Assignment-1 MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisations Page 1 of 7 MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND BUSINESS ANALYTICS DEAKIN BUSINESS SCHOOL...

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descriptive analytics and visualization

Assignment-1 MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisations Page 1 of 7 MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND BUSINESS ANALYTICS DEAKIN BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW, DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Assignment One Background This is an individual assignment. You need to analyse a given data set, and then interpret and draw conclusions from your analysis. You then need to convey your findings in a written report to an expert in Business Analytics. Percentage of the final grade 35% The Due Date and Time 11.59 PM Wednesday 15th April 2020 Submission instructions The assignment must be submitted by the due date, electronically in CloudDeakin. When submitting electronically, you must check that you have submitted the work correctly by following the instructions provided in CloudDeakin. Please note that we will NOT accept any paper or email copies, or part of the assignment submitted after the deadline. Information for students seeking an extension BEFORE the due date If you wish to seek an extension for this assignment before the due date, you need to apply directly to the Unit Chair by completing the Assignment and Online Test Extension Application Form (PDF, 188.6KB). Please make sure you attach all supporting documentation and a draft of your assignment. This needs to occur as soon as you become aware that you will have difficulty in meeting the due date. Please note: Unit Chairs can only grant extensions up to two weeks beyond the original due date. If you require more than two weeks, or have already been provided an extension and require additional time, you must apply for Special Consideration via StudentConnect within three business days of the due date. Conditions under which an extension will usually be considered include: • Medical – to cover medical conditions of a serious nature, e.g. hospitalisation, serious injury or chronic illness. Note: temporary minor ailments such as headaches, colds and minor gastric upsets are not severe medical conditions and are unlikely to be accepted. However, severe cases of these may be considered. • Compassionate – e.g. death of a close family member, significant family and relationship problems. • Hardship/Trauma – e.g. sudden loss or gain of employment, severe disruption to domestic arrangements, victim of crime. Note: misreading the due date, assignment anxiety or returning home will not be accepted as grounds for consideration. MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisations Page 2 of 7 Information for students seeking an extension AFTER the due date If the due date has passed; you require more than two weeks extension, or you have already been provided with an extension and require additional time, you must apply for Special Consideration via StudentConnect. Please be aware that applications are governed by University procedures and must be submitted within three business days of the due date or extension due date. Please be aware that in most instances, the maximum amount of time that can be granted for an assignment extension is three weeks after the due date, as Unit Chairs are required to have all assignments submitted before any results/feedback can be released back to students. Penalties for late submission The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: • 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day, or part thereof, up to five days. • Work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked; you will receive 0% for the task. Note: 'Day' means calendar day. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date. Additional information: For advice regarding academic misconduct, special considerations, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document "Rights and responsibilities as a student" in the "Unit Guide and Information" folder under the "Resources" section in the MIS771 CloudDeakin site. The assignment uses the dataset file A1.xlsx, which can be downloaded from CloudDeakin. Analysis of the data requires the use of techniques studied in Module-1. Assurance of Learning This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes: Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities - appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession. GLO2: Communication - using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change GLO5: Problem Solving - creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems. GLO6: Self-Management - working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions ULO 1: Apply quantitative reasoning skills to solve complex problems. ULO 2: Plan, monitor, and evaluate own learning as a data analyst. ULO 3: Deduce clear and unambiguous solutions in a form that they useful for decision making and research purposes and for communication to the wider public. MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisations