include only the representative sample items of the test, not the complete test.
Notes on Extension and Assignment submission
1. All assignment submissions are to be made through ‘Learn on Line’ unless otherwise stated in the Course Outline;
2. Unless an extension has been requested by the student and granted by the Course Coordinator due to exceptional circumstances*, assignments can be submitted up to three exact days after the due date and time, but will be marked from a P2 maximum grade;
3. All extension requests must be made to the Course Coordinator using Learn on Line;
4. Extensions must be requested at least 2 days prior to the submission date. (Exceptional* circumstances will be considered by the Course Coordinator. Supporting evidence must be provided).
*NB: Unexpected or Exceptional circumstances will be considered by the Course Coordinator.
Supporting evidence must be provided. Refer to the Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM), sections 7.3.1 and 7.8 to 7.11.
The feedback form for Assignment 2 as follows:
Assessment feedback
School of Education
Assignment 2: Design Rationale – word limit 2,250; 50% of final grade;
Due: 3 November
Name: Grade:
The Graduate qualities being assessed by this assignment are:
Graduate Qualities being assessed by this assignment are:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 listed on the course information booklet.
Key components of this assignment
The essay introduces properly the chosen TESOL context, including the type of educational institution, the intended cohort of learners, the designated curriculum, and the language teaching approach(es) adopted in the setting.
The essay identifies the purposes of the assessment and the TWO language skills to be assessed, specifying in detail the features of the two target language skills the assessment intends to measure, making a clear reference to the intended cohort of learners in the justification of the purpose(s).
The essay includes a concise description of the assessment activity and the procedures of the assessment.
The rationale addresses properly the question “How has the design of the assessment activity been based on an understanding of what it means to know and learn a language, i.e. with a focus on language as a system and/or language in use?(Consider the range of factors that shape students’ development in the target language skills especially those identified in (2), showing why the assessment activity has to be designed as such to serve its purpose(s) in relation to the underpinning rationale that regards language as a system, or a tool of communication, or both and supporting the answer with references to the related content/syllabus of the ESL/EFL/EALD course/program and the teaching approach adopted for the course/program and related course readings and literature.)
The rationale addresses properly the question “How has the design addressed the concern that language performance in assessment is shaped by the assessment task and its context?”(Considering the characteristics of the assessment activity in relation to issues about (b1) formative/summative assessment, (b2) subjective/objective assessment, (b3) direct/indirect assessment, (b4) performance-referenced/system-referenced assessment, (b5) discrete-point/integrated assessment, (b6) scorer reliability and (b7) construct validity of the assessment)
The rationale addresses properly the question “How has the design taken into account the potential consequences of the assessment activity?(Considering issues of impact, i.e. potential benefits and problematic effects, including the potential effects on instruction and learning)
The essay offers properadvice on reporting the results of assessment, specifying what information the report is to include and in what form, and also justifying the underpinning reason(s) for your design of the report.