Description: In this assignment students will be required to choose an article from the news media that speaks to a human rights issues that matters to them, and that they feel should be explored...

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Description: In this assignment students will be required to choose an article from the news media that speaks to a human rights issues that matters to them, and that they feel should be explored further – for example, children’s rights, free speech, gun violence and police brutality, environmental policies, gender equality and equal pay of equal work, etc. Be creative here! Perhaps you want to include an issue that is not now, but should be considered, a human rights issue. Students will be required to explain why this issue is both important and troubling in terms of human rights, and how it should be addressed and in what ways. Instructions: Your Task: 1. Research: Research a topic that you find important and is,or you believe should be ,a human rights issue. This should be a current issue. Consult credible news media sources for the relevant information. These include news articles from sources such as – the BBC, Globe and Mail, CBC, New York Times, Thompson Reuters, etc.. Do not use blogs or personal websites to gather your information. You may consult more than one source for this assignment, but it is not necessary. 2. Write:(1)After gathering the relevant information, start by explaining her relevant details of your issue. Be sure to discriminate between what is important and what is not. Only include relevant information. (2) Present the reasons for why you believe your issue is important to human rights. Be sure your argument is clear and that the reasons you provide are valid and justifiable. Note:
This assignment is designed to test your ability to think critically. In doing this, ensure that you justify your claims in support of your position and present your argument as logically and coherently as possible. Submitting your assignment: 
 1. Length: ~750 words, approximately 2 pages typed, double spaced. 
 2. Information and References: At the beginning of your paper be sure to include (1) the title of the article, (2) the news media source from which is came, (3) the date of publication, and (4) a link to the article. If you use any other sources be sure to cite them in a reference page at the end of the assignment with whichever style you are comfortable (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago). Ensure that you are consistent with your citation rules throughout the assignment. 
 Marking Rubric: Grade Range A B C D and below Argument My argument is clearly stated and maintained consistently throughout the essay. References to the issue are clear. My argument is clearly stated and maintained consistently. References to the issue are generalized, assumed, or missing. My argument is stated, but not maintained throughout my essay. References to the issue are generalized or inconsistent. It is not clear what my argument is. Evidence I support my argument with examples from the text, critical observations and research that provide sufficient evidence that my position is sound. I support my argument with evidence from the text, and critical observations, but there is not enough evidence to be convincing. I provide limited evidence to support my position. When I provide evidence from the text, I do not show how it is related to my argument. Organization My argument is laid out in a logical way and does not contain gaps. Sentences and paragraphs flow together naturally. I have laid out my argument in a mostly logical way, but there are places where my essay does not flow logically. The structure of my argument is not well- developed enough to be logical. My essay lacks structure. Tone and Voice My writerly voice is consistent and persuasive. My tone enhances my argument. My writerly voice is not always consistent. Some of my sentences sound awkward read aloud. My writerly voice is not persuasive. My sentences are awkward and hinder my meaning. My writerly voice is not persuasive, is stilted and unnatural, and my meaning is often unclear. Conventions My essay is free of spelling and grammatical errors. My essay contains few spelling and grammatical errors. My essay contains spelling and grammatical errors. My essay has not been proofread. 2
Answered 2 days AfterJan 28, 2021

Answer To: Description: In this assignment students will be required to choose an article from the news media...

Mehzabin answered on Jan 31 2021
154 Votes
GENDER EQUALITY                                    5
    One of the most important issues to human rights is the gender equality. This article from BBC has covered
the impact of the Corona Virus pandemic on women. As it is there was existence of inequality between men and women but it has become more certain when a leading gender equality charity said that our society traditionally value works done by men more than women. This is a relevant human rights issue as it addresses that investment is obligatory in childcare and societal care to empower women to attain their financial prospective after Covid-19 pandemic. Women’s care and labour remains unpaid always, though it is the core of the valuing care. It is globally visible that women’s work is downright necessary for not only the economy but also for proper health and well-being. This article has highlighted one of the incidents of what women went through during the time of pandemic. The case of Marged Davies, who is a mother of three years old son named Gruff. This lady owns a beauty salon and the period of complete lockdown had taken a toll on her business. She was struggling to take of his son and spending her savings for living. It was very tough for her at times. She tried her best to give her son an optimistic experience at home but at the same time kept worrying about her salon’s future and earnings. She had no income and had to pay her five employees who were girls working at her salon. This pandemic made her clueless about her work and family’s...

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