Page 3 of 7 Feedback before submission You can seek assistance from the teaching staff to ascertain whether the assignment conforms to submission guidelines. Feedback after submission An overall mark together with feedback, will be released via CloudDeakin, usually within 15 working days. You are expected to refer and compare your answers to the feedback to understand any areas of improvement. MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisations Page 4 of 7 The Case Study According to a study published in the US News and World Report in 2010, the cost of medical malpractice in the United States is $55.6 billion a year, which is 2.4 per cent of annual health-care spending*. Another 2011 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that annually, during the period 1991 to 2005, 7.4 per cent of all physicians licensed in the US had a malpractice claim against them. These staggering numbers not only contribute to the high cost of health care in the US, but the size of successful malpractice claims also contributes to high premiums for medical malpractice insurance. A report from McKinsey (May 2014)† Unleashing the Value of Advanced Analytics in Insurance states: "The proliferation of third-party data sources is reducing insurers' dependence on internal data. Digital "data exhaust" from social media and multimedia, smartphones, computers, and other consumer and industrial devices — used within privacy guidelines and assuring anonymity — has become a rich source for behavioural insights for insurance companies, as it has for virtually all businesses. Recently, the release of previously unavailable or inaccessible public sector data has greatly expanded potential sources of third-party data. The US and UK governments and the European Union have recently launched "open data" Web sites to make available massive amounts of government statistics, including health, education, worker safety, and energy data, among others. With much better access to third-party data from a wide variety of sources, insurers can pose new questions and better understand many different types of risks." The UnitedHealth Group: America's most prominent health insurance provider has collated a range of data and wants to develop a better understanding of its claims paid out for medical malpractice lawsuits. Its records show claim payment amounts, as well as information about the presiding physician and the claimant for many mediated or settled lawsuits this year. You are a Data Analyst working for UnitedHealth Group. Your Manager – Edmond Kendrick has asked you to conduct a preliminary analysis of collected data. In particular, you are expected to perform a series of descriptive and inferential analyses and produce a report based on your findings. The data set contains numerous variables and details about the claims. The eight variables in the data table are described below: Claimant ID Unique ID of the claimant Amount Amount of the claim payment in dollars Severity The severity rating of damage to the patient (MILD, MEDIUM, SEVERE) Age Age of the claimant in years Private Attorney Whether the claimant was represented by a private attorney Marital Status Marital status of the claimant Specialty Specialty of the physician involved in the lawsuit Insurance Type of medical insurance carried by the patient Gender Patient Gender Edmond's email to you is reproduced on the next page. * † analytics-in-insurance MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisations Page 5 of 7 Email from Edmond Kendrick To: > From: Edmond Kendrick Subject: Analysis of Claims (updated) Hi, As discussed earlier, I have cleaned and simplified the dataset to eight variables for your convenience. The cleaned dataset contains information about 200 randomly selected claims made this year. 1. I would like to compare this year's claims data against several other studies. a. Is there a difference in proportion of "MILD" or "MEDIUM" claims by a patient, 's Gender? Can we conclude that there is a difference in the proportion of "MILD" or "MEDIUM" type severity claims by female patients compared to that of male patients? b. As an industry standard, it is believed that the payment amounts are related to whether or not a private attorney represented the claimant. In particular, the average claim amount when a private attorney is involved is higher than when there is no private attorney involved. Does the data support this proposition? c. Also, the industry stakeholders believe that private attorney representation is higher for 'SEVERE' claims than for claims with a "MEDIUM" severity. Is this a valid statement? 2. The Insurance company is particularly concerned in 'SEVERE' claims as the amount of claims are significantly higher compared to other claims. Therefore, I would like to get an understanding of the relationship between the speciality of the physician involved; the severity of the claim, and the average claim amounts. a. I believe that the percentage of "SEVERE" claims with the
Answered Same DayApr 08, 2021MIS771Deakin University

Answer To: Assignment-1 MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisations Page 1 of 7 MIS771 Descriptive...

