Design a cam for a pivoted roller follower (like that shown in Figure P5.2) to provide the following sequence of motion: The follower rotates clockwise 20 0 with simple harmonic motion in 150 0 of cam...

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Design a cam for a pivoted roller follower (like that shown in Figure P5.2) to provide the following sequence of motion: The follower rotates clockwise 200
with simple harmonic motion in 1500
of cam rotation, dwells for900
, and returns 200
with parabolic motion in 120° of cam rotation.

Figure P5.2

Answered 32 days AfterDec 04, 2021

Answer To: Design a cam for a pivoted roller follower (like that shown in Figure P5.2) to provide the following...

Pawan answered on Jan 06 2022
121 Votes
Design a cam for a pivoted roller follower (lik
e that shown in Figure P5.2)
The objective is to provide the following sequence of motion:
1. The follower rotates clockwise 20 with simple harmonic motion in 150 deg of cam rotation,
2. dwells for 90 deg,
3. and returns 20 with parabolic motion in 120 deg of cam rotation.
Displacement evaluation
Given the arm length, the motion of the roller can be calculated using
Displacement = arm_length * angle in radians = 4.5 * / 9 = 1.571 inch.
Using the above maximum displacement of the cam the profile can be created on a chart with the following scale
X axis : 1 unit = 10 deg
Y axis :1unit = 0.3142 inches
The Steps to follow:
· For 0 to 150 degrees the motion is harmonic therefore construct the semicircle at the end and divide it into equal angles.
· Project...

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