Design a system to track advance payments made to employees. Use uml diagrams and design patterns in this system. The design steps will be as follows.
Step 1 - Prepare an analysis document on the given topic.
Step 2 - Create a Use case diagram for your requirement that contains at least 3 actor, 10 use case and use all relationship type
Step 3 - Create an activity diagram for requirement
Step 4 - Create a class diagram for all requirement that contains at least 10 class, necessary relations and types. Add the important attributes of the classes to the model.
Step 5 - Use three design patterns, at least one creation, one structural, and one behavioral pattern, integrated into your classroom design.
Step 6 - Code one of the design patterns you use with java.
Note: The design should be homogenate. Excessive usage of any property type, object type, or function type is not suitable. For example, for creating 10 relations between classes, the number of relation types for aggregation, composition, etc. should be near to each other.