Pooja answered on Apr 14 2021
154 Votes
    Claimant ID    Amount    Severity    Age    Private Attorney    Marital Status    Specialty    Insurance    Gender
    1    92547.60    SEVERE    31    Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    No Insurance    Male
    2    71054.23    MEDIUM    37    Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    3    82740.86    SEVERE    38    Not Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    4    88260.18    SEVERE    51    Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    5    89719.36    SEVERE    33    Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    6    95394.00    MILD    30    Private    WIDOWED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    No Insurance    Female
    7    92642.10    SEVERE    49    Not Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    8    61312.44    MEDIUM    34    Private    DIVORCED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    9    75827.71    MEDIUM    59    Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    10    80162.90    MEDIUM    55    Private    DIVORCED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    11    101124.96    SEVERE    28    Private    WIDOWED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    12    50722.02    MEDIUM    69    Private    DIVORCED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    No Insurance    Female
    13    61604.84    MEDIUM    41    Private    MARRIED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Unknown    Female
    14    84730.66    MEDIUM    50    Not Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    15    68010.56    
MEDIUM    37    Not Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    16    89477.66    MILD    64    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    17    49006.61    MEDIUM    20    Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    18    74757.45    MEDIUM    48    Not Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    No Insurance    Male
    19    57438.31    MEDIUM    33    Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Female
    20    72380.43    MEDIUM    52    Not Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Workers Compensation    Female
    21    99257.74    SEVERE    45    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    22    72533.47    MEDIUM    36    Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    23    16400.00    MILD    39    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Male
    24    51905.62    MEDIUM    48    Private    DIVORCED    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    25    89683.25    SEVERE    25    Not Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    26    69993.55    MEDIUM    61    Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Female
    27    46192.64    MEDIUM    61    Not Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    28    66027.00    MEDIUM    62    Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Male
    29    148904.06    SEVERE    34    Private    WIDOWED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Male
    30    60043.21    MEDIUM    50    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    31    72570.34    MEDIUM    51    Private    MARRIED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    No Insurance    Female
    32    2400.00    MILD    48    Not Private    DIVORCED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    33    98825.10    SEVERE    78    Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    34    71558.03    SEVERE    56    Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    35    68732.52    MEDIUM    14    Not Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    36    59354.54    MEDIUM    44    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    37    80150.24    MEDIUM    39    Private    DIVORCED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    38    85765.56    MEDIUM    7    Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    39    69782.82    MEDIUM    37    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    40    74439.62    MEDIUM    51    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    41    69983.30    MEDIUM    47    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    42    74862.60    MEDIUM    50    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    43    75555.82    MEDIUM    67    Not Private    DIVORCED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    44    84462.27    MEDIUM    41    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    45    18204.00    MILD    53    Not Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    46    102271.60    SEVERE    74    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    47    97036.92    SEVERE    51    Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    48    1547.00    MILD    59    Not Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    49    66938.75    MEDIUM    4    Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    50    68678.49    MEDIUM    43    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    51    90927.56    SEVERE    50    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Male
    52    55020.28    MEDIUM    44    Not Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    53    96612.94    SEVERE    45    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    54    81217.26    MEDIUM    68    Not Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    55    73985.41    MEDIUM    28    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    56    104679.48    SEVERE    58    Not Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    57    61540.40    MEDIUM    40    Not Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    No Insurance    Male
    58    84954.87    MEDIUM    44    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    59    68853.27    MEDIUM    37    Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    60    24600.00    MILD    15    Not Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    61    50903.67    MEDIUM    37    Not Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    No Insurance    Male
    62    55482.61    MEDIUM    50    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    63    189470.43    SEVERE    63    Private    SINGLE    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    64    63110.45    MEDIUM    71    Private    WIDOWED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Male
    65    58759.67    MEDIUM    31    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Male
    66    55547.30    MEDIUM    24    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    67    79079.05    MEDIUM    74    Not Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    68    34252.97    MILD    15    Not Private    SINGLE    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    69    72572.41    MEDIUM    78    Not Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    70    105553.01    SEVERE    57    Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    71    81617.78    SEVERE    38    Private    DIVORCED    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    72    5400.00    MILD    51    Not Private    DIVORCED    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    73    67330.80    MEDIUM    12    Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    74    92892.21    SEVERE    13    Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Unknown    Male
    75    74289.09    MEDIUM    45    Not Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    76    73344.75    MEDIUM    34    Private    WIDOWED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    77    101453.21    SEVERE    61    Private    WIDOWED    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    78    62204.22    MEDIUM    36    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Female
