Desgin the test class for the below method. and Apply the proper asserts to get maximum possible coverage. Here is the Method: - public static void insertAccountAndRelatedContacts(Integer no, Map...

Desgin the test class for the below method.<br>and Apply the proper asserts to get maximum possible coverage.<br>Here is the Method: -<br>public static void insertAccountAndRelatedContacts(Integer no, Map<Integer, Integer> mapofcontacts){<br>List<Account> listOfAccounts = new List<Account>();<br>for(Integer i=0;i<no;i++)<br>{<br>Account a = new Account(Name=

Extracted text: Desgin the test class for the below method. and Apply the proper asserts to get maximum possible coverage. Here is the Method: - public static void insertAccountAndRelatedContacts(Integer no, Map mapofcontacts){ List listOfAccounts = new List(); for(Integer i=0;i

Jun 11, 2022

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