Design and implement sequential digital circuit, with following specifications: It has one input X, two outputs Y1 and YO. Whenever an active HIGH is observed at input X at the active clock edge,...

How is the transition from the time diagram to the truth table here? I just need that explanation.

Design and implement sequential digital circuit, with following specifications:<br>It has one input X, two outputs Y1 and YO.<br>Whenever an active HIGH is observed at input X at the active clock edge, circuit initiates a sequence and<br>generates output waveforms given in figure below. (After the sequence is completed, it walts for input to be<br>HIGH again)<br>a) Use AND, OR, NOT gates and D type edge triggered flip-flops.<br>Hint:<br>Describe the circuit model<br>Draw the State Diagram<br>Find the State Table<br>Make State Assignment with increasing numbers. (i.e. 0,1,2,3.)<br>Write State and Output equations<br>Draw the Circuit. :<br>b) Use 74HC00, 74HC74 Integrated circuits for the implementation.<br>c) Use 74HCO0, 74HC138 Integrated circuits for the implementation.<br>re-start or<br>intation of<br>restart or<br>ntiation of<br>restart or<br>sequence<br>initiotion of<br>new sequence<br>ends here<br>new sequence<br>rewsequence<br>000 0<br>YO<br>000<br>000 0<br>0o0 0<br>Y1<br>ck nnn nn.<br>no waiting<br>male<br>lorg watine<br>typical esample<br>eampie<br>

Extracted text: Design and implement sequential digital circuit, with following specifications: It has one input X, two outputs Y1 and YO. Whenever an active HIGH is observed at input X at the active clock edge, circuit initiates a sequence and generates output waveforms given in figure below. (After the sequence is completed, it walts for input to be HIGH again) a) Use AND, OR, NOT gates and D type edge triggered flip-flops. Hint: Describe the circuit model Draw the State Diagram Find the State Table Make State Assignment with increasing numbers. (i.e. 0,1,2,3.) Write State and Output equations Draw the Circuit. : b) Use 74HC00, 74HC74 Integrated circuits for the implementation. c) Use 74HCO0, 74HC138 Integrated circuits for the implementation. re-start or intation of restart or ntiation of restart or sequence initiotion of new sequence ends here new sequence rewsequence 000 0 YO 000 000 0 0o0 0 Y1 ck nnn nn. no waiting male lorg watine typical esample eampie

Jun 10, 2022

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