Description of the Essay for History of Technology Write an essay that addresses different ways that technology relates to society and explains your views on the relationship between technology and...

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Description of the Essay for History of Technology Write an essay that addresses different ways that technology relates to society and explains your views on the relationship between technology and society. In this paper you should address the social construction of technology, technological determinism or techno-politics. You should discuss and critique at least two of these three ways of thinking about technology. Back up the points you make with specific historical examples from the readings and class discussions. You will be making your own argument about how technological change happens by thinking about the theories and historical examples we have discussed in class. Style and Format 2-3 pages Typed, double spaced 12 pt Times New Roman font or equivalent 1 inch margins Your paper must have a title (the wittier the better) Name and class time at the top of page 1 or on the title page Use either footnotes or parenthetical citations to cite your sources (see syllabus for examples) What is an Essay? An essay is an argumentative paper that expresses the author’s point of view on a specific topic. Essays are usually both analytical as the author is judging or critiquing something, and also descriptive as the author needs to use facts to prove the accuracy of their opinion. Structure Introduction – A good introduction will contain (1) a catch, (2) a thesis statement, and (3) will give an indication of how the rest of the paper will be structured. Body – This is the portion of the paper where the author makes their argument. Here the author presents information that proves the thesis of the paper. The paragraphs in the body should flow into each other. As much as possible, sentences should be active voice with strong subjects and action verbs. Conclusion – The conclusion of an essay should explain how the author proved their point. In this way the conclusion is not simply a restatement of the thesis, but a blending the thesis and the body. Tell the reader how the details you discussed in the body proved the thesis in your introduction.
Answered Same DayApr 12, 2021

Answer To: Description of the Essay for History of Technology Write an essay that addresses different ways that...

Prasant answered on Apr 13 2021
140 Votes
History of Technology
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    The technology is important for the human conditions with providing the clot
hs, shelters and the foods and transportations. The technology is based on the changed society with the key forces to the society that will help in providing the explanations of the changes. The focus is on the revolution with the clear cut beginning with the mechanism that includes the production that are for the craft technology. The simple machines are defined for the individual skills and the high skill technicians that are set for the limited skills wage operatives.
    The technology includes the real cause of the social change with the human control. The computer and the email technology includes the reduction of period with the transmission of messages through the parties that are for the emails and then saving the man hours with reducing human or the traffic of vehicles.
    The technology revolution includes the method with the puddling and the rolling that includes the replacement of the expensive and the labor intensive process that is set for handling the pudding which is involved through the reverberatory furnace. The rolling includes the next steps with the steam engine with the power source. The steam engine is considered important with the technological change that includes the economic and economic results. With the power sources with the fact that it is not adaptable with the water-powered mills that is...

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