Description: You are required to select for analysis any health service be it medical, allied health, community health or even a paramedical (ambulance) service. Students will analyse that service...

Description: You are required to select for analysis any health service be it medical, allied health, community health or even a paramedical (ambulance) service. Students will analyse that service from a systems perspective of how well it is prepared to meet the needs of Australia’s ageing population. Students are then to make recommendations on possible ways for that service to be improved.
The information collected on the selected service will be presented in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Each slide must include a Notes section that gives additional information to support the information visible in that slide. You must limit these notes to no more than 100 words per slide.
There will be no expectation that students will deliver the presentation.
In addition to a detailed introduction and description of the service and the general characteristics and impacts of Australia’s ageing population, the analysis should include consideration of these elements:
Clinical effectiveness: Improving the health of individual patients through the delivery of healthcare services.
Population effectiveness: Improving the health of populations through medical or non-medical services.
Production efficiency (clinical perspective): combining inputs to produce services at the lowest cost.
Production efficiency (population perspective): combining inputs to produce services at the lowest cost.
Allocative efficiency (population perspective): combining health services and other health-related investments to produce maximum health given available resources.
Procedural equity (clinical perspective): maximising the fairness in the distribution of services across individuals.
Substantive equity (clinical perspective): minimising the disparities in the distribution of health across individuals.
Procedural equity (population perspective): maximising the fairness in the distribution of services across groups.
Substantive equity (population perspective): minimising the disparities in the distribution of health across groups.

Oct 07, 2019

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