    79    32373.65    MILD    48    Not Private    DIVORCED    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    80    102748.96    SEVERE    77    Private    WIDOWED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Male
    81    104102.54    SEVERE    43    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Female
    82    53218.22    MEDIUM    42    Private    MARRIED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Unknown    Female
    83    91231.33    MILD    3    Not Private    SINGLE    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    84    43382.38    MEDIUM    28    Not Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Male
    85    57280.38    MEDIUM    47    Not Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    No Insurance    Female
    86    99282.01    SEVERE    59    Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    No Insurance    Male
    87    64900.77    MEDIUM    35    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    88    65336.58    MEDIUM    10    Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    89    98834.87    SEVERE    45    Not Private    WIDOWED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Unknown    Female
    90    81806.59    SEVERE    30    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    91    76018.99    MEDIUM    50    Private    MARRIED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    92    68562.02    MEDIUM    10    Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    93    83373.90    MEDIUM    62    Private    DIVORCED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    94    65426.85    MEDIUM    36    Not Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    95    83638.13    MEDIUM    32    Private    MARRIED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    96    48047.24    MILD    35    Not Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    97    61285.28    MEDIUM    30    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    98    172708.95    SEVERE    71    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Female
    99    84561.60    MEDIUM    64    Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    100    67909.52    MEDIUM    36    Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Male
    101    59598.31    MEDIUM    57    Not Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    102    123268.21    SEVERE    27    Not Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    103    67424.46    MEDIUM    14    Not Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    104    52909.23    MEDIUM    27    Private    SINGLE    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Female
    105    80645.28    MEDIUM    5    Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    106    39788.74    MILD    68    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    107    85823.15    MEDIUM    39    Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    108    109343.01    SEVERE    50    Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    109    102018.12    SEVERE    44    Not Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    110    217600.83    SEVERE    6    Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    111    49307.93    MILD    61    Not Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    112    68527.86    MEDIUM    51    Not Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    113    91178.24    SEVERE    87    Private    DIVORCED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    114    60116.24    MEDIUM    72    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    No Insurance    Female
    115    75161.29    MEDIUM    95    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    116    77695.00    MEDIUM    41    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Male
    117    91222.51    SEVERE    47    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Male
    118    62189.67    MEDIUM    44    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Male
    119    43119.28    MEDIUM    33    Not Private    SINGLE    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    120    114258.47    SEVERE    14    Not Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    121    63417.89    MEDIUM    41    Not Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    No Insurance    Male
    122    91720.04    SEVERE    53    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    123    70518.60    MEDIUM    33    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    124    46529.36    MILD    47    Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Male
    125    98196.77    SEVERE    61    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    126    74631.67    MEDIUM    45    Private    DIVORCED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    127    92241.04    SEVERE    60    Private    MARRIED    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Workers Compensation    Female
    128    63652.13    MEDIUM    57    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    129    68361.55    MEDIUM    50    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    130    74239.76    MEDIUM    49    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    131    90962.46    SEVERE    13    Not Private    SINGLE    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    132    86446.49    SEVERE    52    Private    SINGLE    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    133    82667.25    MEDIUM    76    Private    SINGLE    Orthopaedic surgeons    Workers Compensation    Female
    134    62497.17    MEDIUM    47    Not Private    SINGLE    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    135    69921.78    MEDIUM    81    Not Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Male
    136    87713.80    SEVERE    14    Private    SINGLE    Obstetricians and Gynecologists    Private    Female
    137    5678.00    MILD    76    Not Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Workers Compensation    Male
    138    86011.64    SEVERE    30    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Male
    139    60285.49    MEDIUM    57    Not Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    140    47833.57    MEDIUM    49    Not Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    141    80618.97    MEDIUM    48    Private    DIVORCED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Female
    142    3456.00    MILD    59    Not Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    143    78075.19    MEDIUM    48    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    144    70723.05    MEDIUM    27    Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Female
    145    85350.66    MEDIUM    39    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    146    69990.80    MEDIUM    56    Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    No Insurance    Female
    147    25084.89    MILD    22    Not Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Unknown    Male
    148    67986.34    MEDIUM    48    Private    MARRIED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Workers Compensation    Female
    149    64883.76    MEDIUM    37    Not Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Private    Female
    150    5400.00    MILD    38    Not Private    DIVORCED    Orthopaedic surgeons    Unknown    Female
    151    53869.97    MEDIUM    49    Private    DIVORCED    Anesthesiologists    Medicare/Medicaid    Female
    152    78267.84    MEDIUM    37    Private    MARRIED    Dermatologists    Private    Male
    153    195526.04    SEVERE    56    Private    WIDOWED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Male
    154    67742.17    MEDIUM    67    Private    SINGLE    Orthopaedic surgeons    Private    Female
    155    103112.99    SEVERE    52    Private    MARRIED    Anesthesiologists    Private    Female
    156    81113.22    MEDIUM    41    Private    SINGLE    Anesthesiologists    Unknown    Female
    157    77412.63    MEDIUM    15    Not Private    SINGLE    Orthopaedic...

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