Describe the liberal policies that were enacted in Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and explain why many of its initiatives were not entirely successful Describe the various liberationist movements...

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Describe the liberal policies that were enacted in Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and explain why many of its initiatives were not entirely successful Describe the various liberationist movements that developed during the 1960s and explain they became more militant by the end of the decade Describe the beliefs of the Silent Majority and explain why it became more vocal in the early 1970s
Answered Same DayNov 24, 2021

Answer To: Describe the liberal policies that were enacted in Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and explain why...

Arunavo answered on Nov 24 2021
157 Votes
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Title: The Libera; Policies Enacted in London Johnson’s War on Poverty
Discussion    3
Works Cited    5
In the wake of 1964 in United States in his first state of union addressed by President Lyndon B. Johnson asked congressional representatives to declare, an unconditional war on poverty. Chaudry et al., have further discussed that the implemented policies of the 1965 amendment of social security, has led to the formation of Medicare and Medicaid. In addition, along with social security facilities for the retired person, disabled persons along with widows and the students who are going colleges who are financed by the increase in the cap, rates and the payroll taxes. The next provision of the policy is the 1964 act of stamp act, which had made the programs of food stamp. The third provision of the policy is the 1964 act of economic opportunity, which was established by Job Corps, the VISTA program, the work-study program sponsored by federal government and many other initiatives. Moreover, the last initiative that was enacted was act for education of the elementary and secondary, which was signed into law in 1965 and had established the Title I program subsidizing the...

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