Design a class Parallelogram that contains two private data members: - double length, - double height. Parallelogram class should also have following public methods: - parameterized constructor, - a...

Design a class Parallelogram that contains two private data members:

  • -  double length,

  • -  double height.

    Parallelogram class should also have following public methods:

  • -  parameterized constructor,

  • -  a method to calculate area of parallelogram.

    Design another class Rectangle that inherits from Parallelogram (since a Rectangle is-a Parallelogram). Class Rectangle should have the following public members:

  • -  parameterized constructor,

  • -  a method to calculate perimeter,

  • -  a method to tell if the Rectangle object is a Square.

    Develop the main function to fully test these two classes.


1. please use multiple files (separate compilation)

2. length and height should be protected members in the base class, as you need them to calculate perimeter of a rectangle.

Jun 08, 2022

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