Design a program that asks the user to enter a string • The string will then be displayed back to the user • This is followed by determining the number of • alphabetic characters • numeric characters...

Design a program that asks the user to enter a string
• The string will then be displayed back to the user
• This is followed by determining the number of
• alphabetic characters
• numeric characters
• lower_case letters
• upper_case letters
• whitespace characters
• and then displaying them
• The user should be given additional chances to enter additional strings
• and each time a string is entered, the above process is to be performed
• The inputting is to stop, when the user enters "end" as the input string
• At that point, total number of

▪ alphabetic characters
▪ numeric characters
▪ lower_case letters
▪ upper_case letters
▪ whitespace characters
• are to be displayed and the program terminate

Jun 08, 2022

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