DESCRIPTION: Human rights are often presented as universal and undeniable. However, as we have seen not all human rights are absolute. In fact, many have clearly defined limitations. For example, the...

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short writing assignment

DESCRIPTION: Human rights are often presented as universal and undeniable. However, as we have seen not all human rights are absolute. In fact, many have clearly defined limitations. For example, the human right to freedom of expression is limited when that expression directly leads to demonstrable harm such as yelling fire in a crowded theatre when there is in fact no fire. Some have used the same reasoning to suggest that other human rights, even the right to be free from torture or other cruel or degrading treatment has limits. For example, in cases where national security is perceived to be threatened some believe torture can help produce information that can save lives. Because of this, such people believe torture is justifiable. Where do you stand: is torture permissible under certain circumstances? INSTRUCTIONS: This assignment is an argumentative essay that requires you to present an argument that supports your view on the question above. A potential format might look like this: 1. Short Introduction: Should include a well-articulated thesis statement (i.e. the main point you want to argue). 
 2. A Critical Explanation: Explain the main problem regarding torture and its potential limits. Its would be prudent to use an example, such as the Ticking Bomb scenario or your own variation of it, to explain this. 
 3. Your Argument: Present your argument and the reasons supporting it. 
 4. Objection: Consider what an opponent might criticize in your argument. Be sure to 
develop this and not simply mention an objection in a couple of sentences. 
 5. Reply to Objection: Respond to the objection showing how it is wrong and that your 
initial argument is the correct one. 
 Think of this assignment as a debate on paper. Like any good debate, be sure to articulate your argument and the reasons supporting it clearly and directly. Format: 1. Length: approximately 1000 words (roughly 5 pages double spaced at 12 font) 
 Note: This assignment is designed to test your ability to think and write critically about a specific human rights issue. Be sure that you make the main point you want convey as clear as possible, that you justify your claims in support of your position, and present your argument as logically and coherently as possible. Do your best to make reference to the human rights theory we’ve discussed, and consult credible sources outside of class material if you feel you need to. If you do use outside sources, be sure to cite them using whichever citation style you know best (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). Marking Rubric: Grade Range A B C D and below Argument My argument is clearly stated and maintained consistently throughout the essay. References to the issue are clear. My argument is clearly stated and maintained consistently. References to the issue are generalized, assumed, or missing. My argument is stated, but not maintained throughout my essay. References to the issue are generalized or inconsistent. It is not clear what my argument is. Evidence I support my argument with examples from the text, critical observations and research that provide sufficient evidence that my position is sound. I support my argument with evidence from the text, and critical observations, but there is not enough evidence to be convincing. I provide limited evidence to support my position. When I provide evidence from the text, I do not show how it is related to my argument. Organization My argument is laid out in a logical way and does not contain gaps. Sentences and paragraphs flow together naturally. I have laid out my argument in a mostly logical way, but there are places where my essay does not flow logically. The structure of my argument is not well-developed enough to be logical. My essay lacks structure. Tone and Voice My writerly voice is consistent and persuasive. My tone enhances my argument. My writerly voice is not always consistent. Some of my sentences sound awkward read aloud. My writerly voice is not persuasive. My sentences are awkward and hinder my meaning. My writerly voice is not persuasive, is stilted and unnatural, and my meaning is often unclear. Conventions My essay is free of spelling and grammatical errors. My essay contains few spelling and grammatical errors. My essay contains spelling and grammatical errors. My essay has not been proofread.
Answered Same DayFeb 14, 2021

Answer To: DESCRIPTION: Human rights are often presented as universal and undeniable. However, as we have seen...

Dr. Vidhya answered on Feb 15 2021
144 Votes
Running Head: DISFAVOURING TORTURE                         1
HUMAN RIGHTS                                        7
Table of Contents
1. Introduction    3
2. A Critical Explanation    3
3. My Argument    4
4. Objection    5
5. Response to Objection    5

Conclusion    6
References    7
1. Introduction
A variety of opinions exists over the point whether or not; torture should be permissible to a certain limit for the general wellbeing of the society (Kearns &Young, 2018). Torture is the lawfully sanctioned application of force up to the limits that someone is compelled to speak against his or her will.
There are various debatable standpoints over this concept of applying torture as a technique for general good. However, the moral application of torture is inacceptable in civilized norms as it violates the basic principles of humanity as well as it does not always provide fruitful and positive results.
2. A Critical Explanation
At first, it is significant to note here that deontological and consequential frameworks of morality interpret the application of torture over human beings. While deontological perception puts the rights of someone at priority and torture as the action taken against his or her will—even though it is lawfully applied, still it is the clear violation of the basic directives of morality, consequential approach seeks explanation of the possible ‘results’ that can be obtained through applying torture over someone (Kearns &Young, 2018). The two theories can be used in the ticking bomb scenario where the application of torture can result in the saving of many lives that live on the edge of death.
In ticking bomb scenario, the deontological approach views that through application of torture, the location of the bombs can be traced and thus, the entire city population can be saved, if the prime suspect is pressurized by torture to know the location of bombs. However, deontological perception also analyzes the supreme right of humanity because when torture is applied, it is not necessary that the person speak the truth. In spite of this application of torture, the suspect can hold his or her...

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