CIS XXXXXXXXXXPC Applications: Database SPRING 2021 Final Exam Project Instructions Global Warehouse Employee Database – 100 Points Please name your Final Exam Project as follows:...

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Design and update an employee database to track your employees. Prepare queries and reports as specified. Be sure to give all objects and the database filesmeaningful names. The point value for each task is specified in the instructions.

CIS173-300 PC Applications: Database SPRING 2021 Final Exam Project Instructions Global Warehouse Employee Database – 100 Points Please name your Final Exam Project as follows: Lastname_CIS173_Final Exam Project Design and update an employee database to track your employees. Prepare queries and reports as specified. Be sure to give all objects and the database files meaningful names. The point value for each task is specified in the instructions. 1) You must start with a blank database – do not use a template. Table design should include a minimum of 20 fields. Examples, of required information include first name, middle name, last name, street, city, state, zip code, telephone number, birth date, pay rate, position, paid overtime (Y/N), e-mail address, male/female, social security number etc. Be sure to include at least one date, hyperlink, yes/no and number field. Remember that numbers that are no used for calculations such as phone number, zip and social security number should be short text --- not number. Format the dates, social security number and telephone numbers using an input mask. Text fields must be sized appropriately – do not leave them at the default size of 255, this wastes a lot of space on your hard drive if you have a large database. (15 points). 2) Input at least 20 employees into your table. Look at the query requirements and be sure that you have data that will meet the conditions. All fields must include data. (15 points) 3) Create a query for all employees who are paid above $25.00 per hour AND are paid overtime. Include enough fields in this query to be used in the Employee OT report below and name the Query – ‘Overtime and Over $25’. (15 points) 4) Create a query of all employees who are Warehouse Operators. Give the query a meaningful name and include at least 8 fields in the query output. (10 points) 5) Create a query of all employees who are Warehouse Supervisors. Give the query a meaningful name and include at least 8 fields in the query output. (10 points) CIS173-300 PC Applications: Database SPRING 2021 6) Create mailing labels for all employees. Be sure to use proper spacing and punctuation for full credit (i.e. city, state and zip should be formatted as Ambler, PA 19002) (10 points) 7) Create an Employee Overtime Report using the query created in step 3 (paid above $25 and receive overtime). This report should be a meaningful and correctly spaced heading at the top of the report. Information provided on the report should include employee name, position and pay rate. You can choose the layout, but all headings and data must be fully visible. If you select a vertical layout for your data, all data must be left aligned (i.e. the pay rate must have the same left margin as the rest of the data). (15 points) 8) Create a Report of an employee phone list with name, position, full mailing address and phone number for all employees. Be sure that the report fields are sized appropriately so you can view all data and the report heading is meaningful and formatted with spacing. (10 points) ❖ When you have completed your Final Project save it and upload it into Blackboard as follows: {Lastname_CIS173_Final Project}.
Answered 4 days AfterApr 24, 2021

Answer To: CIS XXXXXXXXXXPC Applications: Database SPRING 2021 Final Exam Project Instructions Global Warehouse...

Neha answered on Apr 28 2021
151 Votes
81868 - emp data
    EmployeeId    FirstName    MiddleName    LastName    State    City    Zipcode    PhoneNumber    BirthDate
    PayRate    Position    email    Gender    SocialSecurityNumber    PaidOvertime
    1    Joy    A    William    AL    Huntsville    35801    5345345    12/12/97    10    Warehouse operators    [email protected]    M    123    Y
    2    Martin    G    Jonas    Ak    Anchorage    99501    544545    10/11/78    13    Warehouse supervisors    [email protected]    M    234    Y
    3    Roy    R    William    CA    Sacramento    90001    4545435    10/11/78    14    Warehouse supervisors    [email protected]    M    234    Y
    4    Trek    D    William    CO    Denver    80201    4546546    10/11/78    12    Warehouse operators    [email protected]    M    345    Y
    5    Lucy        Jonas    CA    Sacramento    90001    45657657    10/11/78    25    Warehouse operators    [email protected]    F    456    N
    6    Olivia    C    William    CA    Sacramento    90001    6767565    1/12/90    27    Warehouse supervisors    [email protected]    F    567    N
    7    Oliver    E    William    CO    Denver    80201    4534546    12/12/97    20    Warehouse...

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