Design of a calculator program using pseudocode and a Python program that uses a list and functions with variable scope to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Each lab asks you to write pseudocode...

 Design of a calculator program using pseudocode and a Python program that uses a list and functions with variable scope to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

Each lab asks you to write pseudocode that plans the program’s logic before you write the program in Python and to turn in three things: 1) the  pseudocode, 2) a screenshot of the output, and 3) the Python program.

Run the codes two times and quit after the third time.

Write pseudocode for a Python program that 1) defines a list to store the choice of +, -, *, and /,

2) defines functions to support the calculations, and

3) calls them in response to user inputs. Test each of the four calculations, and turn in the pseudocode, the Python program, and a screenshot of your output displaying the four tests in the Python shell.

Jun 10, 2022

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